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Ideal Flowering months.


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Hey there, just curious as to if you can flower plants grown outside all year round, i no certain month periods are best but is there a way to do it anytime of the year, or even ive heard of veging plants under hydro's until the perfect time of year to flower and so on.
growing would be done in NZ, and Western Aus time zones.



This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Sorry. I know nothing of NZ, but in Clai, south TX and a few other states, pot plants flower outdoors year round.

Indoors I tend to have issues flowering plants July and August when I room gets too warm. This is most likely something I am causing, but for show, cooler and colder months are ideal flowering times indoors when heat is better managed.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
a friend of mine in Australia is cropping his at months end, if that tells you anything, so the months leading up then.

Assuming you are down under

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I live down under, it is now autumn. Outdoor plants have completed the veg and stretch phase over spring and summer and are now flowering in the shorter days. The indicas are nearly finished and the sativas have another month or so.

If you put a female cutting outside now it would flower immediately producing very little yield.

Do what I do, outdoors in spring summer, indoor hydro over winter. I maintain a good stock of mother plants in soil. I get cuttings off these for a 36 plant SOG under a 600w HPS over winter, no veg time, straight to flower and take clones in early September to go outside in mid October.