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Ask Mr.Harper a question!!!!!!!!!


Active member
Yes, that's right. You can ask Mr.Harper a question and possibly get an answer, simply amazing if not a miracle ;) Google is having a question period until Tues, March 16th, at which time the question period will be closed. Upon closing, the questions that have recieved the most votes shall be asked to Mr.Harper LIVE on Youtube. So hurry up and get your questions in, and make sure to vote on all the questions you would like to see Mr.Harper asked!!!!!

Lol, last question was the highest rated in the poll. Its always funny to see a politician twisting words and yet again reinforcing the flawed concept that weed is a schedule one drug. His reply is basically that weed is a drug, drugs are bad for children, think of the children!
Ya,he would like to reform senate so it would be easier for him to stack it.If he is so fuckin concerned about the children,why not concentrate his energy on all the missing ones,and all the ones who take beatings from their fucktard parents.Oh ya he's gonna fill up them private prisons,so he can build some more.He probly knows where each and everone of us are thanks to the preditor drones the states were kind enough to lend him for the winter games.


Man you guys are just cynical!!!! He is after all your prime minister Anyway I heard he's going to porog the questions to a later date, when we no longer are allowed computors, and our children are no longer constitutionally assured a public education. By then pot will only be an urban myth.



dont sugar coat it, tell us how you really feel:/

Typical politicization twisting the question around. HEY HARPER the question was about Joe six doobs not the Mexican drug cartel. People are blind fools if they can't smell Harper dirty deception hole. In his opinion no decent business owner would even operate a legal weed business. What an arrogant, pompous, transvestite. Lay off the makeup Harper, you cant see straight.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Regardless of how you feel about the guy personally

He is still the leader of Canada, and requires a certain level of respect, at least towards the office. Although I do not care about the man, it still offends me to see "F Harper", he does require our respect, while he is still in office

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