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so i got them in, now 3.4 sprouted. waiting on the last little bugger. I'm gonna spray some water on them tonight, but the temperatures in the cab are getting to be about 85-90. I put a fan in there but it doesnt have a great effect, i can try to add another fan but might be kinda tight in space. anyone have any advice on how to cool the cab down a bit? i've heard ice in the cab works, haha


Active member
If you can vent more air out that would be better, re-circulating hot air inside the cab only does so much. Is the ballast in there with the plants? Can you move it out? I don't know what your cab looks like so its kind of difficult to say..
Ice in the cab will lower temps, how much? I'm not sure, but it will lower temps/raise humidity. Just make sure to put a drip pan under it :moon:


its a cabinet thats connected to other cabinets, i put another computer fan in there, hopefully that will lower the trick. the ballast is in there with it. its about a 1 foot high space. i can open one side of the cabinet to help air it out for a couple hours, but can't keep it open all day. i'll keep you guys posted on the temps. one of the plants that sprouted started to droop ALOT, like i mean falling over pretty much. I'm keeping it up with a toothpick and some string. The cfl's are pretty darn close to the cups, couple inches above id say. would that be a sign of them needing more water? I have yet to actually put a decent amount of water in, just besides spritzing the top with a bottle sprayer.


Active member
Keep the plastic on them for 5-7 days and keep poking holes in it every day to get them use to their new enviroment. I just germinated my 4SD's and Chemdog DD x Chemdog. It's pretty detailed if you want to check it out. Hope it all works out for you!


yeah frozen, i can. I'm gonna get take some tomorrow, I finished putting the 2nd fan in, they're all resting in there now WITH plastic bags on top of them with 10 toothpick sized holes. The 1 that was dropping I would say is probably about an inch, the other 2 have just sprouted out and are looking somewhat good. I think I'm going to water them tomorrow, maybe just a little bit. It's been 3 days since I planted them into the soil


Active member
yeah the top of the soil needs to be wet since the tap hasn't been able to go down far enough yet. It could of drooped due to humidity, but I kind of doubt it because seedlings are supposed to be pretty hardy like that. If it doesn't come back up after plastic put on it (hour, couple hours), then the soil is too dry.


well it drooped till it was pretty much on the ground, i propped it up with a toothpic and some string I didnt tie the string all the way tight, definately some space left, seems to be doing good now. I think that was the cup that bobbled and some of the top layer of the soil came out, I had to gently repack it. But I'll take pictures as soon as I wake up tomorrow guys. Thanks for the help and interest so far!


alright, so I woke up to see the plants are doing fairly well. They looked quite dry at the top, all of them so I misted them again with 4-5 quick mists. Here are some pictures.

Here is the RRF, sprouted with the others a day or two ago,You cant see it in the picture above (maybe if you zoom really close, but the camera is crappy) but the topright leaf is a little yellow at the tip, is this normal or a sign of burning? I'm using fox farms ocean forrest.

Here is the strongest onyx, He was the first to sprout, I think almost 12 hours before any of the others. I took a side shot to show how tall it is, this was the one that was almost drooping so I propped it up with a toothpick and string for a couple hours and it seems good and I took it off, here he or she is standing tall!

Here is the last Onyx, #2 Not too far out of the soil, yet but seems to be doing good.

Still waiting on that last seed though, I dug very very carefully down, and I can see that it is indeed coming but, just having a hard time it seems, Ill give it a couple more days. Alright guys, my only question,as you can see from the photos the leaves are kind of drooping a bit, is this normal? I thought it was because the soil was quite dry, so I did a quick mist. Any knowledge would be great!
:thank you:


Active member
Yeah I wouldn't worry about the leaves just yet, the seedlings look good! Just make sure you don't over water them, or underwater them lol. In one week the difference will be WOW.. Its hard to tell they are growing when you see them daily/multiple times a day, so one can easily get discouraged. Take photos and you will be able to compare more easily and not rely on your memory.

Great start!!!

EDIT: If you have a scale (not a bathroom scale, but a jewelers/weed scale) then you can measure your beer cups (should be able to). You can measure it right when you water it to see how much it weighs. Then when it needs water, weigh it and you will always know for sure how far down the weight can drop. Soon, you'll be able to feel it.


hey frozen could you tell me what some signs of underwater and signs of overwaterring? I wanna know now just incase down the road i face any of these problems
also, how much would be enough for watering? I'm using 16oz red solo cups. I was thinking that a full shot glass of water each should be good correct? I dont want to drown the seedlings.


any info anyone? Ive yet to water them, just wanna get it right before I our some water on em. Thanks for the help guys!


Active member
These are from the sticky in the infirmary by MynameStitch called "Marijuana Garden Saver: AKA The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!"

Under watering:

Over watering:

Here is the thread. Its really great. The wealth of knowledge on the first few posts is enough to keep you busy for a week lol. But its very important and will help you learn to read your plants. A skill that is very important and I think something you basically continue to learn forever if you get my drift.


I'll try to find more examples of wilted plants

That first wilted (under watered) photo has other issues. Under watered plants dont get that sharp edge like that.


Active member
Under watered plants will usually look/feel soft, like fabric or something like that where as normal plants feel more rigid, leafy. As well as over watered plants, they will be attempting to perspire much more, and have a lot more water in their leaves.

Here is some more UNDER watered plants. Seedlings actually.



This is another OVER watered plant


gotcha gotcha, thanks for the info so far. I looked at that thread a while back for deficiency and such. So for watering, is it kind of eye it out? I'm assuming that you want a little run off but not too much pending the size of container. I'm using a 16oz solo cup, so I think I'll fill one of those shot glasses and pour and wait. I think like 1-2 shot fulls should be good? I'll probably end up watering tomorrow or tonight. I'm trying to decide haha.


Active member
gotcha gotcha, thanks for the info so far. I looked at that thread a while back for deficiency and such. So for watering, is it kind of eye it out? I'm assuming that you want a little run off but not too much pending the size of container. I'm using a 16oz solo cup, so I think I'll fill one of those shot glasses and pour and wait. I think like 1-2 shot fulls should be good? I'll probably end up watering tomorrow or tonight. I'm trying to decide haha.

With the full 16 beer cup (sometimes I cut it in half..) I would say pour like three shot glasses worth of water on top and wait about 20 minutes. (If the medium is really dry, like after, right before wilting a plant.) Then come back and water some more. If its too try, water will spill right out immediatly. So you have to let it soak up some water.

Two shot glasses wont be enough to fully water the beer cup. You should wait until you see some run off, but dont let a really dry pot fool you. Come back in thirty minutes, ad some water see what your run off situation is like then.

A pot that isn't too dry, will be able to take a heavier initial application of water without running off until it is ready. Although, you dont ever want to water too fast/heavy. Give it time..

This is why I usually don't post after I smoke.. I ramble.


hahahaha no worries man, just finished smokin a bong myself feeling good! I'll probably water tomorrow so I can water thme outside in the sun. I really appreciate your help so far man!