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SOG - Diesel (64) - 1K - Botanicare


Nice work bruh, Looks like a nice crop all said and done, keep us updated with those numbers and some bud shots:)



Dude this grow inspired me to do exactly the same thing you are doin! We have the same space, same light, everything! I do have a quick question for you. Do you keep a mother plant to take clones from or do you get them from your buddy every time you are ready to go another round? Im for sure going to do a mother plant as im on my own (and plan to keep it that way) but thought I would ask that. Do for sure post final dry numbers. I will be flip flopping between Jack Herer and Double Strawberry DieselxC99 in my closet. Maybe some chronic or mandala Ganesh.

But seriously, very AWESOME grow!!!

Bud Bug

Ok so its down to 24oz after three days of drying. I just put them into plastic containers to sweat them out. I expect to lose 1-2 more oz.

So going back to 49 vs 64 plants I think if I had the time, vegging the plants for say 4/6 days would have gotten a slightly bigger yield with the 49 plants.

I'll post the final numbers in a few days.


what about trying the 64 in promix/perlite mix with gh nutes ??
Are you sure it was plant numbers and not the new nutes ??

Bud Bug

what about trying the 64 in promix/perlite mix with gh nutes ??
Are you sure it was plant numbers and not the new nutes ??

Its possible unfortunately I don't have enough space to test this out atm.

Tarus Bulbar

Thanks 4 all the info Bud Bug!! Great grow thread man!!
Can I ask what fire extinguisher you use?
How does it work?? Heat sensor perhaps??
Cheers Bro!!

Bud Bug

Thanks 4 all the info Bud Bug!! Great grow thread man!!
Can I ask what fire extinguisher you use?
How does it work?? Heat sensor perhaps??
Cheers Bro!!

Its called the Flame Defender. I think Sunlight Supply manufacturers is. It has a sprinkler head on it and when the fluid in the glass vile hits 150F it comes on.


Hi budbug, I would be interested to hear what your biggest plant weighed and what your smallest weighed if you noted this, although they look extremely similar from the pics.

Was the pic that you showed of the one plant cut down representative of them all?

Bud Bug

Just weight it and its at 22.5 minus the .5 that my gf is smoking to her head. I'll call it 22 fully dry.

Tarus Bulbar

Thanks alot man!!
Im goin to purchase one for sure!!
Cheers Bro
Keep that tent filled up and the
camera snapping pics!!
must say for a first time with these numbers and space..u got greenfingers my friend...gota be the best tent sog i have ever seen on the net...mad skill and all the best ..happy toking


great grows
any dry nug pics..?

if you would veg say 5-10 days and let them FULLY MATURE before you harvest you would hit way way higher numbers, you clearly have the head room to go bigger.

Bud Bug

great grows
any dry nug pics..?

if you would veg say 5-10 days and let them FULLY MATURE before you harvest you would hit way way higher numbers, you clearly have the head room to go bigger.

I'm limited for time so have to do it quick. I still have a lb left so will take some photos of the nuggets tomorrow.


Those canopy shots are beautiful! The more I see of the SOG grows the more I want to try one. Maybe next time around...

Looking forward to those nug shots.


very well kept canopy, lush, clean and productive~ this is a prime example on how to SOG!
seems all you need now is a strain that is way better then the diesel and is fully mature by day 55-58. just saw your new grow..hope all goes well it looks like your off to a good start ;)