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FC's first grow,RRF and Onyx AIR POTS!


FC- as I stated last week, I think from the pictures, that the soil looked dry. You are only watering 1oz of water at a time?? How often? Daily? IMHO 1 oz of water is way too little.

If you want to test a plant to see if it's over or under, you can do this..

Stop watering, if the plant gets happy, then it was too wet.


Water more, if the plant gets happy, then it was too dry.

What day specifically did this go in soil? What day are you at?Did you already give them nutes? if so, when, and what happened?

If they were mine, I would up plant into the air pot, after mixing that soil with 60% HF 30% perlite 10% earth worm castings, or 70% HF 30% perlite.

IMHO Happy Frog potting soil is way too dense to use without cutting. Get those baby's into the air pot, and let them breathe.



I put them in the soil on march 5th. I'm watering like every 2-3 days. with 1-2 oz of water. I gave them nutes on the 15th, I gave them alot of the TEA though,to keep them pretty moist. Then I watered yesterday again with just 1 shot glass each. I could water 1 with like a small cup? would that almost kill that 1 plant if its overwatered and I'm giving it more wtaer? Thanks for the help so far guys


I tried your advice, gave one of the plants about 500mL of water, if the problem continues ill let you guys know. thanks for the help so far.


Since watering that one plant seems to have grown, so I have given the others water too. Here are some pictures of how they are doing, Still droopy but they are still a nice green color, any opinions or comments welcome!

yeah that^^

After looking at how low your soil level is Im inclined to think you may be getting root bound already??? trans plant to a 1 gallon and she will probably explode with vigor.

good luck!
I agree with Blunt and Seedling, I have seen this often with seedlings ..especially when using a soil mix that tends to dry out very fast...But anyway whatever the cause, transplanting into about a gallon pot almost always resolves the problem, it might take five or so days before it comes around, but it should come around if you get it into a little bit bigger pot..Personally I'd just give it distilled water or distilled watered with the ph lowered only a tad until it perks up and actually you'll probably only water once (in the initial transplanting) depending on soil of course.....Hopefully it isn't stunted too bad......good luck..


Whoever is giving you these (ml and Oz) waterings advice needs their head checked. How can one person say the plant is going to use an EXACT ml amount of water.. omg. Water when the cups get light.. Not if heavy.

Also, what these guys are saying is spot on those need some more leg room. Once they are in bigger pots, you'll water maybe once a week, when they are small. Stick your finger into the drit upto the 2nd knucle. if the tip of your finger is dry.. needs water if wet.. nope. Don't over think it like everyone does, it's just a plant. Not a god damn science experiament.. F'n ml of RO 1 oz of tap.. my god... it's so simple.

Sorry for the crankyness it's not my day today..


hahaha no problem bighill, I actually should probably listen to your advice, I think I'm over analyzing things. The plants look fine, just droopy they'll do well. I think I'm going to transplant them soon, I dont see any roots at the bottom yet so I dont think they are rootbound


Don't let them get root bound, they will be stunted some what if you let them get root bound. Autos are a little more sensative to this. By the time they are root bound they have allready passed into flower. I transplant mine once i have them sexed. The roots are not root bound by this point.

A little tip that's worked for me in sexing early. When you look down on the plants. When they are starting to show sex they get an almost ball formation at the top. Since males show first with autos the first ones to develop the ball are "usually" males. The females tend to do this later. I'll use below as an example.

I've got $5 that says this is a guy.

I am betting this is a female. see how the ball isn't as formed as the above one.

Why i do this is so i can get the ones that i think are female into bigger pots as soon as i can. Bigger roots = bigger autos = more smoke in the end. You know what i mean? If i didn't have a massive migrain i would climb in the box snap some photos as an example. I am sure you can get the idea for yourself.

Thanks for the patience, grumpy pants resides here.


wow awesome, I'll have to check them out to see which ones may be males and females, I'm gonna try to get them into their new pots tomorrow or the day after. Its day 15 or so today, so I think sex's will be popping up soon, I think I'm gonna move 2 of them into 2 gal air pots and 2 into 1 gal bags, since 4 air pots dont exactly fit. Thanks for the help big, everyones comments are appreciated and welcome.


I think I may have 3 boys on my hands guys :(, not to sure though, if anyone could help me out and tell me if they are male and female that would be awesome, as I cant really tell whether they are or not. I think I see balls but I'm not sure.

I think this is definately male, but I'm not sure if those "balls" are pollen or just new leaf sets.
Hoping this one is female too

If anyone can help any info would be awesome.


The first one is male, the others are impossible to tell from the photos, try and take a couple of more with some focus on the "ball site" if you can...

Hopefully they are not all males, that would just suck.... TYou had some trouble when they were young and sometimes stress can cause i higher male / female ration...
My fingers are crossed you get some ladies!!


I'll try to get better pictures, I'm not at home right now... Thanks for the help though Seedling, I'm keeping mine crossed too..


May have some bad news here guys, I'm almost 100% sure that all 3 of these guys are male. So far no pistils, just balls on the nodes this is going to be kind of a set back but hey what can you do. I think I'm going to take the males and put them outside, just for their pollen to keep for seeds or maybe some selective branch pollination when I finally do get some females haha. I put 2 more Onyx and 1 RRF in some paper towels and on top of the heating mat.

I have a quick question, about selective branch pollination, do I have to put a bag on top of the branch that I pollinate so the pollen doesnt get everywhere? I'm going to put them outside and put some pieces of paper underneath the plants.
May have some bad news here guys, I'm almost 100% sure that all 3 of these guys are male. So far no pistils, just balls on the nodes this is going to be kind of a set back but hey what can you do. I think I'm going to take the males and put them outside, just for their pollen to keep for seeds or maybe some selective branch pollination when I finally do get some females haha. I put 2 more Onyx and 1 RRF in some paper towels and on top of the heating mat.

I have a quick question, about selective branch pollination, do I have to put a bag on top of the branch that I pollinate so the pollen doesnt get everywhere? I'm going to put them outside and put some pieces of paper underneath the plants.

honestly with selective pollination you could even use a little brush and brush pollen on any of the buds you would like to pollinate......(usually the lower buds)..this ensures plenty of smoke and some seeds to restart....hope this helps:wave:


Thanks for the info phil, I was planning on doing the brush technique but would I still have to put a bag over the branch or would I be all set? I'll definitely be doing that later on when I have some nice pollen.


To be sure you could put a bag over the branch for about a night, in the morning take it of and give the plant a good shower of water. Giving the pollen 12 h to do their magic and then showering to make sure that the remaining pollen dies.... water does that to pollen.



Sounds good, I'm just wondering do autoflowering males pop their pollen faster than normal plants? Since I'm a new grower I want to put the plants outside but the weather just isnt good enough yet, and I dont want my fridge to get covered in pollen haha. Thanks for the info guys.

vicious bee

I use a small artist paint brush to pollinate mine. If I wish to use several types of pollen I spray with tap water the buds I DO NOT wish to pollinate. Then I can pollinate the others. Bags are good too but you can't always fit a bag properly.

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