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mr noodles

wow we are still stunned by is stupid answer...frankly i have now words for it..even Ronald Reagan didnt sail that water...no politician ever answer in such ignorant manner ...

here a quote from is youtube q & a where harper answered the most popular question aka legalization ..

quote from the globe and mail : http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...ons-from-canadians-on-youtube/article1502651/

nd the video of this insane drivel on youtube , he answer at 35 min : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5tWSMwhGkc

Nonetheless, Mr. Harper took the question on, with some degree of passion.

“Ben and Rachel [the Harpers' two children] are now getting pretty close to 14 and 11,” he said, and “this is the last thing I want to see for my kids or anyone else's children.

“...The reason drugs are illegal is because they are bad,” he went on. “And even if these things were legalized, I can predict with a lot of confidence that these would never be respectable businesses run by respectable people.”

we are at war because they are in full force for bill c-15 ...1 plant = 6 months of jail

we are at war !
why are drugs bad? whats the explanation again?? A rich murderer gets off while the humble grower gets life? Alcohol or red meat isn't bad for you in the same way? ( for all of us obese americans) and where does he get off saying that this cant be run by respectful businesses, not for nothing but now a days these big corporations are seeming to be the least ethical around,when are politicians going to actually make sense?


hes just a scumbag getting paid by someone else to say it. Fuck him and all of them. Watch zeitgeist addendum video


Says something negative about marijuana without good argumentation.Sounds like the Dutch CDA with pseudo-HPotter.
He doesn't know that the world already begun to change in positive way for the marijuana movement.:dance013:

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:



Andinismo Hierbatero
people like this Harper guy, who makes a living out of lying, are the real criminals.

Lets contrast 1000s of years of traditional cannabis use, against Harper's lies.

who wins?



Active member
who cares what anyone says. be happy, and do what helps you achieve that bliss. im workin on a way to grow 4lb trees as we speak, so who cares about plant numbers, its all a spin, d


To be objective, it is important to remember that typically a prime minister or president, in a democratic government, is typically the 'fall guy' for the rest of the government. He may be a puppet, but most leaders are puppets today. It comes with the territory of the position. He tries to make everyone (ie, his peers) happy besides the body that elected him. But it starts with your local city and county reps, to your state and federal reps. They (ie, elected representatives) have the 'political majority', not the president or PM. These elected (and appointed for that matter) officials are as much to blame as the 'leader' of their respected country. So, don't forget to participate in ALL of your elections, not just 'the big one'.

On the bandwagon note: I have yet to see a political figure publicly illustrate his knowledge on the ACTUAL history of marijuana, and the propaganda that eventually stereotyped it as it is perceived today in the public eye. Shit, I would go on a nationally televised program and debate ANY US or CANADIAN federal representative on this issue. They will lose this battle like they lost prohibition. Stay active and don't tire. THe majority is currently in our favor and we HAVE to take advantage of it.

Cheers, dak


I love my life
Fuck the Candian Government, Fuck the US Government, Fuck the British Government, Fuck the Australian Government.

What the hell happened to this world? Weren't these nations all based on British Common law supposed to stand for freedom and liberty.

It is a really sad day when greater freedoms can be found in countries who's flags aren't red white and blue!

For those of you who bash the west, don't ever quit because my father's and brother's running the governments now are more evil than ever.


Active member
wait so caught some stuff in there first the question was about making it legal for adults to have... not for 11 and 14 year old kids... they are gonna get there hands on it eather way.... but wouldnt it be better if it was from a more safe source... eqather way the poll was about us adults... second hes saying that everyone says we dosnt support crime, but to him he says but it dose, it supports crimes that ppl couldnt even amagine in other countries.... well wouldnt legalizeing it and having it grown at safe goverment warhouse's here within canada stop most of these crimes... idk eather way i think most of the pot here in canada is from canadian farmers who arent interested in hurting anyone but just making an extra buck and well if anything making ppl happy.... i dont care for it to be legallized anyways... could you amagine the price of a joint or pack of joints sold at a store.. probly would be like 6 - 10 $ a gram with like 10$ tax on top... look at how high they tax smokes and booze...


New member
Fuck 'em fuck it...they dont listen and theirs no point, the big business keeps Cannibis illegal, and if they do legalize it they'll be the first to steal technology and patents. We just need to, overgrow behind closed doors and keep it a exclusive market. Law enforcement is the first enemy on the list, if a cop is shot to death in a rural location does anybody hear it.... lol:laughing:


Fuck the Candian Government, Fuck the US Government, Fuck the British Government, Fuck the Australian Government.

What the hell happened to this world? Weren't these nations all based on British Common law supposed to stand for freedom and liberty.

It is a really sad day when greater freedoms can be found in countries who's flags aren't red white and blue!

For those of you who bash the west, don't ever quit because my father's and brother's running the governments now are more evil than ever.

So true, we aren't ever gonna make any progress playing by their rules. Even if something positive does happen, they'll be the first to jump all over it for their own benefits. The only way we can win this is to break this system by overgrowing the gov and not backing down from their bullshit stranglehold.

Grow on freedom fighters!!!


Active member
The only way were going to get back our freedom and rights is a revolution! Their never going to stop this crap without a fight! I wonder how many people are willing to fight for their freedom?

Bud Bug

Lets bring it on. When the cost of weed hit $5K/lb in Canada they'll change their mind after the organized crime groups really step in to profit.
Lets bring it on. When the cost of weed hit $5K/lb in Canada they'll change their mind after the organized crime groups really step in to profit.

This. Harper deflected the question and focused on DRUGS and GANGS instead of focusing on marijuana. It shouldn't be a surprise that a politician manipulated a question to suit his agenda. His inability to connect the fact that these GANGS exist because DRUGS are sooo profitable due to prohibitionist stance that his government hopes to strengthen (by instituting mandatory minimum via C-15) boggles my mind.

By legalizing the possession and the production of marijuana you will eliminate the risk premium associated with the substance which creates a world of possibilities. For those not familiar with the concept of a risk premium, it simply means that you will be compensated for the additional risk you take on by engaging in a particular activity/business venture. More punishment equals higher price and more money for drug dealers. Legalization will eliminate the artificial price-floor we have seen develop in the marijuana industry. Because of this, the end-user will pay less for the product and the government can tax the SHIT out of it! These funds could be appropriated for a variety of productive tasks such as education funding (which has been cut recently), health care, child care, etc etc. Money is money.

The bottom line is, though Harpers response is predicable it is still very disappointing. The paucity of information pertaining to marijuana on a macro-level needs to be corrected before we can expect politicians to get their shit together. Politicians often lag behind emerging trends because they value their jobs above all else, and they don't want to alienate their electorate to cater to a niche movement like the marijuana movement. It doesn't help that the anti-marijuana propaganda is pervasive and engrained in our society...

Bleh, kind of turned into a incoherent rant. But you get the idea..


There is no stopping what Harper is doing....I,ve made my mind up that the only thing I can do is to continue to grow and when/and if I get busted I,ll drag the court case out for yrs........We aren,t going to change C-15 so I guess we are gonna have to fill the jails....Not nice....but what other options do we have...I,m not gonna pay triple for my meds when the gangs put the price up when they get control of the industry.
I have an appointment with Defence Minister Peter MacKay in the near future and man am I gonna vent ....
Peter and I go way back.....and I can say whatever I want to him.....(I lived nnot far from his family for many yrs and used to do all their mechanic work at my shop).Peter was a kid when I used to fix his motorcycles etc.......btw Peter,s brother works in the family,s forest industry and is a big time toker...I know ppl. who work for him and they tell me stories of how Peter,s brother even hates the Tories now.
I always supported the MacKays from Central Nova including Peters father Elmer who held many cabinet positions in the Federal gov,t.......but they will never get my support ever again.........Peter is in it for the glory as money is not important as they have tens of thousands of acres of prime lumber.
anyhow sorry for the rant>>>>>I will post again after I get to talk to Peter MacKay....wish I had a better talker with me when I go for my appointment.
I,m sick


People like Harper grow up believing that "drugs are bad" and the same people that taught them that, put marijuana under the same label as all the others (coke, heroine, meth). He just doesn't have the intelligence or will to look at any facts on the issue.

For decades there's been medical studies of the effects of MJ, all with nothing but positive or neutral effects to health and well being. Despite the health studies, the more compelling studies of marijuana are the economic studies of decriminalization and legalization:


If Harper could take the 15 minutes out of his day to brush up on the subject he actually majored in in university, he could have some facts to act on, instead of his childhood, preconceived notions of "drugs are bad". If he did, Harper would actually do a ton of good for the entire country, economically and politically, instead of being an ignorant fool, happy thinking that he's made the right "gut" choice.

Keep your minds sharp and your voices loud people.

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