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DutchMaster Gold Line


On my next grow Im planning on using these nutes listed below in my Top Feed Drip System

DM Gold Grow A/B
DM Gold Flower A/B
DM Add 27 Grow/Flower
DM Zone
DM Silica
DM APS Rockwool Solution/Conditioner
DM Liquid Light/ Penerator
Drip Clean

What do you guys think about these nutes Ive heard some good things also I wanted to use HG Root Excluator do you guys think I can use it with the DM Zone or is it the same thing as the HG Root Excluator and maybe something ele I can add that has help you guys even though DM says not to but I have heard other people using other additives with DM

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I use the advance line in grow and bloom formulas with potash+ and botanicare cal-mag

My plants really seem to like it.

Eventually I will be getting the gold line-up with the exception of the add.27.

That stuff is too dam expensive, $100 a gallon at 7ml per gallon application rate, I'll settle on the old formula, Max.
I use the entire Gold Line, and I have no complaints. DM is the shit, on my last grow, I over-fertalized pretty hard the 6th week in flower by me fucking up my test meter, and once I re-calibrated and adjusted, they THRIVED. I would def. recommend using the DM Gold line. The only other thing I add to my res is some cal-mag b/c I use 0ppm R/o water. As for the HG Root Excelorator? I would say stick with the DM zone, because most likely its the same shit just formulated a little differently. IMOE with DM products, when you mix with nutrients from other companies, the water either turns cloudy or foamy, causing oxygen lockout in the solution and the DM Grower's Guide instructs that when you mix and match your nutes you cause a lockout in the solution. IME when this happend, I had a really hard time getting the ph to stay in its optimal range (5.5-5.8) What type of system are you runnin? # of lights and wattage? expectations of harvest?

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
IMOE with DM products, when you mix with nutrients from other companies, the water either turns cloudy or foamy, causing oxygen lockout in the solution and the DM Grower's Guide instructs that when you mix and match your nutes you cause a lockout in the solution.

I agree, salts can precipitate(solidify) or evaporate out of solution with the right combination so be careful mixing and matching.

I often wonder when I see people who have 10 or 12 different things in their rez if they are doing more harm than good.


I use the entire Gold Line, and I have no complaints. DM is the shit, on my last grow, I over-fertalized pretty hard the 6th week in flower by me fucking up my test meter, and once I re-calibrated and adjusted, they THRIVED. I would def. recommend using the DM Gold line. The only other thing I add to my res is some cal-mag b/c I use 0ppm R/o water. As for the HG Root Excelorator? I would say stick with the DM zone, because most likely its the same shit just formulated a little differently. IMOE with DM products, when you mix with nutrients from other companies, the water either turns cloudy or foamy, causing oxygen lockout in the solution and the DM Grower's Guide instructs that when you mix and match your nutes you cause a lockout in the solution. IME when this happend, I had a really hard time getting the ph to stay in its optimal range (5.5-5.8) What type of system are you runnin? # of lights and wattage? expectations of harvest?

Top feed Drip (drain to waste) Hydroton as medium 61k veg 10 1k flower 60 plants vegged for one month (ghs the church) Im leaning towards like 7-8 oz per plnt

Thanks for responsing


Active member
You can find another good veg fertilizer for half the price IMHO, but when it comes to flowering, they make some quality products!


I use the entire Gold Line, and I have no complaints. DM is the shit, on my last grow, I over-fertalized pretty hard the 6th week in flower by me fucking up my test meter, and once I re-calibrated and adjusted, they THRIVED. I would def. recommend using the DM Gold line. The only other thing I add to my res is some cal-mag b/c I use 0ppm R/o water. As for the HG Root Excelorator? I would say stick with the DM zone, because most likely its the same shit just formulated a little differently. IMOE with DM products, when you mix with nutrients from other companies, the water either turns cloudy or foamy, causing oxygen lockout in the solution and the DM Grower's Guide instructs that when you mix and match your nutes you cause a lockout in the solution. IME when this happend, I had a really hard time getting the ph to stay in its optimal range (5.5-5.8) What type of system are you runnin? # of lights and wattage? expectations of harvest?

Are you kidding?..... :laughing:

And I was not going to do it but after reading that I have to....

Dm gold is a great chelated line up, great for areo and f&D w/hydroton cause it has no particulate matter, hold ph's pretty good, cheap around 80$ for a + B (here can get for 44 gal of A+B!!!)

Zone is NOTHING like Root Excelorator. Zone is a chloramine product (non- vaporizing chlorine product). Root Excelorator is an enzyme product. Totally different, like on the other side of the moon different!

Now not to be a d*ck (neg rep is coming ....lol ), BUT you really should KNOW WHAT THE F%CK YOUR TALKING ABOUT BEFORE GIVING advise to a new grower!!!!

Again sorry but i had too.....


Are you kidding?..... :laughing:

And I was not going to do it but after reading that I have to....

Dm gold is a great chelated line up, great for areo and f&D w/hydroton cause it has no particulate matter, hold ph's pretty good, cheap around 80$ for a + B (here can get for 44 gal of A+B!!!)

Zone is NOTHING like Root Excelorator. Zone is a chloramine product (non- vaporizing chlorine product). Root Excelorator is an enzyme product. Totally different, like on the other side of the moon different!

Now not to be a d*ck (neg rep is coming ....lol ), BUT you really should KNOW WHAT THE F%CK YOUR TALKING ABOUT BEFORE GIVING advise to a new grower!!!!

Again sorry but i had too.....

W.P. - There's no need to get pissed off and put out neg vibes. I stated my opinion, I have not used the Root excelorator, like I said. So what makes it better? I'm not trying to start an argument, I'm looking for information. Simply the only reason I participate on a forum.


I am not pissed. Never could get mad at some one I can not grab....lol

Look if your here to learn then do so, but to tell a fellow grower VASTLY WRONG info is absurd. The info is right there......

No offence meant to be taken or giving. What was I to do? not respond? (someone would have eventually done the same)

Hopefully it was quick enough to stop some new grower from reading it and being like " wow, I've heard good thing about H&G R.E. but 120$+ a bottle!! F -dat when Zone is same thing like 30$..."

I see it all the time, If you don't know don't pretend.


Now see i wrote this up BEFORE checking rep.....

Sure enough I got a neg rep from this newb who talks out his ass with no info.

Said my post was too confusing.:comfort:

Here you go....

Zone = chlorine

Root Excelorator = enzymes


I will not even Neg rep you back, as you've already made yourself Un-creditable and Un- Knowledgeable.

Sorry to the OP, for the off topic post.
:thank you:
Well thanks for clearing that up for me. As I said in my last, I'm talking about my own experience with Zone, I have not used the Root Excelorator. Since you obviously know what your talking about, I'm going to grab a bottle and try it out. Thanks for the advice. What else do I need to know? PM me, you got it right on, I am a newb, even though I've had this hobby for a couple years now.

(Now not to be a d*ck (neg rep is coming ....lol ), BUT you really should KNOW WHAT THE F%CK YOUR TALKING ABOUT BEFORE GIVING advise to a new grower!!!!)
- You already gave me neg rep. You get what you give.
On my next grow Im planning on using these nutes listed below in my Top Feed Drip System

DM Gold Grow A/B
DM Gold Flower A/B
DM Add 27 Grow/Flower
DM Zone
DM Silica
DM APS Rockwool Solution/Conditioner
DM Liquid Light/ Penerator
Drip Clean

What do you guys think about these nutes Ive heard some good things also I wanted to use HG Root Excluator do you guys think I can use it with the DM Zone or is it the same thing as the HG Root Excluator and maybe something ele I can add that has help you guys even though DM says not to but I have heard other people using other additives with DM

Roots Excelurator is a hormone product, DM ZONE is a sterilent related to chlorine.


I figured Id at least owed the OP....



Well thanks for clearing that up for me. As I said in my last, I'm talking about my own experience with Zone, I have not used the Root Excelorator. Since you obviously know what your talking about, I'm going to grab a bottle and try it out. Thanks for the advice. What else do I need to know? PM me, you got it right on, I am a newb, even though I've had this hobby for a couple years now.

(Now not to be a d*ck (neg rep is coming ....lol ), BUT you really should KNOW WHAT THE F%CK YOUR TALKING ABOUT BEFORE GIVING advise to a new grower!!!!)
- You already gave me neg rep. You get what you give.

No hard feelings.:tiphat:


Well-known member
Im using the dm gold line right now. All I can say is the stuff is the shit. I only use the zone about half strength every couple weeks works for me. Has anybody using dm gold seen any difference adding the max. I have it I just havent used it yet.
Dm gold = stable ph I ran 3 weeks with out a flush with out ever adding ph up or down the entire time= kick ass grow. Keep it simple dm gold and nothing else.



Well thanks for clearing that up for me. As I said in my last, I'm talking about my own experience with Zone, I have not used the Root Excelorator. Since you obviously know what your talking about, I'm going to grab a bottle and try it out. Thanks for the advice. What else do I need to know? PM me, you got it right on, I am a newb, even though I've had this hobby for a couple years now.

(Now not to be a d*ck (neg rep is coming ....lol ), BUT you really should KNOW WHAT THE F%CK YOUR TALKING ABOUT BEFORE GIVING advise to a new grower!!!!)
- You already gave me neg rep. You get what you give.
Sorry had to jump in here. I know this is old, but dude, ur really thinking ur right. And that might confuse a new person reading this thread. U've got 2 other people beside me saying ur giving wrong info. I USED to use DM Gold. Personally, I can't stand DM. BUT!!!!!! Zone IS NOT an inoculant like Excelurator or Humboldt Roots or CES GREX. It is a STERILIZER! It CLEANS, THAT ALL!!!!!!!!

If ur gonna compare it to another "like" product, get it right. Zone is more like Hygrozyme than ANYTHING. Though Hygrozyme is 100% organic(OMRI Listed). But both are root zone, and media sterilizer.

So please don't give wrong info. U keep saying that's ur opinion, but u can't tell someone that a product is something it's not because of ur opinion.

For instance, I can't say the sky is red because my opinion is that it's red. Would that make the sky red, cause my opinion is that it's red?????
Therefore u can't make an opinion based statement that something is something it's not. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to start nothing, but u are wrong, and someone lucking for info, can be misled by ur badly posted comments/opinions.

Please don't tell me how ur opinion and mines differ. If u want opinions here goes. My opinion is ur stubborn, and won't admit that u gave wrong info(It can happen. Ur only human)

The facts are
H&G Excelurator(rooting hormone/innoculant)
Zone(Chlorine Based Sterilizer)

NOT THE SAME THING. NO WHERE CLOSE. STOP BEING SO HARD HEADED AND TRY LISTENING. U might learn something, u can pass off to someone else!


Active member
Sorry had to jump in here. I know this is old, but dude, ur really thinking ur right. And that might confuse a new person reading this thread. U've got 2 other people beside me saying ur giving wrong info. I USED to use DM Gold. Personally, I can't stand DM. BUT!!!!!! Zone IS NOT an inoculant like Excelurator or Humboldt Roots or CES GREX. It is a STERILIZER! It CLEANS, THAT ALL!!!!!!!!

If ur gonna compare it to another "like" product, get it right. Zone is more like Hygrozyme than ANYTHING. Though Hygrozyme is 100% organic(OMRI Listed). But both are root zone, and media sterilizer.

So please don't give wrong info. U keep saying that's ur opinion, but u can't tell someone that a product is something it's not because of ur opinion.

For instance, I can't say the sky is red because my opinion is that it's red. Would that make the sky red, cause my opinion is that it's red?????
Therefore u can't make an opinion based statement that something is something it's not. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to start nothing, but u are wrong, and someone lucking for info, can be misled by ur badly posted comments/opinions.

Please don't tell me how ur opinion and mines differ. If u want opinions here goes. My opinion is ur stubborn, and won't admit that u gave wrong info(It can happen. Ur only human)

The facts are
H&G Excelurator(rooting hormone/innoculant)
Zone(Chlorine Based Sterilizer)

NOT THE SAME THING. NO WHERE CLOSE. STOP BEING SO HARD HEADED AND TRY LISTENING. U might learn something, u can pass off to someone else!

Dude ur doing the same thing.
I don’t know where u got that one, but it completely wrong!
I guess u could say Hygrozyme cleans ur medium. But it doesn’t kill any bacteria. It does this by breaking down dead or dying plant mater/roots. But at no time does it sterilize ur medium.
U might want to know what ur talking about before u start in on someone.