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The use of our planet is no longer sustainable



Oh and what a life that would be...

That statement means nothing...absolutley nothing...

I feel it has more meaning than the original post.

simply because it holds a truth, while the other is purely porpaganda to scare the masses into accepting a "solution"


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Do you realize that it will be the poor, sick, (You people who refer to herb as "meds") the non-white, the gay,( ie, most of you) that will be offed? Is this what you want to promote? Should we take a cue from China and have the government limit how many children you can or can't have?

I am none of those things you listed...so i feel like my flank is covered..

I am all for population control. No one has to be killed to do this. Limit the number of children you produce. Or atleast limit it to the poorest. Because let's face it 9 times out of 10 the children of more ''unfortunate'' families will produce lower quality people..

It's either that..or it all hits the fan one day. And then no one will be asking. The strong will just steamroll over the weak.

Forget whats ethical and whats fair. And think what will happen in reality.

Shit if you think i'm dividing up my land to quarter acre plots and just give it away..you have another thing coming..a bullet..in the direction of your skull to be more accurate..

The fact that democracy has gone to shit..and tha people can not live in a capitalistic society is testament to the ignorance of the majority..


its called an example, just because it might be overly populated where your located too doesnt mean it is so throughout the world,

if you love 1 child policys move to china, the rest of the world would like the freedom to choose without anybody elses influence.

when you deem it right to poke around in sombodys existance, you set the example for sombody to poke around in your own.

its ignorence like yours that creates goverments like chinas, and soon to be the rest of the world.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
And that's the exact fucking attitude that got us into the shit we are in........... the unltimate in narcissistic, self-centered infantile and immature viewpoints, dontcha think?

are you one of those crazy tree huggers?

i do as much as i can to preserve this planet but in the grand scheme of things. what i do doesn't matter. what is going to happen is going to happen.....and i will be long dead before it does.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
its called an example, just because it might be overly populated where your located too doesnt mean it is so throughout the world,

if you love 1 child policys move to china, the rest of the world would like the freedom to choose without anybody elses influence.

when you deem it right to poke around in sombodys existance, you set the example for sombody to poke around in your own.

its ignorence like yours that creates goverments like chinas, and soon to be the rest of the world.


I'm not moving anywhere..China is in this mess because they are fucking like there's no tomorrow..

I will gladly wait till the shit hits the fan and reap my profits then..

And is your worldview not poking around in other peoples business..their wallets to be more specific ? Shit if i could crap out perpetual motion machines everything would be peachy!


no im all for people living their lifes as they can without police busting down doors for plants, where they can choose how many children they wish to have and do as they please aslong as they do not kill, harm or steal, simple rules eh? the rest is called freedom, the more laws you have the less freedom you have, simple.

im against those who are against life, because thats how humans should be, compassionate, unforciantly people are so desencitised by propaganda that they arnt even aware that their thinking isnt their own, theres been thousands of years of practise on controlling humans, im pretty sure theyre getting good at it too, just have to look at the world around us to see the fruits of their evil work,


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
no im all for people living their lifes as they can without police busting down doors for plants, where they can choose how many children they wish to have and do as they please aslong as they do not kill, harm or steal, simple rules eh? the rest is called freedom, the more laws you have the less freedom you have, simple.

im against those who are against life, because thats how humans should be, compassionate, unforciantly people are so desencitised by propaganda that they arnt even aware that their thinking isnt their own,

Who said humans should be compassionate or sensitive ? It is what it is..

Only the dumbasses of the world are getting ''controlled'' and only because they can not control their foolish desires..


The Tri Guy
Just like to chip in on a couple of points here.
1. its not interfering as much to say "please control how many more people you bring into the world", as it is to bring in more than you yourself can support, and demand other people farm their food, educate them manufacture their goods, look after their healthcare needs and provide power for them etc. Then multiply that demand by how many more people each of them brings into the world later on. To make that kind of demand on your fellow population is interfering in their lives on a far greater level.

2. cheaper methods of production, allowing the sale of resources at ever lower prices, is not the same thing as the raw materials becoming more plentifull.

3. if you feel that the world will fix itself, or that things magically happen without anyone needing to make it happen, then why bother to go shopping? Surely the refrigerator will refill itself when it needs to. No need to refill your car, when it needs more petrol it will appear in the tank. In order for a thing to change, it must be changed. The world does not fix itself, nature does not judge or make allowances for our ignorance. if you wade into the sea , it doesnt ask if you deserve to drown, you just drown.


Active member
Hey Retro-grow, I know your pointed comment was aimed at me. I never claimed to be "educated beyond everyone else." But what you are saying has been said since the 2nd Century and has been proven false time and time again.

You have an inflated sense of self importance.
And everything you posted is patently false.
I have my own eyes. I can see what's happening. I have seen the population double in my lifetime alone. And it still grows, as we use up the earth's resources, foul the oceans and seas. The people least able to support children are the ones having the most children. Average woman in Africa having over 7 children, even though they don't have a pot to piss in. No regard whatsoever for the effect this is having both on them and the world. We have created a world of refugees, and we all suffer in the process. Overpopulation is not a point that can be argued. It is math. It is black and white. The more crowded it gets, each persons life becomes diminished, as he is just another of the burgeoning crowd.


Cannabrex Formulator
THE EARTH IS FINE, get outside once in a while. Look around! Watch the Animal Planet or even the new Discovery Channel‎'s Life (TV series) This plant is awesome, alive, strong and VERY healthy.

Tell a big enough lie often enough and people will start to believe it.

Tell that to to folks who's coral reefs are dying by the thousands of acres....

Tell it to the Inuit, who have had to invent names for birds they have never seen...like robins.

Tell it to the sharks, who are being threatened worldwide.

Tell it to the large pelagic fish like marlin, sworfish and tuna, whose numbers are down by 90%.

Tell it to the Canadian cod stocks.

Tell it to the Northern tundra, which is being ripped to shit for minerals, diamonds and the like.

Tell it to all the dead lakes in Alberta, chock full of toxic sludge from the tar sands...all to feed to greed and gluttony of the Western world.

Tell it to the sturgeon, who will be extinct in the wild within a decade.

Tell it to all the people who used to draw their livelihood from the Aral Sea...which has basically disappeared, leaving the remnants hyper-salinated and polluted to all hell.

Tell it to the many, many thousands of species made extinct in the Amazon and other rainforests every year, to feed the worlds hunger for beef and other meat.

Tell it to the world's frogs and amphibians, who are being wiped out by a multitude of factors, most of the human caused.

Tell it to the world bee population, which is in a very critical state (and if all the bees go....we all die in about 4-5 years.)

Tell it to the hundreds of rivers laid barren and thousands of people poisoned by toxic pigshit lagoons (just look up Smithfield Pork and how lovely their production methods are)....pigshit lagoons that can be smelled from a plane 3000 feet up in the air and poison the air and the groundwater for miles and miles around them.

Tell it to the vast tracts of forest in BC and the PNW that are being devastated by mountain pine beetles and other invasive pests who are able to move north due to rising temperatures.

Tell it to the hundreds of thousands of people who used to live in the Chernobyl dead zone.

Tell it to all the people worldwide suffering from depleted uranium exposure and ingestion.....depleted uranium that will toxify and ruin the ground where it lies for hundreds of thousands of years or more.

Tell it to all the fish and ocean life that has to deal with the massive accumulations of plastic bottles and bags (some the size of Texas) that float in the oceans.

Tell it to all the people around the world who have had their heritage seed stock patented and taken away by Monsanto, and then sold back to them in modified, non-seed producing varieties, to cement their dependence on Monsanto and further engorge Monsanto's profits.

I could go on and on and on..........but what's the point...you'll just laugh it off and call me paranoid...tell me to get out my tinfoil hat and put down the Kool-Aid.....cuz you have bought the bullshit 100% if you can say that everything is OK, and we are not adversely affecting the planets health.

Just keep in mind that the Corpo-Nazi scumbags who both control the media and are behind all this malignant destruction and exploitation have ZERO interest in showing you this on Discovery or the like....they would rather keep you in the dark and worrying about OJ, Brittney, Monica Lewinsky's BJ power, the football score or how many blonde chicks Tiger Woods fucked last week.

Because then you won't notice just how badly you (and your descendants) are getting fucked in the ass raw by them, so they can keep milking us and the planet dry for their own selfish pleasure.


St. Elsewhere
3. if you feel that the world will fix itself, or that things magically happen without anyone needing to make it happen, then why bother to go shopping? Surely the refrigerator will refill itself when it needs to. No need to refill your car, when it needs more petrol it will appear in the tank. In order for a thing to change, it must be changed. The world does not fix itself, nature does not judge or make allowances for our ignorance. if you wade into the sea , it doesnt ask if you deserve to drown, you just drown.

Here's where we disagree, hopefully I can clear up the misunderstanding. Many environmentalists point out the damage we are doing to the Earth for the Earth's sake, rather than for the sake of us having a nice place to live. No one is really interested in the Earth in and of itself, it is only important to us because it is our home.

My post was simply pointing out that almost no matter what Humans do, the Earth will keep doing what it does. Creating species and putting them through the crucible of Evolution.

So ultimately, my point was that we are only hurting ourselves. I did not say that the Earth will keep providing for US no matter what, but that the Earth will keep doing what it does. The world won't end, but that doesn't mean the Human Race won't.

Maybe if you had digested my post rather than jumping down my throat with both a neg rating and a neg rep with a smartass comment, then this misunderstanding would not have happened. Unfortunately there will always be people like you who are convinced they are generally more knowledgeable than anyone they might disagree with.


The Tri Guy
well here's the main point. the earth is nothing more than a chunk of rock orbiting a small insignificant star. It is not alive. The life that is here is purely random, isnt necessasary and isnt guranteed to continue. The world does not create life, life happens to be here and through evolution is constantly developing. If we wipe out the human race by shooting ourselves, then yes other species of life would probably flourish. the problem arrises if we continue to destroy ourselves using the methods that we are currently doing it through. by destroying our environment. when we do that, we not only reduce our ability to continue our lives, but also reduce the ability for other species to continue theirs. And to me, personally, it would be better to avoid bringing our presence here to an end through either route. I'd like to see the human race continue long into the future, on a planet that we dont bring life to an end on.


St. Elsewhere
I'd like to first make it clear that I am not advocating trashing our planet, I am just trying to counter the alarmist tone of the thread.

well here's the main point. the earth is nothing more than a chunk of rock orbiting a small insignificant star.

That's a rather bleak statement. What exactly makes a star significant? I'd say our sun is significant because as far as we know, it's the only star system home to intelligent life as we know it.

It is not alive. The life that is here is purely random, isnt necessasary and isnt guranteed to continue. The world does not create life, life happens to be here and through evolution is constantly developing.

Those are quite sweeping statements. Are you so sure? Or is that just your educated opinion on the matter?

when we do that, we not only reduce our ability to continue our lives, but also reduce the ability for other species to continue theirs. And to me, personally, it would be better to avoid bringing our presence here to an end through either route. I'd like to see the human race continue long into the future, on a planet that we dont bring life to an end on.

I think we agree on that.


Active member
Look who are reproducing! Really..Idiocracy movie intro had it fucking right! The more children you have...odds are..the less brains you have. And they are not on a 100 acre farm either!!..

so true man...everytime i walk into walmart and see some morbidly obese fat bitch with 3 ugly ass kids i just want to FACEPALM myself....whos the dirty ass mother fucker whos hittin that without a jimmy?


Active member
once again ill pop in the; the entire worlds population could live in austrailia with a quarter acre of land each and grow most of their own food. thats maths.

and wed still have the rest of the planet to fill.

haha wheres the proof on this? that would be the most over crowded shitstained stanky ass country i could ever imagine...talk about some bad fucking traffic jams.

i already feel like you cant go anywhere here in oakland without running smack dab to somebody. fucking people every where, traffic everywhere, and most of them are ugly too, i wouldnt complain if we were overpopulated with decent looking women but 4 outta 5 are obese!


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
well here's the main point. the earth is nothing more than a chunk of rock orbiting a small insignificant star. It is not alive. The life that is here is purely random, isnt necessasary and isnt guranteed to continue. The world does not create life, life happens to be here and through evolution is constantly developing. If we wipe out the human race by shooting ourselves, then yes other species of life would probably flourish. the problem arrises if we continue to destroy ourselves using the methods that we are currently doing it through. by destroying our environment. when we do that, we not only reduce our ability to continue our lives, but also reduce the ability for other species to continue theirs. And to me, personally, it would be better to avoid bringing our presence here to an end through either route. I'd like to see the human race continue long into the future, on a planet that we dont bring life to an end on.

Just a way out there thought...

Actually human survival could play a crucial role in the survival of all living things. Space is a deadly place. Human intelligence as lacking as it may be. Might serve as a noahs arc for other species in the far far future. Sooner or later something is going to wipe this planet clean! Fuckin' GUARANTEED! And i doubt we have to wait for the sun to engulf us. Not even talking about the importance of preserving intelligence. A survival tool that is even more random than life itself..

And i totally agree with you on the point that life just happened here..totally random. A cosmic fluke if you will..

So we sure as shit might be the only life out there.

I will change this view if we even find a single living cell on another planet.