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Are Prophet Seeds Difficult to Germinate



Never understood the whole soaking thing. I was always afraid my seeds would drown.
I do understand, though, that it works for others so it should work here.
Heating mats definitely mess it up. My heat mat gets to about 90 degrees. I actually prefer to keep germinating seeds in a cool dark area (about 60 degrees). Never had a problem that a little skuff didn't take care of if that failed. Just takes a tiny rub of some fine grade sandpaper.

danny karey

with all due respect......Sounds like your making germination alot more complicated than it needs to be man. I soak for 24 hrs (on top of a heat mat) than in my medium (on top of heat mat) Usually get sprouts in a couple of days.

Hope it works out for ya man.......Keep us posted.



just popped 4 of these all four are up the did not want lose the seed shell tho but they did eventually. healthy as rain water since jump to, whats the flowern time on the pre 98 bubba anyone know of hand ?
just popped 4 of these all four are up the did not want lose the seed shell tho but they did eventually. healthy as rain water since jump to, whats the flowern time on the pre 98 bubba anyone know of hand ?

I had the same problem here, had to do surgery on both of my sprouts to remove the shell.



I just got 13 seeds on saturday, germed them that night, and 8 had popped by monday. Its tuesday now, and the remaining 5 have not popped. I'm going to skuff them up a little and see if that helps at all.

So far, they haven't been hard to germ.. but this is my worse success rate so far. Lets hope those other ones crack, I'll update when I find out! :)


so here's the update: all 8 beans that cracked have sprourewed in cups of pure coco.
the remaining 5 still don't want to crack.

I was quite happy at first expecting only 10 seeds, but receiving 13'

but.. I can only hope to find a good representation of these seemingly stellar genetics since I certainly will not order seeds when only 60 percent even popped. I mean.. these are fresh beans.. my ghs and rez beans sat in a drawer for over a year and I got 100% to sprout. id be better off paying rez prices for the germ rate (ofc the cheaper ones lol)


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
I haven't posted pics yet Zig but I had similar initial germ rates

Out of my 12 I popped 7 in first day and they're going fine, my problem was that I forgot about the other 5 and went back 5 days after (when I finally remembered) and they'd all popped, grown nice long tails and then dried up and died because I forgot em

Spank me please


lol they're still soakin bro i haven't totally given up hope yet.
thats like 25 bucks there lol thats good money for a poor guy like myself


Zig, it appears that some folks are having a bit of trouble with germing. Looks like you're germing in cups of coco and soaking or.......? I find coco to be very compacting and holding too much water for proper germination; and tha reason I recommend cracking in water and goin to paper towels, 'till completely out of tha shell. If they have cracked, take 'em to tha towels, buddy. We do germ tests before releasing our gear, and do offer guarantee, provided you've proven that is wasn't grower error.



Yo Steele thanks for the reply bro! yeah this is my first time with coco thanks for the heads up.

When I said they didn't pop I should have said they didn't crack. I don't do the glass of water thing... I just germ them in moist paper towels within plastic baggies. the ons that cracked are now seedlings the other 5 remainn stubbornly, in moist paper towels.

any help appreciated!!


Change them towels daily and keep checking. I like soaking, as you can usually git a pretty good idea of what seeds are viable, with tha ones that'll amount to somethang, sinking.

Keep us posted,


Yo Steele mad props for the prompt customer sercvice.


It took a solid week for the other 5 to pop (same original paper towel lol) but im quite satisfied now.

my next purchase will be from the grindhouse :)

thanks steele you're a stand up guy I look forward to shoiowing off my girls in the near future


Good to hear they all made it up. Alota folks may have gotten frustrated and given up, dug 'em out, fucked 'em up..... but you stuck with 'em despite yer doubt. Good deal ...... Now git 'em in a grow log here, no doubt folks like seeing what a full pack germed, bears.

Be well Zig,

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I havent had any problems with the prophets germing. Their a little bit of a slow vegger compared to mob Boss. Also one of my Prophet suddenly died. all my plants are in the same organic soil mix i make myself and is not hot at all. The rest of my plants are very healthy and green, this one just lost its cotyledons all of a sudden and starting to roll itself into a ball. My other prophet was perfectly fine and is looking great.

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