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mucus on roots



I have a problem, I noticed the roots of mucus. Water is around 19 degrees Celsius. What should I do ? mucus is colorless. I use a circular dwc system.pH is 5.8-6.2. also noticed that decreasing pH. Flowers are one month into flowering. I use Hesi bloom nutes.


Active member
'Give us some more details please!. System/Growing Method, Medium/Substrate, Nutes/Additives, EC/CF, PH, etc. Your temps are Good at around 68f i believe. it may help to use H2o2(Hydrogen Peroxide) to help cleanse your Root system of any nastie pathogens, but this will depend on the system you are using, I'd recommend a dose or three if your growing in DWC or NFT, E&F, the majority of hydro growing tecniques for that matter! I use it throughout the whole veg period myself. H2O2 will kill new/existing infections, it will destroy all bacteria(good+bad) and breaks down anything organic, pretty much destroying it. I use it as cheap insurance against any bad pathogens, i swear by the stuff & highly recommend it. Not to mention the added benefits of the added Oxygen it gives to the root zone aswell!


Thank you Scrogerman. How much h2o2 per liter should i add?

my English is not very good so sory :)


Active member
Ohh man...I've been puking my guts out from food poisoning for 2 days now could you pick a nicer term like slime, goo etc... It is most likely algae as your res temps are good. Check for light penetrating the root zone. Scrogerman is right about peroxide dose depends on the concentration of h2o2 you have. Search for h202 or peroxide or algae roots. physan20 will cure your problems.
Cheers (burp...:puke:)


A little mucus is normal. Mucigel is secreted by the root cap cells to ease passage of the root tip thru soil, and to feed beneficial bacteria in the rhizosphere. It's made of sloughed off root cells & polysacharides (sugars). But in DWC, mucus buildup attracts root rot. Not good.

Rough estimate 4 h202.

15 ml/ gal 10% strength
5 ml/gal 30% strength

It breaks down within 24 hours, so u gotta retreat everyday. An alternative would be to use a 1/2 strength diluted enzyme, such as Cannazyme, Hygrozyme, or Sensizyme. Good luck...


hey guys ,
Highonmt cheers:friends:
Thanks for info , now i dont know if physan 20 is availible in my country , we dont have any hydroshops . I went to aquarium shop and buy something for algae , it should be for all algae i think if its not poison for fish it should be ok for flowers too :chin:. So i ll try this .And also i ll try h2o2 -thanks for info wisbery:tiphat:
Ou and also i notised that my ppm was way too much around 4000ppm:yoinks: I gues i was smoking to much widow forgot to check it out hmmm NO No I'm probably lazy thats all:bump:I also noticed that the mucus appear week after I first used hesi powerzyme.Before that I had no problem with the mucus never.
Grapeman thanks for link excellent information :)
thanks again i will report the situation.
excuse my english :)
cheers :friends:
Have a nice sunny day :)


Active member
Hey Dude!
Noo, the Physan 20 is pretty nastie stuff and to be used a a last resort against the dreaded 'Brown Algae' -aka- Root Slime Herpes. Using Physan 20 is jumping the gun and not needed as i doubt you have brown algae("Do-Not-use Hygrozyme"if you have Brown Algae or if you grow in DWC!). It is possible, but i dont hear you complaining about Brown Slime covering your roots, all you have said is mucus as i understand it - right? Do you have 'BROWN' slime covering your roots?
H2O2 will even clear up a 'Brown algae' attack if caught at an early stage. The stuff i use is called 'OXY+', and it's 17.5% strength solution and max recommended use strength is '5 mls' per '10 litres' - I use it at 3 - 5 mls per 10 litres, its a sound and must have product imo!
This is the stuff you need bro' 17.5% strength solution-'Oxy+'. Physan 20 is a fierce product and will wipe out any fungal/Bacterial infection, but in your case such a drastic measure is not required, and i hope you never have to use it too, its banned for sale in the UK btw! Use Oxy+ from 'Growth Technology'(Manafacturers), it has more added benefits like the added Dissolved Oxygen(O2) it adds to your solution & it also aides in faster nutrient uptake leading to lusher plants with Darker/Broarder Leaves & Thicker Stems, Overall a healthier & sterilised garden, leaving you a blank canvess in the root zone enabling you to add beneficial bacteria and the like if you so wish. I have used Oxy+ from seedling stage right through to harvest also with exellent results, i use it in cycles of 3 days on 2 off & also every other day gets results too, you can see this stuff working & its a staple in my kitchen lab!. Go with the Oxy man! Could you possibly post up some pictures of your roots so we can all take a look, that would be a great help! G'Luck......!
'Peace..........Scroger'..............;) :tiphat:


hey there hunt. first off- get that ppm down. next, i'd call hesi, ask for the tech rep, and ask if that product would cause your symptoms. usually bad stuff causes roots to turn green or brown. i use subculture B, which is a mix of beneficial bacteria and fungus, so my roots always look like snot is dripping off. you can also easily make lacto baccilus, and there are several good threads here- takes about 3 weeks to brew. these bennies not only kill bad bugs, but also increase the ability of the roots to absorb nutes.


Hey there Jamie. My ppm is now down and it s around 1100ppm.
I added h202 and 50% of a mixture of anti-algae. I will leave until tomorrow and then changed the water and clean the tank.My plants are getting water from above and 5 centimeters from bottom of the bucked water is going out back to the res.I have airstone in every bucked 200l of bubbles per hour and also air stone in the res 400l/h pump.Water circulating non stop.I have four girls under 400hps.I run this sistem for one year now and never had problems with algae or mucus or anything,probably it is possible that the problems caused poverzyme.
Here are the pictures to see a little mucus but not much because I have flushed.

Roots of two girls on vegetation

And roots of girls who are in day 60 of flowering

and as below so above

Thanks scroger for advice Oksy + looks like gud stuff i think i ll try it . Thanks to all for help, Have a nice sunny day :)


Active member
Hey Dude!
Noo, the Physan 20 is pretty nastie stuff and to be used a a last resort against the dreaded 'Brown Algae' -aka- Root Slime Herpes. Using Physan 20 is jumping the gun and not needed as i doubt you have brown algae("Do-Not-use Hygrozyme"if you have Brown Algae or if you grow in DWC!). It is possible, but i dont hear you complaining about Brown Slime covering your roots, all you have said is mucus as i understand it - right? Do you have 'BROWN' slime covering your roots?
H2O2 will even clear up a 'Brown algae' attack if caught at an early stage. The stuff i use is called 'OXY+', and it's 17.5% strength solution and max recommended use strength is '5 mls' per '10 litres' - I use it at 3 - 5 mls per 10 litres, its a sound and must have product imo!
This is the stuff you need bro' 17.5% strength solution-'Oxy+'. Physan 20 is a fierce product and will wipe out any fungal/Bacterial infection, but in your case such a drastic measure is not required, and i hope you never have to use it too, its banned for sale in the UK btw! Use Oxy+ from 'Growth Technology'(Manafacturers), it has more added benefits like the added Dissolved Oxygen(O2) it adds to your solution & it also aides in faster nutrient uptake leading to lusher plants with Darker/Broarder Leaves & Thicker Stems, Overall a healthier & sterilised garden, leaving you a blank canvess in the root zone enabling you to add beneficial bacteria and the like if you so wish. I have used Oxy+ from seedling stage right through to harvest also with exellent results, i use it in cycles of 3 days on 2 off & also every other day gets results too, you can see this stuff working & its a staple in my kitchen lab!. Go with the Oxy man! Could you possibly post up some pictures of your roots so we can all take a look, that would be a great help! G'Luck......!
'Peace..........Scroger'..............;) :tiphat:

My point is for him to read the thread I linked. You're giving advice with no pictures posted. If he read the thread, instead of taking advice, either yours or mine, he can apply the knowledge in the thread for himself instead of taking advice from strangers. IMO, if he's already got the slime, h2o2 is not going to fix the problem.

Maybe you should read the thread also. Physan 20 is for cleaning (or dipping roots in extreme cases). Once the roots are cleaned of the major problem, beneficials play an important role in not only eating the slime, but in other ways also.


Active member
? i was just offering sound advice with a great product!

? i was just offering sound advice with a great product!

My point is for him to read the thread I linked. You're giving advice with no pictures posted. If he read the thread, instead of taking advice, either yours or mine, he can apply the knowledge in the thread for himself instead of taking advice from strangers. IMO, if he's already got the slime, h2o2 is not going to fix the problem.

Maybe you should read the thread also. Physan 20 is for cleaning (or dipping roots in extreme cases). Once the roots are cleaned of the major problem, beneficials play an important role in not only eating the slime, but in other ways also.

???Dude Im sorry i dont see what your gettin at with this? the guy was asking the opinion of ICmag Members (Myself Included Directly) so i gave my advise, like what he was asking for imo! He never stated he had the Brown Algae/Slime at any point, he only complained of a mucus type membrane, 'Clear' in colour & covering his roots. Now that aint Brown Algae is it bro! As another member pointed out this can be natural/not harnmfull. 'Brown Algae, I Have First Hand Experience With & when ive treated an infection in its early stages with H2O2(Oxy+) it has always cleared up with continued use of the Product for several or more weeks afterwards.
I was just pointing out the benefits of using a product such as Oxy+, which imvho is the best product he could use to correct the Bacterial issue he has at present. if he thinks his ppm's are ok at 1100 & his ph continues to drop, then he has bacterial issues. A simple course of Oxy+ will put pay to his problem leaving him a lovely black canvess to add bene's to the root zone etc. The use of Physan 20 in this case is a little drastic to say the least. his problems does'nt warrent the use of this fiercesome product, not to mention the mess it makes and all the flushing required after use etc. Oxy+ will fix his problem & the added benefits far out way using such a product as physan20, there's just no-need to use this product at all. I have cleared slimey roots up in no time at all using Oxy+, what a great product, thats all i am saying at the end of the day! G'luck to you.........Peace...........Scroger..;)


Active member
Dude relax and add some peroxide that looks like a minimal algal or bacterial biofilm infection. Perhaps it was my condition at the time but I imagined loooong slimy masses of brown mucus...should have waited for the pics...they look fine bro no worrys...


after I cleaned the entire system and add h202, the roots started to grow again :) Thanks again everyone for your help, all your opinions have helped me.
Have a nice sunny day :)

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