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PH Rising REALLY quickly


Active member
I don't know what to tell you but this. Your water is 82 degrees F and needs to be at 69. You have like no oxygen in your water even though you have air stones because of how high your temps are. I have 4 foot plants getting .9 EC and yours are like 3 inches but you seem to know everything already so keep doing what you're doing and things will go fine.

From looking at these pics of yours here that's what I see from the info that I got:
Here's some pics. I appologise for the HPS glare. But as you can see they're growing relatively well and if I didnt check the PH I wouldnt have thought there was a problem.



Active member
I wish you well and hope that you are right but it is better to have to few ferts than too much. When you have a problem with plants the first thing you are supposed to do is flush them for a few day. And I don't understand why you don't take a close up of the plants. It's kind of like you're tying to hide the problems from us seeing them. They are so far away from the camera, how can anyone see those pics. Good luck!

Few ferts? Is .8 really high? My Tap water is 0.3. I can drop this EC if you think it will help? I will empty the res tomorrow and refill it with canna nutes at 0.5 EC if this will make a difference? Im not trying to imply I know everything and appologise if it comes across this way? I'll dump the res tomrrow anyway and try canna nutes on for size
Also I agree the res is WAY to hot, I had no idea. Tommorrow I shall get a longer hose and remove it from the wardrobe so it's in my room. Hopefully this will cool it down. Ive turned the heater on and the temps have started to drop but I doubt if they'll get all the way down to where they need to be while the res is still in the same wardrobe as the plants.


Active member
How much light you got those under?

Edit: I see 250 watt. The more light that you have the more nutes that you can give a specific plant. I'm just personally having a tough time seeing the pics but you probably know what you're up against. Look for burn at the tips of your leaves and if you see it working it's way up, then you know they have too much nutes. If things look that way to you, flush them with 5.8 pH'd water for a few days then start with a half dose of what you're giving it. Peace and good luck!
250 watts. Problem is its a tiny wardrobe. The litle bit Ive boxed off with polythene (soon to be mylar) is 1.3metres (4.3 feet) by 50 centremetres (1.6 feet). I truly appreciate your help mate and I tried to give you karma but it wouldnt let me. I plan on adding another 250 once I sort out the fan filters that are going to come together in there.


Active member
If you can't get your temps to below 75 F, all your plants will most likely die. You should go back to soil if your temps are too high.
Also outside temps have been really hot here at the moment. Roll on autumn! Its been mid 20's (celcius) each day so once you lock a 250 in a tiny wardrobe with those temps it gets intense. Temps appear to be 27-29 degrees but I think it may get hotter in there. One day I tried both the 250's and it reached 40 degrees!!! I've currently got a litle fan filter unit running but Im getting a 250 mm Fan Filter combo and a 250mm fan for intake that I will use to suck air directly from the eve's of my house through the ceiling and into the wardrobe. Then I'll have the other 250 sucking air directly out and into the ceiling.

Im gonna by a Prim Air Controller to run both the fans and hopefully I can get temps bang on.
You mean my res temps to below 75? I shall look into a pond cooler if needs be! This is all starting to look expensive! So far Im out over a grand for the kit and the PH/CF meter today.

I will move the res out of the wardrobe tommorow which should make a really big difference. If that isnt enough I'll try putting bottles of frozen water in there. And if things still dont get any better Ill have to build a res chiller from pontiacs DIY compilation.


Active member
Yeah I meant the rez I'm having problems with my DWC that I got also. My rez temps are 72. Also 1 plant affected a few others but luckily all the plants weren't connected together with the rez. Only a few were and they died in a matter of 2 days from being real healthy. When temps get high in hydro roots get lots of problems and there's a lot of bad things that start forming in your water. I'm using 4 systems though (Soil, E&B, DWC and Aeroponics) but I will be eliminating some soon. Want to stick with just DWC for the future with some soil on the side for the head.
Shit thats no good sorry to hear that Snypre Bro. Hopefully if I pull the res out of the Wardrobe and keep putting frozen botles in there I can get the temp under control. I just had a look at aquarium chillers and they're reasonable priced. the only problem is we dont get them in NZ (go fiure?) so I gotta import from Aus and I can only imagine the freight charges will be INTENSE!!! I will ring around pet shops tommorrow and see what I can conjure up. I'll keep everyone posted. By the way PH's are out of control. I adjusted to 5.2 about three hours ago and now they're 6.9!!! And theres no algae. Is this a side effect of an over heated res?


Active member
You should draw a bucket of just water and check the ph of that, and adjust it and test again in a couple hours. If that's stable, repeat with nutes in it. If that is stable, you can start looking into your system for the source of the problem. Some pretty common things can throw off ph really quick(ie a flap of duct tape in the res can do terrible things, and cheap super glue, don't even get me started on that).
Hey there guys.

Well good news/bad news situation.
My temps came down significantly over night. Unfortunately PH went up significantly. My res temps came down to 22 degrees celcius (71.6 farenheit) unfortunately my PH went from 5.2 last night to 7.5 this morning in a matter of 12 hours. Im going to drain the res today and refill it with canna nutes. Also Im going to get longer hoses so I can move the res out of the wardrobe. I may go and get a polystyrene fishbin to put the res in to insulate it a litle bit.

Hopefully with the Canna nutes it should help to buffer the PH a litle bit. Also I plan on leaving the nutes in the tap water without adjusting the ph for a few hours to let it do it's thing. Anyone got any idea's as to how long I should leave it?


Active member
Just use plain water for now for the next 3 days and check the pH every hour if you have to and make sure to keep it at 5.8. I'm kind of scared for you because I think you could of gotten something in the water by now because of the heat and lack of DO. If you did, it spreads real fast and will affect all the plants that get the same water. This happened to me the other day and I lost 4 plants in a matter of hours. I had no idea what the problem was but them I finally figured it out and now everything is running great. I made sure to have all my plants in a closed system from the start just incase something like this should happen because I didn't have a water chiller. My water is about 73 degrees F and still a little high but I only have 2.5 weeks to go until it's all done.

When you put them in just plain pH'd water for at least a day, if the problem still occurs you most likely have something in the water. I tried to tell you before that you need to stick with soil unless it's about to be winter in a couple weeks.
Hey guys.

Good news. Canna is awesom!!!

Heres how things went this morning.

Emptied res (current PH 7.5 current temp 22 degrees celcius and an EC of 0.9)
Refilled res (tap water PH 7.3 tap temp 18 degrees celcius and an ec of 0.1)
Nutrients+BioKlenz (Water PH 5.4 water temp 18 degrees celcius and en ec of 0.6)

That was at 10 am. I now have the pump running (but disconnected from pipework) to mix up nutes in the res. I shall let you all know at 11 how its looking. Then the REAL test we'll run nutes through the setup for a while and see what happens to the PH!


Active member
yo, see what happens to the pH with just plain water first. One test at a time. What do you got a nute addiction. We need to send you to a psycietrest
Hey there

Well Ph raised once I started flushing it through the system. It's now 6.4! Theres something in the system causing chaos! It's been running through the system for nearly an hour now. I shall head in there and check the PH in a second.


Active member
Ok here's what to do. Take out the buckets so they are not connected to the others. Do the same water test without it going though the system, to each one individually and see if you have the same problem with all of them. We are doing tests to find the problem. We will figure this out!

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