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OG Kush Deficiency in foxfarm?



First off, let me just say that I keep my garden very happy. There is something that this OG kush cut from Organica dispensary is telling me. She is telling me that she is special, because while the rest of my plants are happy, this OG cut has somthin up with it. The main problem is the obvious stunted growth, followed by what appears to be rust on the leaves. The 'rust' forms around the edges of the fans and is sprinkled in the middle.

Is this a deficiency? I hear Kush's are potassium and magnesium hogs. next watering I will feed the 3 OG's with a bit of GH micro and some magnesium salt.

If anyone has dealt with this, I could use your help.


New member
some OG lines seem to be carrying long term fungal or viral infections. are there very small spots on top of the necrotic margins? also PH?


Canna Coco grower
Actually my OG cut uses WAY LESS nutes than do my other 3 strains... so much so I have to make up a seperate batch of water usually just for the OG..

If it growing slow etc... and everything else growing well... I'd say its prby more likely a lock out... than a lack off....

The idea of spraying with a mag salt makes sense to me...

I have found og to be much more finiky that many I grow.. . I have also been able to pull larger yeilds off of a well done OG crop than are typical off say a white gold (skunk #1) or sherkle..

try some foliar applications.... if that helps .... you prby have a bit of a lock up... which you can address by PH'ing... you know... go high... then low.. .then in the middle... etc etc... generally staying around 6.3 or 4 if your in dirt..


pH is fine, not overfed, plenty of light, humidity temp fine, its either a fungus or a deficiency, I doubt its overfeed.. it just looks like rust on a leaf

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