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"Day" drinking...

Day drinking is a good way to get into trouble, it depends what is going on. Sometimes, I like to drink in the woods during the day. But drinking during the day while at the computer, well plus passing out early. I'd rather smoke pot all day, then as far into the night as I can! Usually wake up and smoke some more, since I don't sleep all night long.


The cat that loves cannabis
Day drinking if your planning on evening sleeping maybe.
I almost never drink, but smoke like crazy, from just after breakfast, to right before bed.


Active member
College football season, if a good game begins at 11am.. you bet your ass I will be drinking at 9am.


Active member
day drinking is one of my favorite past times...go to San Francisco on a sunny day, ride the bus around and pop open cans of brew on the bus..walk around chinatown, downtown, the mission, meet up with friends, etc

its risky though, by night time you are straight hammered and its hard to stay awake and drink with all the night folks.

alcohol is addictive too watch out...there was a period last year where i would wake up and kill beer until nighttime, every day, every week. i had so many empty 32s of high life everywhere it was ridiculous, barely got shit done and did a number on my brain. now i try and drink only 2-3 times a week.


jeebus christos.....It's called moderation and personal responsibility, they don't teach in america but it's not too hard. I see all these posts about how alcohol and opiates and all other drugs are bad for you...blah blah blah. Too many fucking cheeseburgers is bad for you.

Grow up. If you can't moderate yourself, that's you, not everyone else. I'll drink a beer or two throughout the day sometimes, not everyday but sometimes. Does that mean I'm gonna become an alcoholic? NO. I snort dilaudid's every once in a while and smoke opium sometimes...does that mean I'm gonna become a opium addict? NO. Yes, you can become addicted to these drugs but if you MODERATE yourself and take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for your actions on the drugs instead of blaming your problems on the drugs, you'll be much better off.

ECB, there's nothing wrong with having a few drinks a day. Now, if you were a rip roaring drunk getting shit faced everyday I'd say you have a problem.

Oh, my family does have a alcohol addiction problem and I don't even really like to drink that much, just a couple beers with dinner usually and about once or twice every few months I get shit-faced with a few friends. Addiction is only what you want it to be. Nobody forces alcohol or drugs down your throat's, so it's up to you to decide how far it will go. Just because you can smoke pot everyday doesn't mean that goes for every other drug. Be educated and make educated decisions.


I drank all day yesterday - from 3pm to 12. Celebrating St. Paddy's day and all. Classes on Wed. and Thurs. really prevented me from getting shit faced on Wed. Gotta keep my priorities in order.

But yeah, day drinking takes stamina. It helps to eat a big meal for dinner to absorb all the alcohol so you can keep going late into the night.

With this beautiful weather the east coast is getting, it's hard not to sit outside in the afternoon and enjoy a brew.


cant stop wont stop
good post Gdood9

this thread has inspired me to open a beer.. i was gonna anyways just too lazy to walk to the fridge..

ECR Needs to come back, that was one crazy cat!! :biglaugh:


haha I was also inspired to crack a beer. Plus, there's nothing that goes better with march madness than a beer or 5. The games this year have been crazy


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
If I drank alcohol, I would be dead. One of the finer choices I've made.

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