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The Bad Girls Club!!!!


Garden Nymph
Did you go see it in 3D? I was on msn yesterday and I saw a headline saying not to waste time on that movie but I don't see how it could be bad with all the effects. I need to get really high when I watch it though


Garden Nymph
Well as long as it's not like Charlie and the chocolate factory. I think Depp looked too weird and he may have overplayed his part. I actually liked Sweeny Todd...


Mrs.Evel: That Elizabeth is fucked up ain't she? I do wake and bake to the View every morning, then watch the Bonnie Hunt show. That Bonnie actually makes me LOL.

KK: I will always take your devil spawn if you want me to. :D I wuz looking at little dresses at WallyMart and thinkin bout the baby today! :D

Jess: Thanks for tip on the Flora Nova, I gots me some ordered !
I got a lil carried away with nutes, and burnt a couple hafta back off a day or two... uhoh... :)

I went to Hobby Lobby today girls, oh what fun. :) Got me some mats for some bird prints cut and a new palatte for painting Ya'll, this dude at HL did not want to cut those picture frame mats, he tried every way in the world to talk me out of it. got to have the frame here at store, he sed, got to put it together here. Then tells me "You know if you cut these mats, and they don't work with the print, you will have to keep them, since it is a custom order".

I looked at that dude, shocked. I guess I appear mentally retarded to those in the real world????? WTF, of course I know I can't bring em back dude... git to cutting.

they turned out perfect, once I forced dude at store to do what I said... LOL

Cost $6, instead of letting them custom frame it for about $100 each. lol


Do you paint, Lola?

Custom framing costs too much money.

Well, I can make muddy oil paintings and I am often overwhelmed by the white of the canvas... but I do like doing a lil paintin.

I was a real BAD GIRL. I went in an old abandoned house and inside was a bunch of abandoned belongings. Must have been an artist at one time.

I stole a bunch of art supplies, sable brushes, fox, all the good stuff, easel, canvas, oil paints, art storage lockers full of good supplies.

I won't break in an abandoned house, but if there is an old abandoned one in the woods and the doors are unlocked, I like to go in and PROWL. :D

I like to walk to old barns that are falling down and root around for cool stuff. I have found dishes, and once a 53 Ford Pickup Truck.

Around here people die and then 40 years later, their old houses start falling down and when the doors fall off, there is ole Lola pickin through the trash in the barn and outbuildings. Oh it is such fun. Most have been abandoned for decades and are all grown up in the woods. It is fun.

I calls it urban recycling... heehee...

gotta be BAD... :D


rinsing plants

rinsing plants

Just a quick question to y'all---do you rinse off your plants before you hang them to dry?
Seems to me a good thing to do, but would like everyone's input.
I have dogs and there is always hair floating around. :)


oh NO! don't do that Witch Woman! You will wash off tons of resin.

I won't even let my plants touch the ground or what ever when trimming, for fear of losing resin.

A lil dog hair can be picked out. My hair is about 4 feet long, and I keep finding those in my weed.. lol.


Cool. Thanks! I have never done it, and have always just tweezed out any dog hairs I find.
But then I started thinking...maybe I should wash/rinse them? Am so glad I asked.

And I appreciate the quick response!!!


Garden Nymph
Yep, all you want are the trich heads. The stalks don't mean nothing. So try to touch the buds as little as possible! :)

That sounds cool, Lola. Those things are expensive and why let them go to waste? I use pastel pencils...I'm too scared to use real paintbrushes!!


Did you go see it in 3D? I was on msn yesterday and I saw a headline saying not to waste time on that movie but I don't see how it could be bad with all the effects. I need to get really high when I watch it though

I want to see it again in 3D. I really liked all the characters, I liked that it ended with a strong Alice and it was just so beautiful.
It helps that I love Tim Burton. BTW He will be having an exhibit at MOMA if any of y'all are in NYC this spring.

Lola you are to funny! Sounds like you scored some sweet brushes!
But you know I love the fact that by recycling someone elses unwanted stuff I in fact, get to boycott China.
I need to restore some of my work- have you ever used any of those materials?

Oh the Flora Nova is strong. You might alternate 1 feeding to 1 plain water until the plants start really kicking.
:plant grow:

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Good morning girls! Im feeling naughty today!

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