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The use of our planet is no longer sustainable

It's all about Communism through Environmentalism

It's amazing how stupid people are. Common sense it dead!
Actually, I see it more as conservation and judicious use of resources, valuation of the environment, preservation for future generations to enjoy, individual health (mentally and physically), respect for what we have, and most of all, ironically a conservative trait, personal responsibility. Capitalism has it's place somewhere in there are well.


Cautiously Optimistic
What Im saying is, you need stronger arguments -
Telling me what a past president who left in '96 said and referencing Malthus doesn't do enough to address the data of the study in the original post.



Cannabrex Formulator
How do you imagine that will happen? Overpopulation does not extinction make, sir.

Are you still in High School? Numbers are very capable of being used to convey a fallacy. Just because there is a graph that says we our well over our world's "biocapacity" does not make it true. How does one determine the World's Biocapacity, anyways? And if you are unsure yourself of what this number is based on, can you really say that you have not bought this idea on faith alone?

You've been sipping the Kool-aid, my friend.

All it takes is a 3-4 degree Celsius rise in ocean temps and more than 60% of the micro-life in said oceans dies.......and there goes more than half our oxygen supply...not to mention the very foundation of most of the food chains we know of.

The entire paradigm by which humanity has interacted with its environment for the past 6000+ years has been one of malignant parasitic exploitation......we do NOT put back into the system....we rape it bare and then move on.....and that is not a long term survival behaviour by any definition.

You cannot have an philosophy of infinite economic growth within a finite system......PERIOD.

And anyone who thinks we can keep sucking it all dry with no consequences is dooming their future descendants to die screaming in food, water and fuel riots. (which are coming....100%)


THE EARTH IS FINE, get outside once in a while. Look around! Watch the Animal Planet or even the new Discovery Channel‎'s Life (TV series) This plant is awesome, alive, strong and VERY healthy.

Tell a big enough lie often enough and people will start to believe it.


Green Mujaheed
ndeed. But what if that means extinction of the human species?

It's ok, a few thousands individuals are enough to maintain the species and get it back on the rail.

THE EARTH IS FINE, get outside once in a while. Look around! Watch the Animal Planet or even the new Discovery Channel‎'s Life (TV series) This plant is awesome,alive and VERY healthy.

Stop watching television and look at the world, yes the planet is awesome & alive, but we're killing it, all for immediate profit. This won't last for long.

Irie !
Some of us see the Forest for the Trees, some of us don't. We don't need to disprove the data to demonstrate the point that there are much more important things that we as a society need to deal with.

On a side note, our supposed technology is what enabled to us to overpopulate this planet (Well, this SYSTEM of operating the planet.. Who's to say what the planet can and can not sustain?) so to expect technology alone to get us out of this mess is faulty, IMO. What's needed is an agricultural revolution.

I think what's needed is less population growth, more conservation of resources, which includes increasing efficiency and decreasing waste across the board. Unfortunately, what we'll most likely see is increasing population with technology trying to lessen the impact, which, of course will only further encourage growth. What a bad cycle, it's hard to break when everyone screams eugenics after mentioning that the population has a role in this...


Active member
we stopped evolving like other animals we got smarter so instead of developeing survival skills or developing physical attributes so we can adapt to our enviorment,we manipulate our enviorment to suite us,im not saying were the only species that does it but no one does it to our extent,so in order to do that we use everything we can and not replacing it.the only thing i see saving us is the harnessing of nuclear fusion/fision whatever, or nanotech, for good.but so far it seems like we'll be fighting for resources instead of working together.our extinction will be our own fault and were gonna take everything down with us.its really sad we know all this and usually nature has gifted every living thing on earth with the thought of self preservation but we are the only ones who can ignore it.sorry for stating the obvious.


We must realize that man is power over machines, machines are power over nature, nature is power over man. And that the Spiritual is power over all, or we will fail.


Active member
the best way to solve this would be to hand out free birth control and condoms to everyone. way too many mother fuckers having kids, seriously. your broke, on section 8, already got 2 kids, and your poor dumbass is having another?

people are fucking stupid real talk. mandatory abortions for all!


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
the best way to solve this would be to hand out free birth control and condoms to everyone. way too many mother fuckers having kids, seriously. your broke, on section 8, already got 2 kids, and your poor dumbass is having another?

people are fucking stupid real talk. mandatory abortions for all!

Everyone who has more than one child seems really odd to me. You really think you have that much knowledge to pass on dumbass ???

Seriously stop the fucking!

I can't wait untill shit hits the fan i'll be having a ball blasting the human scum away..

Look who are reproducing! Really..Idiocracy movie intro had it fucking right! The more children you have...odds are..the less brains you have. And they are not on a 100 acre farm either!!..


Cautiously Optimistic
As I stated earlier, The WWF and Planned Parenthood are Eugenicists. The head of the WWF in addition to being a Eugenicist is also a card-carrying member of The Bilderberg Group <GASP>. Daily, I read threads on here about how the "Elites" "suck and they're they boogeymen, Alex Jones blah, blah, blah" ad nauseam/infinitum but then on other days, you take their side and spread their propaganda. So which is it? Are they the purveyors of truth or the devil incarnate? LOL! It never ends.

For all of you pro-eugenicists that preach "population control," How do you decide who lives and who gets shown the door? Are you suggesting that the government decides? Who then? Do you realize that it will be the poor, sick, (You people who refer to herb as "meds") the non-white, the gay,( ie, most of you) that will be offed? Is this what you want to promote? Should we take a cue from China and have the government limit how many children you can or can't have?


its these companys that brainwash you into think the world is over populated so you wont feel so damn bad for all those starving kids...

its also the same special interest behind them thats keeping those kids starving.

wake up, seriously, its starting to become realy degrading.

once again ill pop in the; the entire worlds population could live in austrailia with a quarter acre of land each and grow most of their own food. thats maths.

and wed still have the rest of the planet to fill.

so stick it where you want people, just be prepared to face concequences without contraception
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Cautiously Optimistic
its these companys that brainwash you into think the world is over populated so you wont feel so damn bad for all those starving kids...

its also the same special interest behind them thats keeping those kids starving.

wake up, seriously, its starting to become realy degrading.

once again ill pop in the; the entire worlds population could live in austrailia with a quarter acre of land each and grow most of their own food. thats maths.

and wed still have the rest of the planet to fill.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It's going to be interesting to see whether higher intelligence is an admirable evolutionary trait for a species to have.



Active member
If you want to refute it, I'm all eyes

LOL. come on man grow up. You want me to refute something that has not been established as a good argument, let alone fact?

The sources of your rant, the "WWF, the Zoological Society of London and the Global Footprint Network" have zero creditability.

Everything with you drama queen greenies is a crisis.

Give me some facts (at least what you claim as facts) and I'll dialoge with you. Your first post has no facts. Aren't these the same folks who said the glaciers on Everest were melting and will be gone in 25 to 35 years? Yes they are! That was debunked and they all ran for cover and you are citing these folks for your facts?



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor

What a great world that would be.

No way can we can't loose the....




You entrance into the Eugenicists Program is denied. ;)



three for playing, three for straying, and three f
once again ill pop in the; the entire worlds population could live in austrailia with a quarter acre of land each and grow most of their own food. thats maths.

Oh and what a life that would be...

That statement means nothing...absolutley nothing...


Cannabrex Formulator
i'll be dead before anything bad happens so i don't care.

And that's the exact fucking attitude that got us into the shit we are in........... the unltimate in narcissistic, self-centered infantile and immature viewpoints, dontcha think?

"I am gonna have my fun, and fuck everyone else who comes after me.....I'll shit all over everything so no-one in the future has anything worth a damn......"

WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU to think you have a right to using up what is not yours??!!!!!

Read the second quote in my signature........until humanity can accept that one line, and live according to that ideal....we are doomed to extinction by our own hand, period.

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