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Just can't get it


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Root rot is environmental, the nutes can contribute, but will not be the cause. I do not do celcius, temps over 75f, will cause root rot. Any leaf or organic matter will help it start, in the water.

While high temp and root rot are a bad combo, temps over 80º F alone will not cause root rot. I've done DWC well into the 80s with no such issues.

Personally, I'd avoid organics as much as possible but, here's a guy who went the other way and used EWC tea (earth worm castings) with success in aero.


stone fool
And since FB did not point it out, he used fresh tap water, with the chlorine still in it. It is my belief that he would not have been able to do as well without the chlorine, as it kills and eliminates the bacteria that starts rrot. This is an opinion only.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
You may well be right. The ultimate allowing reason was never established. The lack of organics in the res is another distinct possibility. But, the point remains that heat alone isn't enough. It needs something to work with. Something that the grower puts into the system.


Active member
the high levelof aeratition coupled with the sterile nature of synthetic nutriants may keep pathogens away and nutriant availilbility to keep your plant intact.
With organics a portion of nutes are available to the plant ,there is a portion that will be "raw" meaning microbes etc..to convert the cruder forms of nutes into forms the plant can "easily" take up.In a soil or soilless medium the microbes required for these important conversions can only try to live in the nute solution,on the inner side of res. and roots.This means that some of the species that are important in converting organic matter into plant food may not have a place to live.Remember for the most part the organisms evolved in soil not water.
You are supplying the microbes with plenty of O2 with the air pumps.Basiclly youyou have wound up with a microbial imbalance
Maximum Yeild Jan 2010


New member
And since FB did not point it out, he used fresh tap water, with the chlorine still in it. It is my belief that he would not have been able to do as well without the chlorine, as it kills and eliminates the bacteria that starts rrot. This is an opinion only.

My water comes straight from the tap. I'm just adding nutrients and adjusting the ph to 5.2-6.0, don't have a digital tester till end of week so the results are around there.
I managed to get the roots growing again by sterilizing with h2o2, but the rot is still forming. I'll try to get some pics up if my cellphone cam can get good enough pictures.


Active member
Maybe it was not rot root,perhaps brown algea(light infiltration) try washing all your gears with physan 20 between run.It will kill anything that was alive,I heard someone have tryed it with plant inside system the plant have not dying but they have suffur badly .But as you know it's WEED so
better to try something than lost a crop.


your two options as i see it are- 1 keep your rez cooler and sterile using tap water with the occasional hydrogen peroxide or 2- consider using beneficial bacteria in your rez. you can either buy them (subculture B is what i use) or make your own lacto bacillis. jay kush has an excellent thread on this. bennies not only overwhelm any pathogens but also bond with the roots to allow better uptake of minerals. i also feel that they help stabilize the ph especially in dwc systems


New member
your two options as i see it are- 1 keep your rez cooler and sterile using tap water with the occasional hydrogen peroxide or 2-

This is what I've been doing for couple of days now.
Took 2 worst plants out, 3 left are showing good sings. I have all of these nutrients http://www.bionova.nl/SiteEN/En/pages/ResultB1EN.asp?ID=16
but I dont dare using them because atleast one bottle was "corrupted". I'm using just the nft aqua basic grow nutrient. It's winter here and I can control my temperatures by opening a window. It works really well and as I've said my temps are what I want them to be.

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