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4 inch to a 6 inch???


Active member
No this is not a thread on male enhancement.... perve!

4 inch inline fan.....6 inch duct work,would this help at all or not make a shit at all?

Going with 6 inch duct anyway for future up grade in fan.Had to settle on a 4 inch fan at the moment.

Just curious if it would help any or if there is a no-no i don't know of.


B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
no it will just change the speed the air moves through the ducking. but your overall room air exchange should be the same'ish.
Sorry bro.


i think that because a 6" duct will offer less resistance than a 4" duct then you'll be getting more air moving with the 6"

isn't that right?



Active member
i think that because a 6" duct will offer less resistance than a 4" duct then you'll be getting more air moving with the 6"

isn't that right?


I think that maybe no cause wouldn't the fans cfm have to be higher to move MORE air?I see where B. Friendly is comin from with what he said.And you too...thats kinda how i was thinkin when i originally posted.

Just a bigger space for the fan to pull from,same fan....same air movement???If I'm incorrect someone ridicule please.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I think the only way you'll notice a difference is if you're putting some bends in the ducting. The 6" would give you less air flow constrictions when bent and turned than a 4 inch duct in the same situation.

But, you're not going to increase the airflow beyond the fan's capacity if that is what you're asking.

Any improvement you see will strictly be due to lower resistance allowing better airflow, not an increase in the performance of the fan.

In other words, if you have a 4 inch fan rated at 100cfm (just pulling a random number out of the air), connected to a 4 inch flex duct with turns in it, those twists and turns may cause you to go down to say, 75 cfm (another random number). With a 6 inch duct, there is less resistance, so you're airflow only goes down to say 85 cfm.

There is an increase in the air moved, but the CFM potential of the fan remains unchanged. It's just not as restricted.