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A Nice Side Of Life


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Here's some pics of the seconed Crash Test that got the chop. Same as the first frosty frosty frosty.



Wow so F.U.C.K. ING happy I came across this thread, its been awhile Core! I'm super thrilled youre back up to your old shenannigans! Peace and always shine on my friend.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya High you are very very welcome to join the ride
i'll try to update asap :)

aaaah drpressure thanks to tune in mate...hope you gonne like the show a bit coz i am surtenly tuned in on these ones......exept for one Fucked up haze i don't have anything new.....i'm thinking on what to grow next
i need to make'm ready for next flowerround coz i'm not gonne use the normal mom's i have....this way i can start something new....

heya DJ
i'm gladd i got your PM my friend !and ofcourse i'm happy you are joining in....door is always open for ya :D

OMG guyute !
again this is a nice display of frosty frosty plants.....seems i and you got lucky with this one hehehe j/k ....i still got people asking for that Crash test lol

aaaah Weldflash
gladd you can join in in the club mate..Not to many fuckemers have been around...Nway i'm exite for this run ...but i always am hehehehe

it is it it not !!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
thx exploziv :D not that i gonne need it but it will come handy in reserve ,so thanks mate ....and nice of you to join in.... for shure !!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Yea High, you are right, it could need some action inhere....:)

hello hazydays
shure man, come c what i'm growing in europe
hope its enough to keep you USa boys buisy

and brought a small update
i also took a few pix of the ISO i made yesterday
lets start off with those shall we :)

first things first......adding the Propanyl alc and stirr/shake for 30 seconds to a minute....i do recommend to do 2 'Short ' alcohol washes....instead of one longer one.....


after the washes we are gonne remove the most plantmatter with a sift.


in the next stage we'll get out the same sift and use 3 layers of kitchenpaper


poor the alcohol in the sift and the paper will hold most of the debri still left in the ISO alc...


this is what you should have in the last stage before evaporation


i don't have pix of the last stage but you should use a pyrew glass to avaporate on a heatpad or other warm devices....i do have to stress again..do not evaporate near a open flame !!

damn now i know again how much time this always takes ...LOL
but don't fear....Core is here, hehehe..
good thing i also brought some plantpix....:D
gave'm there second feeding of about 950 ppm...and it will not get higher then this.....i'm counting on 3-4 more feedings....

about 5 weeks in
Kauai Kush

my SD Bx 2.5



and the newling.....my Fucked up haze girl....



mmmmh looking good ain't it....:)
i aslo started 40 new FUH's and 10 kodiak gold seeds
for next run....like to have something new in MoM section..:bump:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey bro

Nice little tutorial man. And great update, nice to see what you got going on

Still nothing there yet? I am starting to get concerned. Lets give it till Wednesday, then I will have to look at replacing


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
nice update Core,like the iso tutorial! thanks, should be getting some mail soon,will let yah know,looks great in the room mate,keep at it,I'm loving it!!:thank you:
Hiya Core,
Thanx for the tutorial, i've gotta ask: did ya get a new cam?? Pix look nice and crisp, that the F.U.H and the Kauai Kush have drawn me in ;) They look very very delicious :yummy:
Laterz, Low


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
yo wattup brotha Core,im sorry i been sleepin on this thread my friend.im tagged up now tho bro...i feel you about this last year gettin hectic.what dont kill us makes us stronger bro.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Dog mate
naaah notthing yet......i find it quite abnormal....i told you something was gonne happen with it......

heya uncle
yea mate they should be around there by now.....get back to me when they do :)

hello HLow
naah still a replacement i got...did't get around to buying a new one.....to be honest i don't have the spare $$ to spend on it, this one does the trick so far i just gotten to know it a little better :)

heya Tona !!
gladd you joined in here....:D
indeed my friend, what does't kill us makes us stronger
i know you are a buisy man so thanks for taking the time.

heya Trichosuarus
gladd you like the show my friend...hope i can keep this thread intresting for you all.
they loved the compliment you gave though :D


european ganja growers
nice pics bro...loving the look of the kush..
ive thought about giving bio a shot but scared of blowing ma face off,,untill i gorwn big ball i shall smoke ma buds lol

i dont know what to start with mmmmmmmmmmmmm.....fuck it i shall pop a few of each:dance013::jump:..your strains will be grown in my thread bro (clowns house).. have a nice weekend

keep it green


Active member
Long time no talk, man! Looking quite splendid in your garden my friend.

And those pics from guyute are something else!!!

All the best,


ICMag Donor
Hey Core....tagged in....too hard to keep up with everyone doing everything...lol.

Glad to have made it....looks like just in time for the fun!
