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Active member
I still enjoy this site, but I wish I had some of whatever they were smoking when they decided to split this thing up in the manner they did:tiphat:


I have no problem with the possible intent: To create a side zone so that the "excitement" doesn't alienate other people.. Naturally California is not the Center of the World.. It just seems that way cannabis politically.
I am also happy that other see the actual effect this separation is having. We are not posting in but it is being stocked anyway... So it's not a free choice where we desire put threads. They will be moved off the main to the lower traffic side forums and thus I am pointing out that even if the intent is a goodly one it is functioning as a control function too.

Well anyway It's not my web site and it exists to sell seeds I assume..

But man was it fun at one time out there huh friends! We just needed to scroll down to see what had happened now it's an Easter Egg hunt and who cares to do that much work?

Yeah hear ya, but you know how us instant gratification Americans don't like to do work! Make me scroll down and push 2 buttons?! I can barely bring myself to do it.


Ah.. That may well be true on the gratification and I tend to agree.

However I would counter that it is the goal of marketing to have us just at that level.

To expect the average person, not just a typical American stereo type to be able to navigate a maze to be apprised of events is suspect.

I also see the positive of sub-forums but as karmical has pointed out the what the readership will see has changed.

I am thinking the previous "stage" was a better "stage" for us to present the cannabis drama of our lives and for others to read; and, read they did..

O.K. Hamlet mode off.

Serious what was the point of creating a States area where not all the States are represented?

And other things!?!?!? So while I agree there was need to buffer access for such as myself.. I am annoying and I know it sometimes...

So anyway I'm humbly and in a side forum asking WTF?

We must look 10 generations ahead to see the wisdom of the moment anything less is ignorance in power.



Oh and ... Richard did you buy this site? That is all that makes sense.


It does seem that posting in this sub-forum is down since they moved us.....

Hey Friend:

I am a designer of data encoders. Know that I would not lie to you.

What has happened is there has been an element of signal structure split off of the encoding of the signal that was of import then but is not now.

That is a mouthful but is as honest and direct as I can be.

Simpler mode:

Friendship is extended.

There is a sub structure to information and diverting the energy of the political signal has diluted it to a filter.
By filter one can measure the value of indexes in an informational source..

Sort of like telling if someone is lying or telling the truth and calling it Binary..

Anyway.. The question I am raising is what is the mission at Icmag now?

We need a Cannabis champion and if it's all supposed to serve selling cannabis seeds then what kind of world are we creating 10 generations down the line?

Is it a world where one visits their Grand-Pa to get pointers on growing the Family Strain or to visit him in Prison?

Blessings to all this Fine Spring... Ernst
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Active member
Hey Friend:

I am a designer of data encoders. Know that I would not lie to you.

What has happened is there has been an element of signal structure split off of the encoding of the signal that was of import then but is not now.

That is a mouthful but is as honest and direct as I can be.

Simpler mode:

Friendship is extended.

There is a sub structure to information and diverting the energy of the political signal has diluted it to a filter.
By filter one can measure the value of indexes in an informational source..

Sort of like telling if someone is lying or telling the truth and calling it Binary..

Anyway.. The question I am raising is what is the mission at Icmag now?

We need a Cannabis champion and if it's all supposed to serve selling cannabis seeds then what kind of world are we creating 10 generations down the line?

Is it a world where one visits their Grand-Pa to get pointers on growing the Family Strain or to visit him in Prison?

Blessings to all this Fine Spring... Ernst


every now and then I get reminded why I really enjoy this place. Maybe it was some sort of legal issue, or something behind the scenes that us mere mortals just wouldn't understand.

:plant grow:

Ostara garden blessing

The earth is cool and dark,
and far below, new life begins.
May the soil be blessed with fertility and abundance,
with rains of life-giving water,
with the heat of the sun,
with the energy of the raw earth.
May the soil be blessed
as the womb of the land becomes full and fruitful
to bring forth the garden anew.


So you say secret society is the reason for liking this site?

I guess I am unhappy then..

# The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to other creatures but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot. Mark Twain »