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WC Grow [400w] ScrOG


New member
Hi... I finaly took some time to crate a thread for my actual grow.

Because there is no better way of learning and improving than sharing and discussing information.

First the general look of the grow. Its inside a sencondary bathroom and both areas were built over a toilet.


The Vega Box has 50x60x50cm and is powered by a CFL150w. The hole in the base is to drain the water excess into the toilet. The Flowering Box has one too.


My mums: From left to right. Super Skunk [Sensi Seeds], The Church [Greenhouse] and Critical + [Dinafen].


The ladies that are next in the ScrOG net, after transplanting and trainning them.


The Flowering Box has 50x100x160cm and is powered by a HPS400w. I´m using the ScrOG method for the second time, but comparing both grows i have to say the first one was more sucessful. Maybe the diference is just the strain and next I have to veg for a little while longer.


In this last grow i tried something new: a side screen. For now i'm enjoying the experience


The screen is not simetric, since on the other side there is no side screen.



Right now i'm groing Critical+ on the center screen and Super Skunk on the side screen. Both strain have 40 days of flowering time.

Well thats it for now.

Hey afrito78
Looking good there...I came by to comment on the side screen: Nice! Im working on my first scrog and i keep thinking about how elevating the perimeter might be a better use of space/light. Ill be tagging along this one for sure. Keep keeping on.....


New member
Hi EdIsOnnOsIdE...

For now it looks like a good choice. In my first scrog i had a flat screen and it was obvious, from the bud production, that the light distribution was not even...

Next time I'll sure have a side screen on the other side too.



New member


Hi... just droped by for a quick update...

I harvested the previous crop (Critical+ and Super Skunk) between the 20th and the 23rd:

Overview before the harvest...


Looking down under the screen

Critical +


Super Skunk


I made i few mistakes that are normal since i´m still learning how to SCroG:

- I didn't give enough veg time and ended up having a low canopy over the screen. This influenced the productivity significantely...

- I didn't know how the strains would react to the screen. This is vey important when training the plants to fill the screen. Well, there's a first time for everything.

- The fact that i can't remove the containers form the grow area, made the flushing process very complicated and the plants didn´t absorb all the nuts they had stored.

Minewhile, the current grow is already on th move with 20 days after turning the lights 12/12. Soon I'll update that too...

Afrito78, I can't see the pics in the post above mine ? It says I'm not authorized to see them ? I'd like to give them a look, do you have them set to show to friends and contacts only ? Your side screen SCROG is interesting.


New member
Hi, ISP_SmokeTrain...

Can you see the pictures now?

About the side screen, the idea is to have the canopy receiving identical light intensity...

It was just a test, but i´m really surprised with the results. My next groow will be a homebox tent and I will create side screens on both sides, for sure...

Here´s a picture of the screen without plants.



hi afrito...

nice setup so farthe homebox run sound intresting
im inn :lurk:

btw.:i see the pictures

hans :)