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Is Mexico's Drug war killing Americans now to influence the Vote?


Active member
Glad to see someone's fighting against the LEO in this "war", but they should go for more meaningful targets (like DEA agents or cops) not women and children! Sorry if that view seems extreme but they (the gov't) were the ones who declared war not us! They want a war.. they got one. don't want this shit to continue? then legalize it! Cut out 70% of the cartels' profits and get them into a corner... once bud is legal all other drug use will probably drop anyways. Kill two birds with one stone.

Because they are in fact driven by profit. They still can not afford to fuck with the american law enforcement or military. Look at what happend in 84-85 DEA agent was kidnapped from right in front of the consulate, tortured for thirty hours and then buried. The reataliation from the americans was enough to teach them a lesson they have learned well, for the most part. Remember there are less than 10, i think far less maybe 5 or 6 serious cartels running shit down there. With thousands of various gangs. LEO can stategically hit those cartels in retaliation and leave the others alone. In fact thats what the mexican government seems to do quite often, and they favor those cartels cause of their own obvious connections and relationships.


I posted this in the paper blog today

When I read the Sac. Bee editorial I see something different of should I say I see the dying embers of the fire of Hate.
Medical use of Cannabis pre-dates the United States and even the discovery of the Americas. It is only the Americans that have turned a useful and free plant into an illegal drug and now we must deal with all these decades of insanity over this plant.
Obviously the problem with the Medical use is that non-medical people are crowding the program. The Bee suggests fewer outlets to fix that problem. The Answer is to legalize for all and let us medical folk be.
But let's look at this editorial. "California's cities can't afford to wait for the state to fix the medical marijuana mess." No suggestion that a Vote against Legalization is a vote for the Black market. Yes think about that for a moment. We just had Americans gunned down in Mexico. It's time for Made in the USA Cannabis.

We have a chance to spread the word that the Black market isn't the right market!


Active member
Exactly, its the black markets that are responsible for the proliferation of these cartels, its these markets these cartels are fighting over with each other and fighting the state at the same time (if they are not intertwined with various gov. beurocrats.). To a certain degree, its our irrational drug policies that are creating that bloodbath in mexico. Its disgusting to me that the press in our country barely even touches on the truly horrific levels of vioence thats been on the rise over the last few years but a couple Americans get killed and now its getting everyones attention.


And try to present the a no vote for a legal market is a yes vote for the black market there is no other choice as Cannabis isn't going away.

I'm doing that when I talk about it now.. It's so simple and yet I failed to see how important that simple message is.


I love the view from my front door. I also an not a fan of CNN's Micheal Ware, that damn guy think he knows all, that he know more then any reporter when it comes to war or I guess now drug violence. Sorry but anybody living in San Diego or on the border in Arizona will know more then he'll ever imagine. I want to see him report on the corruption in the U.S. Border patrol and Customs and the U.S. citizens that are involved. So I classify these news reports as reporting for rating because the Iraq war isn't news anymore and most of these reporters are just lost now.


Patient Grower
Thats why Cali redid the med laws and lowered plant counts.

On which planet, in which alternate universe did CA 'redo' med laws and 'lower' plant counts? Perhaps you could cite these alleged changes you claim? Because it sure hasn't happened in this reality.


On which planet, in which alternate universe did CA 'redo' med laws and 'lower' plant counts? Perhaps you could cite these alleged changes you claim? Because it sure hasn't happened in this reality.

I think he was referring to SB420 (going from no plant/weight limit to a plant/weight limit). But we all know that those limits were unconstitutional. Seems this reporter/journalist isn't very good at reporting/investigating.


Gene Mangler
And try to present the a no vote for a legal market is a yes vote for the black market there is no other choice as Cannabis isn't going away.

I'm doing that when I talk about it now.. It's so simple and yet I failed to see how important that simple message is.

Great way to isolate it from the white noise ;)

The sheeple need it really simple & that's an easy one to drive home. It leaves room to let them think they reasoned it out & came to their own conclusion too. Always faaaaaar superior to being TOLD a problem & solution.


Gene Mangler
"Seen any alcohol cartels lately? makes me LOL too :D

They just buy advertising now, is the sad reality tho


At least these fuckers have the balls to stand up to the US. We on the other hand are spineless and will let our govt take everything including our lives. I don't believe killing in unarmed people but who should we really be mad at. The cartels that want the same thing we do or our gov for brushing this off and acting like the war in Afghanistan is more important than our own safety.


It's all about Cocaine but there marijuana trade is still holding strong atleast untll most states legalise medical marijuana use.

The Mexican Goverment is getting raped by the Drug Cartels they import high powered weapons from America and even some local police chiefs and state officials are bribed into working with them.

It wasn't a major problem until the new president took office and started messing with there drug routes, The only way to stop american blood shed over the border is to stay out of mexico or help there Goverment combat the cartels.

If it wasn't for americas appetite for drugs there wouldn't be a problem with Drug Cartels in Mexico.


Patient Grower
I think he was referring to SB420 (going from no plant/weight limit to a plant/weight limit). But we all know that those limits were unconstitutional. Seems this reporter/journalist isn't very good at reporting/investigating.

SB420 was an attempt to expand patient protection. For gods sake there was never a 'limit' in that law. The 6/12 plant count was a floor, under which no patient could be prosecuted and forced to present an affirmative defense. I've never understood how perception of that law became so muddled that the 'limits' could be seen as limits and overturned. Mark Leno is a good friend of MMJ patients.


Re: Legislative Intent Regarding SB 420 (as amended September 4, 2003)


In order to clarify the Legislature's intent in enacting Senate Bill 420, I respectfully request that this letter be published in the Senate Daily Journal.

Fully recognizing that Proposition 215 cannot be amended by the Legislature, we have resisted all efforts to make the new identification card system created by SB 420 mandatory &endash; and at least two times SB 420 contains specific language declaring our intent that this program is wholly voluntary.

In addition, the guidelines in SB 420 establish permissible amounts that are intended to be the threshold, and not a ceiling.

Furthermore, SB 420 specifically allows localities with higher possession or cultivation amounts to retain them, and other local jurisdictions to establish new guidelines to exceed what has been set forth in this bill. No jurisdiction may establish amounts lower than those set forth in SB 420.

Altogether, we believe that our final version of SB 420 is the very best we could hope to get enacted into law and that it provides (pursuant to the California voters' will in enacting Proposition 215) broad protection to tens of thousands of ill Californians without jeopardizing any ill Californians.

Thank you for allowing us to clarify our legislative intent regarding SB 420.


Senator, 13th District / Assemblyman, 13th District


It's all about Cocaine but there marijuana trade is still holding strong atleast untll most states legalise medical marijuana use.

The Mexican Goverment is getting raped by the Drug Cartels they import high powered weapons from America and even some local police chiefs and state officials are bribed into working with them.

It wasn't a major problem until the new president took office and started messing with there drug routes, The only way to stop american blood shed over the border is to stay out of mexico or help there Goverment combat the cartels.

If it wasn't for americas appetite for drugs there wouldn't be a problem with Drug Cartels in Mexico.

Not to get too far off the track but NPR has an article about comparing Cocaine revenue with Cannabis revenue.

I do think we are seeing a more sensible coverage of the drug industry and I do agree that we have folks invested is some way in the Illegal market system who will try and keep it illegal for profitability.

Now I went to my local "lower class" bar where it's mostly White folks hang out.
There it's alcohol, Meth and cocaine as a rule.. They don't want folks smoking pot because it one can smell it from down the street. I was told so when I tried to open a discussion on why Turlock Hates Medical Cannabis.

I wrote a review I am Ernst B

Also today just to add a blog note there was a national debate of the future of education for the American people and it was the majority opinion that the folks who might benefit from education don't need help getting it if they happen to be below some level..

Anyway BAck to our real topic!

So Mexico and indeed the whole drug industry is solidifying it's industry.

I do want to move to some quiet place and get skinny.. I don't like what I see ahead.

The time is now for a sensible program that we can regulate.. Again the No vote is a Yes vote for ( dare I say it ) Drug Terrorism.

Does that work for us all? I hate to borrow from Bush but it may help our side..



SB420 was an attempt to expand patient protection. For gods sake there was never a 'limit' in that law. The 6/12 plant count was a floor, under which no patient could be prosecuted and forced to present an affirmative defense. I've never understood how perception of that law became so muddled that the 'limits' could be seen as limits and overturned. Mark Leno is a good friend of MMJ patients.

Nice to read you..

I was thinking the limits are sort of a cultural perception of the "Rules"

The new push is to encourage the Localities to revolt against the law Look at the Sacramento Bee http://www.sacbee.com/static/weblogs/weed-wars/

Folks in the "Pot" Light..


The problematic this I see with McClatchy press is that they are promoting illegal actions against Medical Cannabis people.

The Mottos of McClatchy are "Truth to power", "Trusted Voices" and "Cartoons" I kid you not.

Well I am rambling and I need to smoke a doobie so I will post this ramble-bramble and hope you find a nugget of humor in here some place..



SB420 was an attempt to expand patient protection. For gods sake there was never a 'limit' in that law. The 6/12 plant count was a floor, under which no patient could be prosecuted and forced to present an affirmative defense. I've never understood how perception of that law became so muddled that the 'limits' could be seen as limits and overturned. Mark Leno is a good friend of MMJ patients.

You're preaching to the choir man! What I meant is that LEO and those in general who do not support/understand the medical laws viewed it as a ceiling, saying anything over that 6/12 limit was illegal and they drag you to court to prove you need more than that "limit". I think putting any numbers into the equation was foolish. I certainly understand the intent (no patient could be prosecuted and forced to present an affirmative defense) but what about every one else? People who did grow or possess more (edible eaters, seriously terminally ill who use oz'es a day etc)? They HAVE to (or 'had to' now) have a plant/weight exception, or fear arrest and medicine confiscation. It's sad the way that works, but I definitely love the fact that the Supreme Court struck down the threshold, it was too confusing and allowed discrimination, regardless of whether you had a rec or not. Personally, I think they (Doctors, not politicians :bashhead:) should come up with a system for "prescribing" certain amounts depending on condition and severity of condition. Because we can't realistically expect someone using cannabis for insomnia to be growing 150 plants and holding 12 lbs for himself. I also don't think that plant count is the best way to do it, I think canopy size is a better judgment of potential yield (think SOG vs growing trees.. either way you'll get about 400 gm/m2). But I'm beginning to ramble and get off topic so... I digress :joint:


I see there is more thought on the Mexico drug violence as related to American Drug policy and law.



I LOVED that article, I read it on the NORML homepage this morning. Paul really tore Leonhart a new one. He published it on the The Hill, Congress' blog as well. Hopefully someone with power sees it and gets some sense. I know we have an ally in Jim Webb, maybe he can use the argument to push his Criminal Justice System overhaul bill through?


Place a shoot-to-kill order on every known or "marked" gangbanger/cartel member.

All the police can do is arrest/prosecute/release.

Kill the fuckers just that simple.

Legalization will not stop this from happening. Their will still be people buying, legal or not, and the cartels will just have a license to bring it in and sell. Profit would most likely increase due to dispensaries buying up cartel product since it would now be legal and EVERYONE and their brother would be buying by the truckload.

Prices would most likely drop (maybe), but the demand for more product would skyrocket. Look at all the money "legal" growers are making in Cali and Colo. I know peeps buying med licenses, groweing shit, and making money hand over fist selling to the dispensaries. Thats why Cali redid the med laws and lowered plant counts.

1. Demand would not skyrocket after legalization, just look at the NL and the other countries which have decriminalized/legalized weed.

2. If the cartels went legal, they wouldn't be a problem anymore since a legal business can't and doesn't have to go around killing their competitors.

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