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What is the fastest strongest strain?

It really is hard to say .... there are so many things to look at here.
It depends on your growroom, your grow technic and offcourse when you harvest.


Cannabis 101
Thanks guys im just looking for a general idea, I know c99 is a fast one and is top quality.... Im growing some Critical mass that is super fast hard nuggs and full of frost..
so any strain that I can maybe buy at the boo would do thank u for the help.


hey there dr dank- i've been following this thread on another forum where a guy is growing la confidenial that matures in 40-50 days. i got an la con feminized freebie that i'm growing now but its only in 2nd wk of veg.


Cannabis 101
hey there dr dank- i've been following this thread on another forum where a guy is growing la confidenial that matures in 40-50 days. i got an la con feminized freebie that i'm growing now but its only in 2nd wk of veg.

Thats awesome but i don't think dna genetics sells on here.... :(
I smoked LA confidential in the damn and it was pretty good :)
thanks for the input



I recently grew Apollo11 and from my experience (which is NOT very vast) it wins. I chopped it at 55 days but I think it could have been picked a couple of days earlier. It perhaps isn't the most potent one hitter quitter of them all but I have yet to find the ceiling on this one... I get H I G H as a kite :) And it is tasty as hell.

Good luck!


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Also make sure and look at their veg speed versus flower time

for instance

looking for strains that can go from seedling and right into flower and produce decent yields is different than a strain that can flower in 40-55 days BUT takes fucking forever to veg to flowering size.


Cannabis 101
Yeah those are important factors thanks for bring it up.
Like some of bog strains are slow on veg but take of ones triggered to 12/12

Also make sure and look at their veg speed versus flower time

for instance

looking for strains that can go from seedling and right into flower and produce decent yields is different than a strain that can flower in 40-55 days BUT takes fucking forever to veg to flowering size.
in my experience they're all slow veggers.

word on the street is the bubblegum has gone from Clone to inbreeding with serious to knock off by White Label to BOG's hands so that's a lot of inbreeding and it was already a slow vegger in Serious seeds hands.

I'd say SharkShock is fast and heavy and hits hard from Mr. Nice if you want more medicinal properties you may want to try Medicine Man which takes a week longer or so.

I've grown the black widow and thought it was amazing it's so far my best plant friend.. I've smoked SharkShock and MedicineMan and the sharkshock is amazingly strong.


Nirvana Bubblicious at 14 days Veg. Not exactly a slow vegger..
9-10 weeks flower - but I flipped after 14 days. Cannot vouch for potency yet.



A person I know chops his green crack down around day 45...
Its a decent smoke I always tell him to let it go longer but he's an idiot.


Skunk #1
White-skunk (white-label)
Jack (CH9)

right off hand those are the 3 that come to mind good luck in your search....ST


Active member
use HPS lighting, what great advise.

you should write a guide or something.

thanks captain!! did you mean advice?? well, i dont know about a guide...

but i have seen my skunk#2 strain grown under floro. took much longer, and less resin too.

so captain, what was your contribution to this thread again??


Active member
chemdd, easy trim!! 65 days, good potency

chemdd, easy trim!! 65 days, good potency
