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Help, Flowers Drying out durring late flower



I posted this in the sick plant section, but wanted some input from the autoflower pros since they are autos.

I have 5 autoflowers that have gotten dried out while out of town. I had someone water them, but it must not have done good, you know how these stories go... Anyways, down to the issue. 2 of them are completely crispy buds, 3 others have some moisture in them. Yesterday I started to flush them all, hoping something would come back, the two bad ones are real crispy still, and it has been 24 hours, one of the others is getting worse and 2 seem to be bouncing back, buds sticky and what not. I have no pictures right now. My question is should I keep watering and hope for the best or cut it and hopefully get some kind of smoke out of it, the buds are big, I just think they have a week or 2 before starting to turn amber. I don't want to leave them in the dirt if they are going to get worse. Any help is appricated, thank you all for the information/help. I thought this was going to be a successful grow too


It must have been major dehydration for a mature plant to dry out buds, personally I would keep on waiting for maybe a day or two, if the buds on certian plants still remain "crisp" or dry you could always cut that and do your dry/cure and have alittle smoke before harvest? Welcome to ICMAG by the way you should definetly post some pictures...peace


I willl try to water them more, do you think that i need to wait until the soil dries out or go ahead and water more today, I don't want to overwater. I'll try to get some pics today if possible.


Well you should always let the soil get pretty dry before you water to help the roots, but in this case maybe you could water the plants with the cripsy buds alittle more but not that much, personaly if it wasn't a huge portion of the plant that is dried out like 5 grams out of ounce plant I would just chop it and smoke it if its pretty mature already, since it's been 24hr and you did previously water I have a feeling those buds are NOT going to get back to the regular hydrated level....and by "over" watering you might effect the rest of the plant in a negative way but as I said, if it's a small amount chop it and do what you gotta do and let the rest grow....


no it's a lot, I'll go ahead and kill the two and possibly try that for the others, 3 of them are half crispy and half moist.


I would definetly wait and water if it is the whole plant although it probably is not coming back, how "cripsy" are we talking about? and what state are the leafs in?