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Small buds.


New member
Hello everyone.

I am growing under this setup:
1,25x1,25x2,00m growbox
200m3/h air intake and 150m3/h exhaust
600W hps (bloom)
17L pots
UV-B 10.0
Air humidifier for veg.
Biogrow and biobloom fertiliser (also, I have started using bat guano for bloom)
And my babies are Blue Mystics from Nirvana seeds.

I got them through veg for about a month and now they're in day 36 of blooming. Judging by Nirvana description they should be ready to harvest in 15th of april. (It says 7-8 weeks on their homepage and 15th will be 8 weeks of bloom).

And now to the problem.. They are mighty small buds. I have three plants in total and two of them have Uncle Ben's topping made to get 4 main cola's and one of them is a motherplant (I grew her to some 20cm, then reverted back to veg period as soon as I saw first preflowers and tried to get clones, which rooted unsuccessfully). As the motherplant got preflowers before those other two (those two I grew from seeds I had left) - it started blooming faster and is now showing increased number of brown hairs already.

Anyway, the temperature of the growroom is 30 C at daytime and around 25 at night time and the RH is around 23-25%. I don't use humidifer now as I don't want to induce bud rot.
Also, I can't get the temperature down no matter what I do. I open the 'door' of the box for all day and when it's time for them to sleep, I close it. That helps the box stay at 30C and not go higher (once it went to 42C and mostly, if the door is closed, it's staying at 33-35C).

Hope this information helps. I can't show You pictures just yet as the only camera is in my phone and although it's whole 5mpix, we all know that's not the only factor for pictures to be pleasant. :D

I'll post some tomorrow. Hope you have any ideas in the meantime.


Active member
I'm not familiar with your strains but a lot of strains start packing on bud in the last 2 weeks. Some strains don't like to be topped either and can grow smaller buds because of it. Your humidity is a little low also and at times if you're at 42 degrees C which = 107.6 F, that is just crazy and you won't get big buds at those levels. If you want big buds, you have to have the perfect environment, which you don't have. With temps like that your buds are probably a little airy. You will also get bigger buds if you use CO2. The only advise that I can give you is to grow your next plants in the perfect environment next time. Good luck!


New member
Well I haven't topped them. Uncle Ben's technique works just fine as it makes the plant divide growing hormones to four main cola's and all the rest just get what's 'left'. Hm, what humidity would benefit for plants in blooming? The 42C was just an example of one time. Mostly it's thirty. As far as I know, the 'perfect' temp. for cannabis is at around 26C at daytime. It's not that far and this strain is strong from reviews I've read when it comes to temperature.

Also, what is the 'perfect environment' in Your opinion? Thanks.


Active member
Not to be rude but I have to get some sleep. I'm sure someone will answer your questions for you soon. If they don't, I'll answer them when I wake up. Peace!
What is important, is finding out how long you let the plant grow after topping. The size of a cola, is a good bit determined by how long their original growth tip was grown. If you topped, then waited for four cola's to just have their growth tip shoot up then that isn't very long. They still need to develop a few nodes after they have started to regrow and accept that they are the dominate tips of the plant.

How long did you flower after topping?


Active member
70-75 degrees F no CO2 80-85 with the Planet Killer IMHO. If you aren't growing as well as you would like I would Not suggest stepping the Game up with CO2. Get your environment and plants within it grooving Naturally first. Once you have a few grows you will be able to Read the plants better and can think about enhancing the program ...
#1 Bring that heat down! Air conditioners work lovely for this purpose.

#2 At four weeks the buds are maybe half their size as at 8, so expect a little growth.

Container size has definite affect on yields, IE bigger is Typically better.

Other than the main colas how much crap bud is left on the bottom of the plants? This fluffy crap never gets big or even mature sometimes, remove it prior to flowering in the future.

Also, how tall are they and how far from your light,? as these are also important factors.


New member
What is important, is finding out how long you let the plant grow after topping. The size of a cola, is a good bit determined by how long their original growth tip was grown. If you topped, then waited for four cola's to just have their growth tip shoot up then that isn't very long. They still need to develop a few nodes after they have started to regrow and accept that they are the dominate tips of the plant.

How long did you flower after topping?

After topping I vegged them for about a month (maybe a few days more) and then flowered for a month. Now it's about month left, from what Nirvana says.

70-75 degrees F no CO2 80-85 with the Planet Killer IMHO. If you aren't growing as well as you would like I would Not suggest stepping the Game up with CO2. Get your environment and plants within it grooving Naturally first. Once you have a few grows you will be able to Read the plants better and can think about enhancing the program ...

Umm sorry, forgot to mention the co2. I have it also)) Don't need to be so rude. I've been growing since last winter and rarely have any problems at all. And if you can't be polite, please don't reply at all. Thank you.


New member
#1 Bring that heat down! Air conditioners work lovely for this purpose.

#2 At four weeks the buds are maybe half their size as at 8, so expect a little growth.

Container size has definite affect on yields, IE bigger is Typically better.

Other than the main colas how much crap bud is left on the bottom of the plants? This fluffy crap never gets big or even mature sometimes, remove it prior to flowering in the future.

Also, how tall are they and how far from your light,? as these are also important factors.

Well, I was wondering about air conditioner some time ago but then some months ago I had some electrical problems and the electrician said that the wiring in my house is pretty bad. The maximum it can take is 3,5kw before it goes dark. Considering how much love I have for my ladies, I'd go for rewiring of the whole apartment, but recently I made some renovating and that would all go to the bin if I decided to rewire everything. Also, because of the economic difficulties in Latvia, I (and about 60% of our people) without employment, so this is not a good idea.

About the containers I figured, so I bought the 17 liter ones. And the fluffy bud - I tend to let them do things naturally, so all that's grown, is there. And they're not big. About 50cm from the top of the containers. The momma is slightly bigger and bushier, though. They are about 30cm from the top of the light. I tend to put them as close as they can take, without damaging the tops from the heat.

Thanks for your reply))

P.S. - If I decided to rewire the apartment, I have one 'issue' lingering, still. My mother told me that some ten years ago, when everyone was obligated to put in the new electrical counters, my mother paid a guy from the company some money and he hijacked the counter. So my electrical bill is about 75% less than it should be. Don't know if I should contact the company if I'd want to rewire the apartment, as I don't want to pay more, also. :D


Active member
What about my previous post was rude? Did I give you Bad Advice that might harm your plants (not your ego which seems to be bruised)? Whatever. You were the one that let your shit get up to 107 HaHaHa Rookie mistake IMHO. I didn't know you used CO2 (I saw snype mention it) and if you took offense it is Your Problem not mine. My garden is growing fine ...


Active member
What about my previous post was rude? Did I give you Bad Advice that might harm your plants (not your ego which seems to be bruised)? Whatever. You were the one that let your shit get up to 107 HaHaHa Rookie mistake IMHO. I didn't know you used CO2 (I saw snype mention it) and if you took offense it is Your Problem not mine. My garden is growing fine ...
I know. I'm so confused right now. I didn't see anything rude.


New member
What about my previous post was rude? Did I give you Bad Advice that might harm your plants (not your ego which seems to be bruised)? Whatever. You were the one that let your shit get up to 107 HaHaHa Rookie mistake IMHO. I didn't know you used CO2 (I saw snype mention it) and if you took offense it is Your Problem not mine. My garden is growing fine ...

Please, take your trash somewhere else.
That is a long veg after topping, hard to say without pictures. Maybe the plant was simply topped to late but I doubt that, pics would help immensely.


New member
As promised, here are the pictures.








Well, the plants are pretty small. Veg longer if you want big buds. They look ok, let em go, they'll get bigger. They definitely look heat singed to me.


New member
You mean, that bud size is proportional to the amount of the 'green' it has grown? Sounds logical, but weird.

And this temperature thing is driving me nuts. Can't figure out a way to get rid of it. If i'd buy a cooltube reflector, then i'd have to rewire all of my gear, as the ballast is integrated into the lamp. But that would be good in a way, because with the ballast integrated - it weighs approx. 7kg. So this makes the need of heavy duty chains a necessity. And, of course, the lifting of lamp becomes quite a hassle. (((
Actually for your system being a month in those buds look about right.
I am surprised there is not more veg growth from a month of veg but heat could be that reason.

Also like I said before, cutting the crap early really makes a difference. We trim up the bottom of our plants 2 weeks before bud, when bud starts, and possibly again before 2 weeks.
This moves all the fluffy immature nug energy up to your choice cola canopy area. Try it once, the results really speak for themselves.

Hehe it is the last bastion of Rosenthal`s advice I truly believe anymore hehe.