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When Cannabis is legal do they release the prisoners?

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Active member
Wondering if or when weed is legalized in the USA, does that mean that the people still serving time for it get to be released? Because that would suck if they didn't.


Active member
I'm not sure, but it may be the same as ex post facto. So no they broke the law when it was illegal and they still would need to finish their sentence. But I'm not sure.


No way they can't be released. What about those poor people who run private prisons? What would they do if all the cannabis offenders were released? And all those poor prison guards and their families?(before you're giving me neg rep look up sarcasm in the dictionary)
IT's never going to happen. Too much money in the private prison business, also than the DEA would have to go after real criminals. And the scared little pussys they are......
I would love to see all my brothers free, but it won't happen.
they lied for over 70 years they can't change that.


Cannabis 101
that would be nice if they did but i doubt it since everything is all fucked up lol
it would make sense


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Only people who were imprisoned after the new law took effect have a chance.

I guess if the law is changed by court order because the old law was found unconstitutional, would there be a chance that prisoners are released.


Active member
Well, the PROPER LOGIC is that they SHOULD be released

dont know if thats going to happen
Cannabis is the gateway drug to cops not liking you, this is the corner stone of what makes the public support of every decision they make. It's just easier and goodie two shoes for people to declare they hate cannabis and it's the cause of every family fight. If you have a personal problem, it's from cannabis.

They would have to release the prisoners, same with if they lower the sentencing guidelines. That is probably a very likely reason as to why they don't want to reduce sentences or legalize. They would have to put it in the law, if they wanted people to serve the rest of their sentence.

The truth is, it's more illegal to make people serve more time if sentencing guidelines are enhanced whiile they are in prison. Hard to say if the Judges would determine if the new guidelines go into effect at the date when someone was arrested or sentenced.

It's also unconstitutional to charge people with a crime that wasn't illegal when it was committed. One area where it is actually a legal excuse to have not known it was illegal, because it wasn't.

They don't want to let people out of prison because then they realize their stupid approach and easy foundation of ego just went away with 'all that hard work'. It's mostly abut how easy it is to form an appearance of justice, by simply hating cannabis. It's actually a lot more than hating cannabis, they want nothing good from a cannabis user. They can't compete with what they are not willing to use, to understand and compete at. If you can't join them, beat them and that is their approach. They want to be part of cannabis, or they wouldn't make laws against these plants.

The saddest part about the Feds, is that it's going to take large buisness deals (back room ones too) to ever legalize ganja and that isn't good for us small time growers. I doubt that they would give very many licenses away so it's not at all likely to be similar to the wine industry.

In the wine industry, anyone with land and a facility to ferment and bottle wine can make a name. Own different lands around the world and come up with a signature blend. With cannabis, they wouldn't want everyone to have the freedom that the Feds would much rather secure from big companies that kill the economy when they fail.


Active member
Dudes, you can not drag this negative energy into the turnament.. oops i meant into 2012! ;)


Snype must have been as high as his cat when he posted this last night. Of course they won't be released, or should I say won't all be released.

In this state Medical Marijuana patients have been tried, convicted, and sent to prison after passage of legal Med. Marij., because the offense occurred before the law went into effect.

How about this scenario, though: a small percentage of people in prison on possession or minor charges are released to provide some good publicity. Snype and his big 4KW grow, though, won't be so lucky.


Keeping people in prison is expensive and a big part of the reasoning for legalization is not spending money on this pointless crap so releasing nonviolent cannabis offenders seems like a no-brainer. I'm gonna guess yes.


Active member
Wondering if or when weed is legalized in the USA, does that mean that the people still serving time for it get to be released? Because that would suck if they didn't.

If we are successful in getting the constitution fixed, so that congress doesn't have all the powers they have now..... Yes. Once it's removed from the constitution... it's as if it never existed and all laws/legislation attached to it are null and void. It would be as if the DEA had never been created.

The private prison system does NOT want their money to leave the prisons.


Issues like that are exactly why it hasn't been legalized.

Hard to swing the doors open and suddenly say "Sorry! We fucked up. We also fucked all you up for no reason. We're stupid. Have a nice day."

People hate admitting their wrong. ESPECIALLY when it has already fucked up millions of lives.
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