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William "The Fridge" Perry


New member
Ok bear with me this is my first ever attempt at growing. Originally I wanted a complete stealth grow and became very interested in mini-fridges and trying to make it as stealthy as possible. I kind of regret that now (Id rather have a wardrode) but oh well :dance013:

Anyways, like I said, this is my 1st attempt, and although Ive done a lot of research I know Im bound to make mistakes so any input is not only acceptable but appreciated :thank you:

So the nitty-gritty:


Mini-fridge (sorry dont have dimensions in front of me)
150W HPS (Might add some small CFL's for veg but that is for another time)
120mm PC fan in cab (to provide air movement)
170 CFM inline fan connected to home made carbon scrubber

For seeds, I have decided to go with bag seed. The way I see it is Im learning a life-long skill, so if I fuck up the first few times it wont bother me so much. Especially so if Im using bagseed.

Now, about that. Since I dont know the genetics of these particular seeds, Ive decided to try this grow as 12/12 from seed. I know, I know, some (most) people will advise against this, but after seeing some pictures here of how good they can do Ive decided to take my chances. Decided 12/12 so they would flower as soon as they were ready to do so.

For soil I have some fox farm ocean soil
For ferts, Im using most of the advanced nutrients line (Voodoo juice, b-52, sensi bloom a&b, big bud, and overdrive) they cost a pretty penny but im ok with that, especially when you think of how much I will save overall.

Everything seems to be going ok so far. Ph is good, temps stay about 75-80 w/lights on and about 70 w/lights off :jump:

As soon as they show their sex I will transplant them into 2 liters.

If they get too tall, Ill keep the 2 best looking ones and try to scrog them I suppose. Unless someone else can give me some diff input??

Anyways, I cant find the seedling pics but here are some today, the bigger ones were planted around the 2nd and 3rd and the older ones probably around the 7th or 8th.

What do you think??

PS Ill def get some new pics up soon since theres some more plants I seem to have left out...my connection keeps timing out trying to upload any more.


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ICMag Donor
maybe a good thing you start 12/12 directly...depends on how big the cab is realy..but for now this thread looks healthy.....just don't feed to much in the beginning with FFOF....they can last atleast 2-3 weeks without feedings.... it works itself out in the end....and if you got troubles you can try to ask me in PM.....good luck mate !


New member
Ok its Monday, my day off and time to post some updates.

Nothing too exciting happening yet, transplanted some of the bigger ones into 2 liters where theyre gonna stay til harvest. Thinking that a few are starting to show sex! Tried to get some pics, but we've identified one that def looks like a male :no:

Btw, why cant I have pictures that are just part of the post instead of attachments? What am I doing wrong?? Makes it much easier to read...

Ok so...here we are...

336x is just the top view of one of the later seedlings, nothing cool there

339x is side view of the 3 younger fellas (ladies?? hopefully!) I need to get them transplanted as soon as the ones in 2 liters show their sex so we can free up some space! Those cups seem way small now.

349x is a close up of what I suspect to be a male...if I need to I can get some pictures of it today to verify.

352x is a shot in the fridge. Im hoping the droopy leaves can be attributed to the transplant since the younger plants in the back dont seem to be suffering from this...
But what about the one in the middle where the tips of the leaves seem to be curling back under?? is that a deficiency of some sort?? over-watering?? I dont want to add anything to it and really fuck it up haha.

Anyways, :thank you: all for looking at this. I know theres countless threads with much sexier set-ups and plants to look at, but I still appreciate you checking out this little grow.


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A couple have some chunky fat leaves. Hopefully they're both squatty indicas.

Lookin nice and healthy bro. :smoke:

Im hoping so, otherwise I might not have the space to finish...Im looking at roughly 1.5 feet from the top of the bottles to the light. How close do you think I could get to the bulb before they start to burn the tips?? :thank you:


New member
Not sure what this has to do with anything but I like to think Bob watches out for people like us! haha :dance013:

And the beer...well the beer was good and it was tempered over burning witches so it gets a spot up there too.



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New member
So Im thinking of pulling the suspected male tonight but just wanted to be certain...its in picture 349x. What do you guys think?


New member
349x is definitely looking like a male. Hard to say for sure though since he's so young.

Looks like they might be a bit overwatered at the moment. How often do you water? The soil looks dry on top (not always a good indicator) but how moist is it a couple inches down? Your 2 liters have drainage holes, right?

Oh yeah man I gotta know what ya got going for names here. I spotted Link earlier, and possibly a Lou? Musicians and old school video games? Right on.


New member
349x is definitely looking like a male. Hard to say for sure though since he's so young.

Looks like they might be a bit overwatered at the moment. How often do you water? The soil looks dry on top (not always a good indicator) but how moist is it a couple inches down? Your 2 liters have drainage holes, right?

Oh yeah man I gotta know what ya got going for names here. I spotted Link earlier, and possibly a Lou? Musicians and old school video games? Right on.

Yeah the 2 liters have drainage holes just poked 5 or 6 in the bottom they drain nicely.

Watering has been a little tricky...see they started life in those little cups and they got watered probably every day...it didnt hold much at all and the temps were higher than they are now they were 90+ at one point!). In the 2 liters they have been getting some every 2-3 days.

Names were pretty random, whatever sounded good. Theres Bob, Link def for zelda :) Frog-Man was the male that got pulled tonight. Reg and Reggie. Maynard for Tool but he got clipped by the pc fan :( took out a lower fan leaf and maybe half of a top leaf...seems to be doing alright though lol.

EDIT: As of now, have 3 confirmed females. One male that was pulled tonight, and 4 that have yet to show sex. Pretty pleased with the results so far :)
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Day 30 (12/12 from seed)

Things are looking pretty good...actually quite well as far as I can tell. Of the original 8, one male got pulled...one hasnt shown its sex yet..But the other 6 are all female :blowbubbles: Couldnt be happier with that! Almost hoping the last one is a male...wasnt really expecting this many and space is getting tight.

And speaking of space, Im concerned about vertical height. I have about 6-8 more inches before light burn is going to become a serious issue.

You guys think its too late to try controlling them? Pics were taken last night..Is it too late to top?? or what I can try I really dont want to have to cut them early but I dont really have any other alternative options if it comes down to it.

Another thing, during the week noticed some bugs in the soil(Way down at the bottom of the 2 liters)..just tiny little things, and not very many of them. Have been checking them every day for signs of spider mites, and cut back on watering to see if that helps. Havent seen any sign of mites on the leaves and cant even find anything in the soil now so hoping whatever it was...its gone.

Oh, also..why do some of the leaves look droopy? If youll look at some of the pics, it looks like a canoe almost.

Update to this: My stoner memory was wrong...all 7 are females!! So out of 8...only one was male..I cant hardly believe it, but the have all definitely shown sex.


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Hmm cant seem to post more than 4 pics at a time haha :moon:


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New member
Thats it for now folks. Thanks for the input! this site has given me more knowledge in one place than anywhere else. I tip my hat to all you real growers out there :tiphat:


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New member
They look excellent man. Don't change a thing! So green and healthy! How big are the fans on that indica? They look monstrous.

If space is getting tight... its never too late to LST them. Grab a stem and tie 'er down!

I dunno about flowering 6 plants in there though, even with strict LST. Closet time bro :smoke:

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