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Can anyone tell me...?


I was recently gifted about a half a pound of fairly good looking green herb. I am not new to enjoying MJ, but am new to the entirety of the MMJ scene. (translation= don't know s**t from s**nola) When I started using back in high school we just smoked whatever we could get our hands on. Now I am living in the Bay Area and am hearing of all the names of strains and the benifits and such. My friend asked me if I tried Purple haze or some such stuff. I don't know we didn't name our weed, we just smoked it. Wow, right? I mean I hate being in the position where I have no idea about stuff, so I am in major education mode. Enough jibber jabbering... can anyone tell me if there is a way to "classify" what I have? Can anyone tell me if I can look at it and KNOW if it is Sativa or Indica? I would ask the person I got it from, but it was a friend of a friend through a friend kind of thing and MY friend isn't much of a smoker and definately not a MMJ user so she is basically useless (at least in this application). :)

Thank you


UMMM, I may have put too many friends in that little explanation. I asked her if she could send me some (back home stuff) then she did. Upon further investigation she had her girlfriend get it, the girlfriend got it from a friend and that is ALL I know!

I got good friends huh?


Active member
I'm afraid you're going to have to smoke some and find out the clinical way. I can't even guarantee that it's weed without a picture.


I'm afraid you're going to have to smoke some and find out the clinical way. I can't even guarantee that it's weed without a picture.

well i have smoked enough weed in my life to know that it is definately weed, but I could prob manage to post a pic. the real question is how would smoking it indicate what it is when i don't really know the difference in what I am watching for?


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
well i have smoked enough weed in my life to know that it is definately weed, but I could prob manage to post a pic. the real question is how would smoking it indicate what it is when i don't really know the difference in what I am watching for?

does it make you tired?
does it make you giggle?
does it make you AWAKE and CHATTY?

is there seeds in it?


does it make you tired?
does it make you giggle?
does it make you AWAKE and CHATTY?

is there seeds in it?

Um I'll be honest here and say that I haven't even smoked any yet! I was still smoking on a few nugs that my mom gave me. (Wow charmed life huh everyone giving me weed!) I'll just have to go in there and stick some in my pipe and smoke it. Then I'll get back to you... I guess. Um there does not seem to be any seeds in it as I did use some to make some massage oil the other day for the joints.

In comparing it to the little I have that mom sent (don't know what that is either btw) Mom's is a bit "mustier" and has orangish 'strings' running through it and is a bit tougher. It takes more effort to separate a nug from it. The other stuff has a 'lighter' almost more lemony smell to it. Seems much 'fuzzier' and has way less tendrils running through it and they are more brownish than orange. It is also fairly fragile and breaks up very easy as I am handling it.

I really appreciate the help (and the smart assed comments too!) as I have always been a rec user who would smoke anything and am only now learning about the vast arrays and differences. Thanks for being patient with me.


Ok, I smoked some...

I don't feel heavy really, my mind feels pretty clear, but I do feel like I could 'wander away' if the right circumstances came along. I was watching a photo on you tube but it didn't make me wanna die laughing. I don't feel as tingly all over as I have with the other stuff. I don't feel as buzzy however my knee doesn't hurt. And I think I'm always chatty so I'm not sure if that is a good indicator for me. I don't feel sluggish either, but ummm, it's time for lunch. =)


Active member


Sounds to me like a sativa dom to me. No telling what strain so don't expect to narrow it down that far. Are there any good sized buds or is it all smaller buds? Usually a more sativa dom will have longer, thinner buds as compared to an indicas shorter, fatter buds.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
looks like a hybrid to me maybe 60/40 very common looking. Theres no way to put a name to the face so to speak.


looks like a hybrid to me maybe 60/40 very common looking. Theres no way to put a name to the face so to speak.

Well I'm not specifically looking for strain or anything like that, I realize that is asking a bit much.

So you say 60/40... 60 what? Indica then? 40 Sativa? I'm analyzing my high and I would say I am feeling mildly euphoric, though not foggy and I don't feel like my arms are buckets of glue so I could easily say this would not keep me from my day to day activities. Oh and far as I know it came from Oregon. I was told that in Oregon most people grow Indica, but I don't really trust the source as it seems like a very arbitrary thing to say.


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ICMag Donor
Fun Thread...

Fun Thread...

Dees so nice to meet you..a big welcome to IC Mag..I see you have a good bunch of people posting and following your thread, they are all good peeps. That was a great comment Chucky made too! It is so hard, even with images, to classify a strain for you with out being there, not sure if it could be done even then, that is just how it is. Some growers can come close..and I'm sure you will be entertained along the way. I think most well informed serious growers/smokers would say as long as your happy with it good for you. If you need to try different strains for different medical issues you should get verified bud from clubs, collectives, or growers, that can assure you of thier origin. I will follow along and see what our members say too! Looks like a fun thread...nice to have you..DD