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Its too big


Thats what she said.....

Sorry, couldnt resist.

I have a room full of blueberry two weeks into flower, and one of them has just turned into a real monster. I have a 5 foot high room to flower in, and this sucker is at four feet already, while everything is about 3 feet.

Tying it down isnt really an option as the stem even at the top is very thick.

Can I put this outside and let it flower now that it is spring more or less? Or will that just fuck it up ?


if it's warm enough where you live and the lighting is round about 12/12 outside i don't see why it would hurt it. one thing you don't want is that phatty kola to burn. just make sure outside is the right conditions. it might take a couple days to figure out what just happened but when it gets some true sunlight it might hit 5' homie.


it won't make it outside before the light becomes too much, but if you can control the amount of light it gets then that will work. Just crush the stalk and bend it down and tie it, it will work and be just fine.


thanks for the replies. I was just checking the sunrise/sunset tables in my area for the next month.

For the next few weeks things are close to being 12:12, but starting in May it looks like the days get too long.

"Just crush the stalk and bend it down and tie it, it will work and be just fine."

hmmm...do you mean literally crush it, as in just snap it back and tie it down???


Where am I?
sup bro. yeah if it is only 2 weeks. flower figure the amount of days or weeks left till the hours start changing. just in case.. or trying the supercrop method as someone said.. i know what you mean though the stem might be too thick to even super crop.(Crush and bend ).Or just Try to Tie daily a little at a time until she bends more and more... to a rope from top. and pull down as much as you think is safe . and then tie to bottom somewhere if you can do some silly shit like that.. that might help.. or if you want throw that bitch outside and let here thrive on natural sunlight.. anyway thats my :2cents:


Active member
If you take and bend the main branch over.. you can make it any size you want.. tie it back onto itself.. make it fit your needs. Dont let the plant control you :p


Crotchety Cabaholic
I usually bend my plants when the soil is dry and the plants are softer. Trying it after a watering leads to snapped branches.
Bend that girl over and keep her in check. You'll see some nice growth in the lower buds.


I just lean the whole thing over, pot and all,....you can get as much vertical clearance as you need, and no plant stress save the sudden 30 degree angle gravity shift,..................if you do this early enough the side branches grow into main kolas, like LST, or "trellis training"

you only have to stand it up straight when you water it, and then only for 10-20 minutes,..........you can also transplant them into the same pot at an angle, but you'll need to trim the rootball some to accomplish this, which will cause shock, so plan the tilted transplant timing well if you go this way.

when I do this I call that girl(s) "I Lean"

I do this all the time if I get a stretcher, works great.



yeah you can lean it over, but you might have a hard time depending on the pot, or you might damage root structures.

To crush the stalk pinch it with 2 fingers and rub your fingers back and forth like your rolling finger hash between your fingers, the stalk with crush and become bendy. Do this for an inch or so and you can train the branch anyway you like.


yeah you can lean it over, but you might have a hard time depending on the pot, or you might damage root structures.

To crush the stalk pinch it with 2 fingers and rub your fingers back and forth like your rolling finger hash between your fingers, the stalk with crush and become bendy. Do this for an inch or so and you can train the branch anyway you like.

good tip,....

I forgot to mention: I stick the leaner in a cardboard box so it is supported (the deli across the street has heavy waxed "iced broccoli" boxes out for recycling every week)


darksith is spot on. those stems are just hollow drinking straws. the first time ya pinch it and it partialy cracks, your stomach falls straight down and out your ass, but then 12 hrs later its already forming a knot and beginning to straighten up. that why its important to tie (or i prefer 1/2" tape) the top down. then every node along that branch will begin to form into a cola.

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