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may i have a mentor to help me w/ 1st clone attempt?


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
not a fan of olivas
have better luck with clonex
just try to be very clean about the process and it should go well,
new blade, etc
best of luck

OLIVIAS CLONE GEL IS HORRIBLE. maybe you can get a cut out of it. some people like it cuz its fully organic... but this makes it lack 2 main chemicals all other clone gel has. i suggest clonex gel.


Tropical Outcast
OLIVIAS CLONE GEL IS HORRIBLE. maybe you can get a cut out of it. some people like it cuz its fully organic... but this makes it lack 2 main chemicals all other clone gel has. i suggest clonex gel.

As said above and maybe use HORMEX for the water.


I feel nothing and it feels great
would putting some olivias mixed w/ h2o in a cup and setting a couple clones in be worth it? is it ok 2 mix cloning gel in water and do that?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I'd go with a cloning solution first. Any IBA,NAA solution will do. I pour out a small vial's worth, soak stems 1 minute, return unused portion to bottle. The bottle just turned 9 years old.
yea, butryric acid is a common element found in the rooting clone powders i believe. when i have a few weeks, or go on vacation, i have just left fresh cut clones in a tall glass of brita water. come back 2 wks later with roots as long as the plant. so, thats always there. i now have a 95% success rate with the tiny gatorade/p-ade bottles, the 12oz ones i think. when u cut the top off, it is about 2.5 inches tall perhaps. i fill this with 90% vermiculite/10% sphagmun peat. i find this mixture holds together very well for when i cut the bottle open & re-pot for zero disturbance. so, i take cuttings when plant has been watered, around a few hrs after actually. i cut at as long & wide as i can along the stem to expose as much of the naked innards as possible, surface area wise. i immediately put into cup of water. i then, asap place into my V/Peat mix after removing the plant from water & throughly dipping the entire stem into my butryic acid powder. make sure & take a tiny stick & poke a hole deep into your packed down lightly medium, so as to not disturb much of the rooting powder. but sheesh, that stuff is pretty long lasting. after watering etc, it will stay around for a will & keep the area resistant to root rot whilst promoting root formations. there are 2 terms used for cloning that i cannot recall which are common causes of death. its sumthin like bud rot in & bud rot out or sumthing like that, some one will perhaps know what Im horribly trying to bring up. umm, oh yea, one more thing. do not poke around or tug on the plants after 2 days. try & leave the stem root area alone, besides watering for a solid 5-7 days. then, some people EVER SO GENTLY tug on a leaf & check to see if the roots are holding it down. i do not condone this at all. all you have to do is look through the sides & see the roots poking out. patience is a virtue. i use those mini powerade bottles. so after a week or so, i just peel off the label & can see roots & then transplant. some use peat pellets, jiffy cubes etc, all of which you can see roots when time is right. so, don;t listen to peeps who say tug & find out.


I feel nothing and it feels great
well its been exactly 10 days since i took the clone. i see no roots comin outta the rockwool. the clone doesnt look to shabby, just one of the bottom leaves is a lil yellow. shes a bit droopy as well. im startin to think shes not going to root.


The yellowing is a good sign. This means that the cutting is using nutrients stored in its leaves, possibly because it is growing roots.

You are making progress, do not give up. Sometimes it takes up to a month.


Active member
The yellowing is a good sign. This means that the cutting is using nutrients stored in its leaves, possibly because it is growing roots.

You are making progress, do not give up. Sometimes it takes up to a month.

It's all about patience. There's only so much you can do. Just set them up, give them what they need, and back off. Don't check on them every day or disturb them, that won't help anything.

Fat J

Give her more time... time, temp, humidity are the keys to cloning. may take up to a month for some strains...

***edit*** shoulda read the resta the thread b4 replying hehe... i second the above statements***


i am almost afraid to post this because you are new at this and i dont want to give you the wrong idea. i absolutely agree with all of the common advice about clean sharp and sterile razor blades/scissors, and careful dipping in cloning gel etc... BUT a few months ago (after 2 big spliffs and a heated discussion about the most important element of cloning) i did an experiment. i took 50 8-10" cuts using my daughters kid safe scissors, still covered in glitter. i trimmed off all the bottom leaves and made a bundle of all 50. i took a rusty old utility knife from my toolbox and cut the whole bunch at once (laid em on the workbench and made one slice) to around 4" (cringe) dipped my finger into a bottle of olivias (i like rootech but had this handy) smeared the base of my bundle with the gel. all this to prove a point. temperature and humidity are more important than ANYTHING for cloning success. into presoaked bioplugs they went, heatmat, thermostat (set to 75F), dome (mist the dome not the clones). 7 days later i had 35 rooted clones...which i did throw away after proving my point because all BS aside i was still sketch about using that rusty blade on girls that would go on to make meds! i should disclose that i usually get 45 out of 50 using my normal method (clean sharp scissors, sterile environment)
Lucas says "cold cuts dont root and thats no baloney"

you can use the cleanst sharpest razor, cut twice under water, presoak in the right mix, lights just right, with the best gel...and still fuck this up, if the temp/humidity isnt right. invest in a thermostat.
and regarding your initial question...yes you can take a cut that size, but if you wait until its longer, you can leave a node behind to grow into two more cuts before you flip to 12/12.

**edit: lol fat J i guess i couldve just written what you wrote, i second your shoulda read the resta the thread b4 replying!"** will i never learn?


While I'm at 100% now, it took me months to get a single root. Not saying that will be the case here but, if it is, don't get discouraged. Keep trying different ways till one clicks.

True, it can take some people a few times before getting it. I had 100% success my first time, but I have a buddy that couldn't clone if his life depended on it. He can grow just fine, but can't clone, it's kinda weird. I agree though, don't get discouraged.

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