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Perpetual yellow starts



I posted this already in the coco forum, but didn't get much response, maybe it belongs in sick bay...

I've had a perpetual grow going for two years. For the last year or so, I've had trouble getting plants started in coco.

I clone in rapid rooters, roots in 10-14 days, transplanted into small pots of B'Cuzz or Botanicare coco, washed down to 100 ppm and flooded with Canna AB at 700 ppm/ 5.8pH. Fed again when pot is less than 50% weight.

The clones turn yellow/lime during the first 1-2 weeks of veg. The leaves tend to droop and wrinkle right after feeding. I feed to minimum runoff.

I've tried feeding 500 ppm. I've tried feeding 1000 ppm. I've tried with and without Rhizotonic. Flushing stresses them. Results are always the same. They either come around with time, or when they go into bloom. My bloom plants look great, and finish well. They just start poorly. They are in a grow tent, light fan, good air exchange, under t5's, mid 70's temp, rh 40-50%

Can't remember what I'm forgetting. Any thoughts are appreciated.

I feel like I'm doing everything according to what I've read, but I can't seem to get beyond this problem.


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I'm probably blowing this by bumping my own thread, but the problem persists. Does anyone have any thoughts, or is it so obvious that I must be stupid, or so weird I'm on my own?


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Hey Dunky,
I don't think you are stupid or weird, then again I don't know you....:tiphat:Nice to meet you.
Gave this a look a few times before asking one of my bros whom is on the coco bandwagon what is up with your garden. He too gets that rusty looking leaf sometimes. He too also has the problem go away on its own. However he does not use Canna...uses the B-Cuzz BABY!!! By looking at your flower pic it seems like it is not a major problem. I had to take-a-double-take because I thought you were using B-Cuzz nutes. The nice thing about coco is that it is medium-less in that it has no properties to add to the plant. What it gets is from you solely. I know that when i get this similar problem in my garden it is because I messed up my nute mix. I always go 1/2 strength until in 1 gal pots. Maybe that is your problem? Too much at once? Your ppm of 700 is in veg?


Active member
just cut the leaf off and throw it in the garbage, plants grow lots of them. If you rub a leaf too hard it will spot like that, if you sit there and worry from day one, it will spot like that. Pinch it off, slap her in the node and tell her "Dont pull that shit with me again woman or i'll rip off your calyx and shove it up your taproot"


just cut the leaf off and throw it in the garbage, plants grow lots of them. If you rub a leaf too hard it will spot like that, if you sit there and worry from day one, it will spot like that. Pinch it off, slap her in the node and tell her "Dont pull that shit with me again woman or i'll rip off your calyx and shove it up your taproot"

LOL, that is truly the best advice I rad today he he:)
Pleased to meet you Talonted ;)



Justin -- Yeah my ppm is 700 in veg, that's what the mother gets, and she looks perfect. I've tried lesser and greater nutes, and get the same response, deep yellowing in the center of the plant and then spreading outward, and the plants droop after watering.

Talonted -- I'm not worried about spots on the leaves, those spots on mine are from coming out of the humididty dome to quickly when they're clones. It's the yellowing that vexes me. The plants are weak and grow slowly, they just don't look happy to be here. As for the woman metaphor, I don't rub her leaves in the first place -- maybe that's my problem.

I'm beginning to think I'm oversaturating the medium when i first start, and the roots are smothering a bit. I have a new batch of clones I potted up a couple days ago, and I'm going with the less is more approach, still @ 700 ppm, but just a dab'll do ya.

The veg plants look better in the photo than they do in real life, so probably not the best photo to post to show off the central yellowing.

Thanks for the input, I'll post again whether the 'less is more' approach works or not.


Cheers Dunkybones :)
It seems like your ladies have a hard time adjusting into their soilmix when they start out. I would start by looking into the soil you are planting them into, next at the nutes you are feeding them at the beginning. It seems once they get their legs going they are just fine with whatever you are doing, so I would focus on the initial soil. Sorry, just read you are in cocco, I guess there is a reason whole sections are dedicated to cocco issues :(

Good luck,


Kindamn69 -- Yep, I'm in Coco, but you're right, the little ladies are having trouble starting out, and once they go off track, it's the better part of two weeks to get them back. And you're right again, once I get them established, it's hard to f--k them up. This is my one sticking point, everything else goes nice and smooth.


Do you notice they start to become less a problem as root mass develops?

Sometimes with larger cuts I have noticed that until a good root structure starts to take shape, there is sometimes just too much green above ground growth and not enough roots to deliver them what they need.

I am not sure if this fits your situation, because your cloner looks like you are taking nice soft tip cuttings. Sorry I could not have been more help. I would not think it to have due with your nutrients if you have tried different feeds and mums look healthy. imo it is something to do with the roots and medium/containers.

Another thought, if you are getting very good root systems in the bubble cloner then they may be requiring nutrients before they even get transplanted into their coco homes. The signs you are seeing may even be from lacking something after they get roots while still in the cloner, but not showing until right as you are transplanting. Just a thought, not sure to be honest. Some strains with 14 days in a bubble cloner can have roots that are very developed already in that time frame.

Wish I could help more friend.


Dansuer-- I've had the same thoughts myself. The bubble cloner youn see pictured was running on a trial basis, usually i use rapid rooters. The clones can look pretty stressed (all yellowed and whatnot) after 10/14 days. This last batch through the bubble cloner look the best as I've had in some time. So yeah, it's getting them up and going that's the problem, or turning them around once I've started the problem. Once the root mass is there, they do great. Up until then I'm torturing them, but I'm trying to do everything right.

Time will tell, the new clones are doing better, so far. Thanks for your feedback, it's good to know I'm not crazy.


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Hey Dunky,
Have you done a water test at your place? I wonder if you have some sort of problem with your water....I am not insulting you I was just wondering if this was a possibility.


I have decent municipal water and an RO filter. The tap is good, drinkable, @ 150 ppm and neutral pH. I stretch my RO water with the tap to below 100 ppm, as zero ppm isn't always recommended with coco. This is the part that is driving me crazy, I feel like I'm doing everything right by the book, but obviously I'm doing something wrong.

I'm leaning towards having oversaturated the medium in the very beginning. The new clones are doing well, so far, with a drier medium.


It's looking like the root zone was getting too warm. I veg in the top of a hydrohut under a big t5. It's only in the high 70's, but I think with light bearing down on the dark, wet coco, it got a little warmer in there. I noticed when I potted them up in size, the root ball was a little warmer than air temp. A few roots were grey, but most were white and fuzzy.

I moved some new rootlings down to the bottom of the hut where it's cooler, and they look to be liking it 24 hrs. later.

I'm hoping this is it, that I went over the edge on root temp.


By the time the plants are done flowering, the root system is so tight, you can hardly separate the roots from the coco. So no, I don't reuse it, the root balls go into the compost.
I had a similar-looking deal for a long time until it went away when I added more perlite and cut back on the watering in when transplanting. Its seems the young clones were in an anaerobic state state of mind in my overly wet mix after the transplant water-in. Its fixed now but I came to really hate the color lime green.
I posted this already in the coco forum, but didn't get much response, maybe it belongs in sick bay...

I've had a perpetual grow going for two years. For the last year or so, I've had trouble getting plants started in coco.

I clone in rapid rooters, roots in 10-14 days, transplanted into small pots of B'Cuzz or Botanicare coco, washed down to 100 ppm and flooded with Canna AB at 700 ppm/ 5.8pH. Fed again when pot is less than 50% weight.

The clones turn yellow/lime during the first 1-2 weeks of veg. The leaves tend to droop and wrinkle right after feeding. I feed to minimum runoff.

I've tried feeding 500 ppm. I've tried feeding 1000 ppm. I've tried with and without Rhizotonic. Flushing stresses them. Results are always the same. They either come around with time, or when they go into bloom. My bloom plants look great, and finish well. They just start poorly. They are in a grow tent, light fan, good air exchange, under t5's, mid 70's temp, rh 40-50%

Can't remember what I'm forgetting. Any thoughts are appreciated.

I feel like I'm doing everything according to what I've read, but I can't seem to get beyond this problem.

My friend im having the same problems .
Yellowing leaves and mine sre only babies the leafs are curling inwards and i just cant seem to fix it i started off with low nutes didnt fix then raised didnt fix . Im not sure what im doing wrong with the canna coco but i just cant seem to fix the problem.

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