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LED light


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
hello. i didn't know which forum to ask this. i'm considering buying a 225 peice 14 watt led light. the led board is 14"x14" i have a 15"x15"x3' box. i was wondering if this light would be enough to sustain a mother and to keep it growing?


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
i bought one for 30 bucks. it's a 14x14 square panel. the question i have now is.......how close to the plants can i get these lights? these things are really frickin bright.


no offense but a 15w led is not going to maintain a mother. I have used alot of different LED and those square panels just will not and do not do the job I can assure you that. It will stretch and grow looking very un-uniformed and mutated. Go by some cheap 26w 6500k cfls and supplement and you will be fine.

Also there is more to it then throwing in any led light. It has to be mixed with the right specturms to even promote growth and by the sounds of it you have your self an ebay special with diodes that do not even trigger photosynthesis, wrong nanometers, far under powered, and I assume some insane viewing angles. Good luch though, give it a shot, see if it works, I doubt it though. No offense partner, Im just looking out.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
we will see if you're right or wrong. i have a feeling you're wrong. i have a sprout box with 8 cfl's in it. i am trying something new. your comments were useless. i asked how close i could put this light up to plants.



we will see if you're right or wrong. i have a feeling you're wrong. i have a sprout box with 8 cfl's in it. i am trying something new. your comments were useless. i asked how close i could put this light up to plants.

I don't think they where useless he was just warning you about certain products that are similar to yours that did not work in his experience growing the plant weird stretchy and mutated but with that being said I know your just giving your opinion also

anyways I would think you could keep them as close as heat would allow just make sure it isn't to uncomfortable for your skin and it won't be uncomfortable for your plants


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
no expert, but i think you can put such a weak light as close as you want. just have to worry about 'footprint' being too small. if you see the leaves start to turn white, they are getting bleached by light and need to move it up.


Well if you want to go ahead with the light then put it within one inch to the light, if not closer. You have to remember, your only running .06w per led. My advice would be to literally touch the plant with the light, those lil guys wont even get warm. Good luck

You should consider supplementing with a couple a flash lights.......just kidding man.


Active member
You shouldn't put it as close as possible because if there is a mixed spectrum of LED (better be if you want results) then they need distance from the source to the canopy to mix and intermingle before hitting the plant.


Active member
have used a low power led light to start clones and seedlings.it worked ok.they were in a seed starting tray with the tall cover and i just layed the light on top of the cover.i have used a hid hut ufo 90 watter for my mother and clones and it worked very good.with no heat i just put a towel over the seed starting tray and light so the mother and rooted clones were on 18/6 and the new clones were on 24/0.