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Can anyone tell me...?


Thanks for the warm welcome. Oh and I'm very easily entertained so that shouldn't be a problem. I am realizing that I always thought weed was weed and you either liked it or you didn't. That was my life using for 'fun'. Now that it is more serious do to my favorite guy's suffering I am learning all about the different strains and such. Feeling a little like I got the cart before the horse having been given a nice stash, but now realizing it might not be what is best for him. I am going to have him try this stuff though because now that I have smoked it I can tell you that feels like a nice, mild high without a bunch of fogginess or psychotropic type activity. I sometimes find that I feel all scrunched up and like my body is humming... I like this better. Again thanks for the welcome and I'll try to get him to try this tonight.


I would also say it is a hybrid and agree that a 60/40 split would be a good educated guess. I would put my money on it leaning to the sativa side based on the description of the high. Probably a common strain but no way of telling. Either way it gets you off and it was free so you win.


I'm thinking this herb was stolen by a ripper.

-$2400 worth of weed obtained for free
-The people who posses it have no idea what it is
-It looks like premature outdoor


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It's not uncommen to get weed for free we do it all the time. The way we smoke giving away a few pounds would not hurt us in anyway. To me it looks like lower branch buds. Yes 60 sativa 40 indica.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I'm thinking this herb was stolen by a ripper.

-$2400 worth of weed obtained for free
-The people who posses it have no idea what it is
-It looks like unflushed premature outdoor

I gurantee whatever that weed is...aint going for 2400 a hp..:laughing:


I'm thinking this herb was stolen by a ripper.

-$2400 worth of weed obtained for free
-The people who posses it have no idea what it is
-It looks like unflushed premature outdoor

Well it came to me by way of Oregon and being an Oregonian myself I can vouch for the people there. Good hearted and generous!

I don't know what it means to be unflushed and premature but I'm sure someone will fill me in someday.

Oh and I contacted my friend and she said she could find out more about it for me. So maybe I'll find out after all.


Well-known member
HWM herbie what up asshole its been a long while and i see you have surpassed the teacher great job my lil turd lol


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
there's no telling from a picture what the strain is.. do you plan to smoke it or sell it? (you don't have to answer that) but if it's the second one here's some marijuana lingo around my way.

Commercial Weed - Mersh
Quality Weed With Out Seeds - Killer or should i say killAH - because i can't pronounce my R's.

if your selling it, just tell people it's killer.. i'm not sure how they'd react being i'm not where your from. but that's the lingo we use around New England. :tiphat:


there's no telling from a picture what the strain is.. do you plan to smoke it or sell it? (you don't have to answer that) but if it's the second one here's some marijuana lingo around my way.

Commercial Weed - Mersh
Quality Weed With Out Seeds - Killer or should i say killAH - because i can't pronounce my R's.

if your selling it, just tell people it's killer.. i'm not sure how they'd react being i'm not where your from. but that's the lingo we use around New England. :tiphat:

Hey that is funny KillAH weed for sale!!!! So you must be from the same part of the world that would be able to easily interchange that with "Wicked" good. I lived in NE for about 5 years. I can remember a few good hits back then, but I couldn't have told you what I was smokin' then either. I do love NE though... I do consider it my second home. As for the selling i'll probably NOT do that. It was given in hopes of helping my hubby with his diabetic nerve pain. Prob is everything we have tried so far has made him go to the dark side. In his defence we have no idea what we've been smokin' since it was all bought "on the street". That being the major problem with this gift. I don't know what it is and I am thinking that he needs something that will have more CBD than THC. (And that my friends brings us to the extent of my knowledge of MMJ so don't go gettin' all technical on me.) If this stuff doesn't make him go to the dark side then yippee and I'll probably have him vape it since I just recently read that ingesting it makes the thc 3x more psychoactive after it motabolizes through the liver... that is exactly what I don't want.

I am a bit confused by all of this as it isn't just as easy as here smoke this it is just what you need, if that makes any sense.


the important thing is how it helps his condition. that may take days of smoking one strain exclusively or it might just take one session who knows... while there are loads of information on this site, in the end your so will have to give them a go.

when you find one that works, buy a lot cause you may not see that exact thing again.

good luck to you both!


Yippee!! I just got a few nugs from a friend who just finished drying his first harvest. I got some Purple Kush, Chem Sis, Chem Dog, Strawberry Cough, and Mendo Afgoo. I'm gonna have fun helping hubby find the right medicine for him.