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'DP' 'The Ultimate' - 'NFT SCROG'


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The Eagle Has Landed - Well Most Of It!

The Eagle Has Landed - Well Most Of It!

Hey Folks,
I Think it's Time! I have Quite a bit of Trich Breakdown now, we have about 70% milky - 20% Amber & 10% Clear, those on the Sati's which only have about 5% Amber, which i can just about handle!
Terpines are starting to dissipate at this stage, no wonder after 12 weeks of Bloom, & this strain is supposed to be an 8-10 weeker! NO-Way I Say! I will slate DP for saying this in their specs, its clearly not a 8-10 weeker, you may find some pheno's that do but all mine are over 12 week and only just Ripe, & i had to use GH Ripen, Toke Ole Buddy, i will leave my opinion for you Asap!

MeanBean!-I think this is the right shot, Just for you Buddy!

Shhh! - This Ones for you bro, as requested! Its all i had to hand but you get the idea!

Roor! - Yeah Buddy I will Take a look at your Website, please PM me details, although i will always be in Gypsy's Possie, I just love IC, & imo it is the best Canna Site on the Web, Hands Down & reminds me soo much of OverGrow(RIP), I am starting to think its better actually! Great job Gypsy! Max Respect!

Here's a couple more Pics for those of you interested. I'd also like to thank Everyone for their Kind words & Support throughout my Showthread here, Thanks Alot Guys!

I'll Upload a few more Pic's Shortly!

Peace & Respect.....Scroger! :tiphat:


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Important Information!

Important Information!

Hey there Peep's!
I thought i better inform the Masses of my Misery with this bloody strain, 'The Ultimate' from 'Dutch Passion' is a 'F'in Joke' people & as you can imagine i am pissed off-'Big Style'!
OK yeah the Buds look good in the pics to some extent & a couple of Pheno's are passable i suppose, but overall this strain is not what is touted as. It is NOT conniseur quality at all & reminds me more of an outdoor purple strain. I would say quality is OK, but Just OK aint good enough in my book & i am advising everyone thats interested in this Bullshit strain to stay away & Go spend your money on something worth having, it would be money better spent believe me. If i compare it to my last Grow ('BB - Chiesel') it is of Very Poor Quality indeed & i'm really dissapointed, also my yields are looking worse & worse every day & its drying down to nothing 'Fast'. FFS - They had a 7 week Veg, they were enormous as you can see throughout my thread, they had 12+ Weeks Bloom under pretty much OPTIMAL Conditions for both the Veg & Bloom cycle's & Yield will be around .5gpw, which i'm really Fucked off to the absolute Maximum about. Fuckin Last Time I buy Anything off Dutch Passion, Its a f'in Joke, Bullshitting the Masses the way they are marketing this strain. Well i said i would inform the masses of the hype(if it was)& it turns out, YES Dutch Passion are Full of Shit-'Full Stop'. I hope someone from DP is reading this, You should be ashamed of yourselves really, it aint was you say it is & i will never spend another penny on your products-EVER!
Alot of work, blood, sweat & tears went into this Grow & Its Dutch Passion thats let me down, Nothing else, Conditions were optimal like i said. The Bud reminds me of Irish Bog Weed lol, it aint funny - 'Its shit'!
Spend your money elsewhere people, this strain has far too much Pheno variation & what you end up with aint very clever, 'Please Believe Me'. I Hope i have Helped save some time & money for people who were interested in this Bullshit Strain. I aint finished Slating Dutch Passion yet, I will Be Back for more & im even thinking of starting a thread titled, Why are Dutch Passion lying cheating ""$%"!
I'm sure you all get the idea that i aint very chuffed! Till Next Time.
Peace & Respect....................Scroger! :smoky:


Dammmn! Scrogger! Sorry to hear that the yield and quality also leaves much to be desired. Looked like they were the business... Well they do say looks ain't everything :dunno: Not to rub it in, but that's a long wait for such mediocre results bro, I feel your pain!

I am going to buy some cheese from Big Buddha seeds, I need a mother to avoid the problems you described herein & seems that peeps doing his strains are getting nice results. You said your Chiesel was good shit from what I can gather, did you not keep a mom? Or do you usually grow from seed?


Active member
'The Ultimate' - What a Joke people, Do Not trust Dutch Passion Genetics!!!

'The Ultimate' - What a Joke people, Do Not trust Dutch Passion Genetics!!!

Hey Shhh,
Yeah Man it's real shite after all the effort, Its not like the plants were treated bad or unloved etc, I gave them 110%+, They were very healthy throughout the grow & responded very well to my Nute&Add's Programme, everything was right, its the quality & weight just aint there bro'. Its always about the quality of seed that you begin with that defines the quality of what you end up with! Not'So with this 'The Ultimate'. In this case i think this strain was just rushed out by Dutch Passion & more work was/is needed, but i will say the strain has big potential, i know there's a keeper in it somewhere, but how many packs of seeds you gotta buy to find out, yeah-right!. Yeah' its gutting & thanks for the words of support bro' , i appreciate it man!
Yeah you cant go wrong with BB strains imvho! Chiesel was probably the nicest smoking strain i have ever grown, it had awsome bag appeal too, was lovely stuff, my full
Smoke&Grow reports around somewhere, Here you go!:


BB Cheese, yeah i love the stuff man & its one of my faves, i have tried a few variations of the Cheese & i've liked all of them, Even the Shake is extreamly usable. Cheese brings the highest money in the whole district/county that i live in anyway. I been looking at Bubbledust from GrowDoc seeds, looks Bomb man & im reading good things too + lovely looking pic's etc(No-Fem's). TH Bubblegum(No Fem's) & Chromes Pink Bazooka i would love to get my hands on her with a 45 day flower time! Very interesting & i got my peepers on her closely too, i wonder what she could yield with a good veg!!. Oh-Yeah & BubbleCheese from BB sounds good, i'll bet she be tasty too!
Anyway Shhh G'Luck with your BB Cheese(i may still do her next?), you cant go wrong. Thanks for the Heads-Up & Support in this time of Anguish & Heartache! "Boycotte Dutch Passion for Bullshitting i say!" They'll never get another penny of my hard ernt dollar(£) thats for sure, 'Lying Fanny's'!


Hey Buddy,
Like i said a 'Stress Selfing Tecnique', which aint quite what you described in your original post! Although this is a variation of what i know and have read of! I certainly wouldent let much of the crop sit/go 2-3 weeks longer than it should after 100% ripeness! There are various selfing tecniques using stress as a catalyst, i am about to use GH RIPEN which causes the plant major stress, & many times causes nanners when used for over a week!
G'luck in your search though buddy! Thanks for the info!

It doesn't work on all strains either, which is why only a handful of soma's strains are available femmed. That method is a pain in the arse compared to colloidal silver, which is easy and works all the time. Soma doesn't use colloidal silver because he's a hippy or something, but he does use silver cream to stop blackfoot, so maybe thats why he gets nana's!!!


Hi Scrogerman, I'm sorry to hear that its not paid off for you dude. They looked great while they were growing, what a git!! I too have been disappointed by some of DP's offerings, I bought some of their femmed blueberry seeds about 10 years ago and they were shit. Only 6 out of 10 germed, and most of those were unhealthy mutants. I also grew durban poison....... its crap and overpriced too. The only DP strain I liked was ''purple passion'', but when they realised people liked it they doubled the price of the seeds....... and then it was phased out! I've grown most of sensi's stuff (quite good) and most of GHS (very good for the price) and a few from serious (really good!). Seroius are doing fems now, so kali mist here we come! Scrog that, you won't be disappointed because its awesome hazey shit!!!!


Hey Scroger, Shit, they looked like the dog`s proverbials on the pics. I know about disappointment at the moment mate as you know, so I can get a sense of what it feels, when you`ve given yer all to them.

Do you always go from seed, maybe in the relentless search for the best?

Hope you fair as you deserve next time bro, I reckon Karma is due to drop kindly on us both next time around eh?

Toke ;-)


Active member
Its Curing Well & Tastes good!

Its Curing Well & Tastes good!

Hey MrBB, - Yeah i know, DP Blueberry was a real dissapointment to me also, where did they get the Blueberry thing from, what a joke, 2 packs and not a single BB scented Pheno', Other Breeders versions on the other hand i was very pleased with. 'The Ultimate', Sorry i just cant see whst the fk is Ultimate about this strain, soo dissapointed, although after a little cure it's true flavour is coming through and i am very happy to report to all you guys that its actually surprised me in this department, Its Sweet & Quite Yummy & its improving every day, Nice & the High is plesent too, a Relaxing Body with a Mellow Cerebral/Head 'Thank God'!I can live with poor Bag appeal, but poor puff too, 'I cant get along with that, you know the one! So it aint the end of the world! I'm just a little peaved that it did'nt live upto expectations, but i can live with this as its Quite Nice after all. I'll get some Dry Curing/Jar Shots/Pic's up soon just to show you all etc. I really wanna have a go at a Serious Strain, i been looking at different versions of Bubblegum, X's etc. I'm thinking I may just have a crack at her next, i cant make up my mind.

Toke,- Yeah Looks can be decieving and i can be really critical, but very honest none the least. I am really pleased that this Bud is Curing well & tastes nice with a pretty ripper stone too so aint aint all bad.
I often go from seed but i do clone also, depends on the situation as a rule! There's soo many strains i wanna do, so i usually get itchy feet and splash the cash on new beans.
Next time things will Improve i'm sure of it buddy! G'Luck!

SquareP - Yeah, again i will say there is probably a great keeper mom in the mix somewhere, finding it another story, but if you do and clone, i can see a Super-Garden as insinuated by the Breeder! Cant say i agree that this strain is an 8-10 weeker either which if i'd of known that before i would not of gone any where near her tbh!

Joe9000 - Well Man thats where i am dissapointed it was something like 25+Oz offa 8 x Plants (from Seed). I would of been happy with 35, so its way off!

Thanks for looking in Guys, Peace & Respect..........Scroger!!


Thanks for the update scroggerman, sounds like it's coming around smoke-wise which is great!!

I find with most seed co's the bloom time is always taken from the shortest flowering pheno (if they actually tested em!) I am like you in that there are so many different strains I would like to try. I usually buy seeds I am interested in then don't grow em :D as I have minimal patience when it comes to waiting for harvest. The other thing I can't put up with is the mixed results seeds bring. Just a pita to find a killer bit of smoke in a seedbatch only to have to wait 2.5+ months to get a toke on it again :)

Anyway, I am wafflin on been smoking some BB cheese & GH Lemon mixed which has left me head spinnin :joint:

Glad to hear that the smoke is on point at least, sure it will improve over the coming days too.


Dang.... thanks for the bud shot though! I did take a look at it on my phone while I was moving.. back on the interwebs now!

Man, now what strain am I gonna grow...


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Dry Cured!

Dry Cured!

Hey Guys!
Its turned out quite nice afterall & is an acceptable quality to my relief, one pheno is quite Fruity Sour', which is nice, most have a nice fruity tang about them & a decent solid high 'to-boot'. Just a shame about the overall yield! Took a few pics which sort of gives an idea, but they aint the best sorry. I will write a grow & smoke report asap too. G'Luck & Happy Growing!

http://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=11451&pictureid=323466 http://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=11451&pictureid=323470

Hope to see you all again real soon! Hope you enjoyed my little Show!
Peace & Respect Always........Scroger! ;)

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