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Mt Toaker's friendly femals

Mt Toaker

Well since I can no longer frequent the chat I guess I'm going to have to post up pictures of my grow update here instead of just my journal. Let me know what you think.

Right now I only have White Widow, workin on getting some new strains too, including Ice, ChemD, and a few more don't remember off hand.

This is her a while ago, don't remember exactly how long.

Here she is after her first transplant. 1.12.2010

Sorry about the first 2 big pics, the others are going to be more uniform in size. Here she is a bit longer. 1.23.2010

Here are the seedlings I popped, gonna flower them soon, I keep saying that and still haven't bough a timer :dunno:

Here they are today. 2.04.2010

Here she is after her 2nd transplant, I think a week later. 1.28.2010

Here is WW Mother today. 2.04.2010 just transplanted in a big pot, she should have room for a while in here.

Here is a "test clone" if she takes I know I'm golden.

Thoughts, comments?

Mt Toaker

I have some CFLs for veg, the 100w equivalent.

Here is what I'm going to flower in. 400w HPS with a cooltube exhausted by a 250cfm fan.

It looks nicer when its all put together but I haven't set it all the way up yet since I built it. I need to start using it for the little seedlings I have going.

Mt Toaker

Well I decided I would do an update for every one. I have those two little ones in flower now.

That little clone has not shown any signs of roots yet, should I just pitch it?

I've taken some new cuts of clones too, trying out different sizes and such, put one in dirt to try that one out.

Well here is the flowering room all cleaned up with a couple pots in there. This is right after lights out.

Here is what is labeled as White Widow A, really just because she is bigger. She has been in flower since 2.6.2010, this is her at 2.9.2010

Here is White Widow B, also flowering since 2.6.2010 pic is from 2.9.2010

Here are my clones in perilite, Mr. Bongjangles said that he hasn't lost a clone using this technique in years, I have had no such luck so far. They don't look dead but don't exactly look thriving either. I am using distilled water so I know that is not an issue.

Here are some seedlings that I started in there too, all the cups have germinated seeds in them, not all of them have poked through yet. Trying out the clone in dirt too, we'll see how that one turns out.

And heres the mom.

Hope you like the pics! I can't wait to get some pics of flowering plants. Vegging is not as exciting.

Mt Toaker

Well to the few of you watching I finally got my plants showing sex! Finally I got some flowering pics! So here they are!

Here is WW A

WW A Again

WW A from a little distance, I think I may have been over-watering a bit and thats why I have yellowing, I'm letting the soil dry out really well before I water again.

WW B, same yellowing again I think it was over-watered a bit.

Any ideas on the yellowing?

Mt Toaker

Thanks Jackdub. No one else on the yellowing? or am I just doing the right thing by letting them dry out more?

Mt Toaker

Will some one please help me with this yellowing, its still doing it and I've significantly reduced the amount of water used and how often I water. I've been waiting till the plants leaves get a little droopy at the bottom of the plant and then water just to make sure I'm really not over watering. I'll probably post an update in the next day or 2.

Mt Toaker

Well I don't have any means of testing my water but considering I'm buying spring water I doubt the PH is far off 7, isn't 6.8 optimal? What is an EC runoff test?

One of the plants is looking better since they have been watered lighter and less often. The other one hasn't been drying out at the same rate.

My clones have all rooted and I am putting a bunch in flower now. I will be updating with pics later today, lights flip on in 2 hours so I'll be doing it around then.

Mt Toaker



Well Here is that update.

WW B is not doing so well. . . I think I didn't put enough perlite in the moonshine mix and its just retaining too much water for her. The new cuts all have more perlite added to the mix. Haven't taken pics of them because they are boring little plants without any hairs even yet. I'll post pics when they start getting sexy.

Here is WWB


WWB again


WW A is lookin better, I think she is suckin up more water because shes bigger.


WW A again




ICMag Donor
Well I don't have any means of testing my water but considering I'm buying spring water I doubt the PH is far off 7, isn't 6.8 optimal? What is an EC runoff test?

ph test drops, 10 bucks
a reliable ppm meter off of ebay, hm digital, 15 bucks
calibration fluid is another 5-10.

EC or ppm runoff would test the waste water of the pot, compare to your feed numbers, watch plant and make adjustments, just another way to dial her in to perfection. :)

you should give coco a try, you cannot possibly overwater it, i buy compacted bales of it for $10 bucks, when hydrated it creates 15+ gallons. much cheaper than soil and you can reuse it too. much faster growth than soil and bud flavor is also good provided you 2 week flush and cure. really speeds up veg time, clone's roots explode into 2 gallon pots and are ready to flower after a couple weeks. you can use your fox farm nutes and handwater without a complicated hydro setup. not trying to be a coco salesman, it's just been real good for me.

weren't you growing bubba and the white? did you lose those clones?

also, better temps for indoor growing in the next couple months, let your grow shine!!!

Don't folks end up with more pests (specifically root pests) in Coco? Or is the risk of infestation the same as it would be in soil?

ph test drops, 10 bucks
a reliable ppm meter off of ebay, hm digital, 15 bucks
calibration fluid is another 5-10.

EC or ppm runoff would test the waste water of the pot, compare to your feed numbers, watch plant and make adjustments, just another way to dial her in to perfection. :)

you should give coco a try, you cannot possibly overwater it, i buy compacted bales of it for $10 bucks, when hydrated it creates 15+ gallons. much cheaper than soil and you can reuse it too. much faster growth than soil and bud flavor is also good provided you 2 week flush and cure. really speeds up veg time, clone's roots explode into 2 gallon pots and are ready to flower after a couple weeks. you can use your fox farm nutes and handwater without a complicated hydro setup. not trying to be a coco salesman, it's just been real good for me.

weren't you growing bubba and the white? did you lose those clones?

also, better temps for indoor growing in the next couple months, let your grow shine!!!

Nice setup.

If there is a possibility I'd turn the 400w hps flowering to 90 degress. you will get light better used in the place.

Not sure if it's possible in there tho.

Hope you yield something off those ;)


ICMag Donor
Don't folks end up with more pests (specifically root pests) in Coco? Or is the risk of infestation the same as it would be in soil?

yes, i've dealt with thrips, gnats and springtails. the first is really easy to get rid of(spinosad) the other two are pests but do minimal damage. i use mosquito dunks, aka BT to help deal with them. i've heard bifen granules and diatomaceous earth help and will try them in the future.

Mt Toaker

I bought some FoxFarm Big Bloom yesterday at the hydro shop, a friend of mine said they look hungry so I'm gonna try giving them some food. Does any one know if I use FF Tiger Bloom do I have to flush in the end?


thanks for the kind words on the cabinet I do like it a lot and I have considered changing the direction of the light but I haven't figured out how to fit the ventilation for the cool-tube to fit in there with the light facing that direction.


I have looked into coco some but I like knowing that under that soil there are many micro-organisms going to work in all that organic dirt.

Mt Toaker

Well I haven't posted in a while so I figured I'd show you whats goin on in my cabinet.

Heres the Cabinet right before lights flip on.

Here are the 2 I started flowering Feb 6th.

Here is a clone put into flower March 8th.

Another clone started March 8th

Another clone started flowering March 8th

And here is a little experimental seedling I started growing in here under the HPS from 12/12, this was started on Feb 22

Well what does every one think?


ICMag Donor
well, since you asked, i think you could of used a bit more training with your plants and a longer veg time, so much space is wasted in that first shot, it should be full of leaf.

also you could probably prop up the plants in the smaller pots with a concrete block or a bucket to get them more inline with the large pots.

by the way, what size pots are those? they look huge compared to the plant size, a smaller pot may work better if not vegging too long.

in some of the shots, some of the soil looks bone dry and other parts look freshly watered, are you thoroughly watering?

foxtails might be a sign of a hot cab or too much N.

Mt Toaker

I didn't know foxtails were a bad thing or a sign of improper nutrient levels. I generally stick my finger in the dirt to see if its moist underneath or not. The big pots pretty much were to just use them and the dirt. I didn't have a good in between size for those plants, I figured it wouldn't hurt them. I don't have room to veg stuff for too long as of now thats why they are all so small.

The cabinet is generally around 80 degrees, doesn't get up past 84 generally unless its warmer then that outside.

I'll look around to prop up the smaller pots too. Thanks for all the advice! I post my grow to learn and to better myself as a cultivator. While this admittedly is not my best work so far I am very happy with the results considering it is my first time working with clones.

When you say training were you referring to the actual training of the plant in how it grows or just my growing skills in general?

Thank you for the reply Reddy1!


ICMag Donor
always happy to help. sometimes i keep my mouth shut like at work because folks there are sensitive. much easier to think outloud in cyberspace.

foxtails are not always a bad thing, sometimes it's caused by genetics, more often in sativa dom genetics. most likely caused by heat though in your strains case.

read more here

i like to train in this order... top, then supercrop, then LST. SCROG is nice too, more of a pain in the butt if you ask me. i find the little extra effort pays off big with the yield. all about filling those gaps and getting the most each run. i also like to veg a few weeks after transplanting before flowering because the roots(indica dom. plants) seem to stop growing after the first few weeks of flowering.

how are the temps today? it was 84 in detroit, typical july/august type day, a good test for how things will go this summer.

Mt Toaker

The room got up to 86 today from what I saw. I left my cabinet open and had a fan blowing air in there and had a fan blowing air out my window too. An AC is going to be the next purchase I make as far as growing equipment.

I was curious about root growth after flowering has begun and how rigorous the root growth is during that stage.

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