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Drunk pothead puts baby in oven...


"Long blamed his actions on the marijuana, which he believes was laced with a hallucinatory agent, officials said."

Ugh. This guy is a fucking moron. Clearly he has mental issues and needs some extensive psychological help. But nope, let's just blame marijuana and move on.


Andinismo Hierbatero
no one who has done such a horrible thing (or any crime really) should have the right to use such scape-goats to try to avoid responsibility for their actions.

this was not the fault of cannabis,

it was not the fault of alcohol either or any other substance.

this was Long's fault, nothing else, period.


New member
This is ridiculous. It was not the fault of marijuana. People have been using it for thousands of years without any harm to society. Stories like these are rare and usually consist of extenuating circumstances, usually pre-existing mental health issues.
But rather than focus on that, let's blame weed..... Ridiculous...
A comparable situation is that of the highway accident in New York last year. The woman killed several people and the main focus was on marijuana. Not her outstanding BAC or her history of alcohol abuse.


Tropical Outcast
At 5:30 the next morning, Hatton awoke to the sound of the baby's cries coming from the oven.

Either the Baby or the Dad must have had a good nights sleep...

Anyway this happened in McCracken County....so yeah!


i found it strangely comforting that a lot of the reader comments were along the lines of :

"Weed doesn't do that to people...he was drunk...not the weed..."

so...for whatever that's worth. at least not everyone is buying it.

best/worst comment I was able to find

Glad the baby is alright. The "Cool" thing to do in the 70's was to lace our pot with PCP (Angel Dust, Horse Tranq) Yeah, not so cool and I did see a lot of people do strange things with this mixture. If someone laced his stash, I can see it happening. No need to lace it these days tho. We did it because we had crap weed. That's not the case anymore with Hydroponics."


Andinismo Hierbatero
"that's not the case anymore with Hydroponics"


ignorance runs deep... that jude11 should be ashamed for having written such a dumb thing, but idiots usually lack shame, so...


It is ironic how people are dumb enough to believe pot can do that, even laced with hallucenogenics...what a piece of shit...I thought this was old cuz I heard a wives tale about something like that years ago...


Is it bad that the first thought that came to my mind was "damn he was too drunk to remember to turn the oven on". I know I know

Anyways, on more of a sane level, why is this even being reported? Why is stupid hick getting drunk with his podunk wife and sets baby in a not on oven news . WTF does weed he smoked at work have anything to do with this. Damn I hate the media!!!


the writer of this article is just as stupid as the man he wrote it on

Mr. Charlie

I would like the news to focus on all of the highly intelligent people that are healing each other with this amazing miracle plant... enough focusing on the morons. "let's have some sense, enough nonsense!"


An obviously psychologically troubled man seeking help for his wrongs is condemned and jailed by those tho think they are "law"...

Lord Humungus

An obviously psychologically troubled man seeking help for his wrongs is condemned and jailed by those tho think they are "law"...

dude he put his kid in the oven
he may have turned himself in but HE PUT HIS KID IN THE OVEN

all that said i am sure the whiskey made him do it....

but fuck, that guy is a straight up fucking idiot
hes sure not helping his kid to achieve a greater station in life...
poor kid


you guys are obviously downplaying the dangers of a severe case of munchies



shouldn't he have like taken the baby out or woke his wife ?

sounds like a wake ass cry for help


He did something bad, and should be punished; but

good thing he is getting the help he needs...
Maybe next time people won't turn to phychiatrists when they do something like that. Maybe they'll turn to the bottle again, and repeat their incident and have it turn out worse.


Andinismo Hierbatero
idiots will do idiotic things whether they are drunk or high or both or anything else.

it is just the way it is...

how come you never see other drunks or people who get high or both do idiotic things? because they are not idiots, simple.

this guy is not only an idiot, but a coward, because he blames substances for what he willed himself.

lets start assuming responsibility for a change...