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Glycerin based Cannabis Tincture

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Here is a comparison of tinctures made by various hot and cold processes. The clear one is glycerine that has been heat cycled 10 times to show that it doesn't change color,

You can make extremely potent and tasty tincture in a couple of days, but you lose the nuances of the individual plant turpenoids and flavanoids, as the individual flavors marry into more of a soup.


Mr. Charlie

You can make extremely potent and tasty tincture in a couple of days, but you lose the nuances of the individual plant turpenoids and flavanoids, as the individual flavors marry into more of a soup.


Thanks Gray Wolf, this makes a lot of sense to me... that is, to be more gentle with the transfer of THC(energy) from the greens into the liquid medium. I think a lot of the success in the finished tincture is due to the personality characteristics of the greens used. Cheers:dance013:


Active member
Hello all I am an OMMP from Oregon who is in the process of making my first glycerin tincture right now. I put 1 OZ of really frosty trim leaves along with around 5 g of kiff that I accumulated while grinding my goods in my space case.

It has been sitting in a brown paper bag on top of my water heater since February 20th, with an opening day set for 4/20/2010. Everything looks good, its turning the correct colors, jar is usually at 80 degrees most of the day until I pull it off to shake it.

I really hope this works, was gifted a small bottle the last time I renewed my card at my favorite Portland Clinic and it has done wonders for both my wife and I.


awesome thread. I am going to start making this for my patients asap. I have been searching for a non alchahol based tincture for a long time.

are there any food or candy recipes which call for glycerin?

Big Raspect...especially to graywolf...you are a master of your craft for sure!

Mr. Charlie

I am going to start making this for my patients asap.
This seems like a great idea. I am trying my current tincture on some people that I know suffer from depression. Everyone else really gets a "feel good" euphoric feeling and I hope it can help heal depression symptoms by making people just feel good.
I'll let you know the results. cheers

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Hot glycerin tincture

Hot glycerin tincture

You can heat cycle a glycerin plant mixture to build potency fast by filling a jar about 3/4 full of plant material and topping it with about an inch of glycerin after stirring it in well.

Heat cycling causes more rapid breakdown and absorption of the cannabinoids, than the same amount of time at the same temperature. Heat cycling in nature is what reduces mountains to rubble.

For a hot mix, I set that jar in 200F oil and stir the mixture regularly until it reaches 160F, at which point I take it out of the oil and let it cool down. I repeat that procedure about 7 times, usually over 7 days, but I have compressed the schedule into a couple of days with good results.

I then run it through a home made extraction press, photo attached, using a bag made out of a discarded 160 count or greater bed sheet.

The pictue does not clearly show that the bag is actually pressed between two nested dog pans, so the glycerin touches only stainless.

What many people miss at that point, is that you can put all the resulting pressed hockey pucks in a jar, again cover with glycerin, and do the whole thing over again a couple of more times, to pull off some extremely good meds.

Hot process builds potency logarithmically faster than cold process. Donated ostensibly expended plant material, stripped by the cold process, still produced potent meds by the hot process in every sample that I have run to date.

You can also run press out a sample and use the same infused glycerin with fresh material to build potency, but at a reduced rate, as the glycerin’s solvent ability is reduced by saturation.

A long cold process produces meds with a multitude of different flavors heading off in all directions in a delightful explosion, while hot processed meds are more like what you taste when you mix and cook all the ingredients to a soup together. Damn tasty, but not usually provocative.

Some of the Turpenoids and Flavoids also dissipate at relatively low temperature, and heating speeds up that process. On the other hand, some of them aren't all that tasty, and it can be an improvement with some strains.

I don’t use glycerin but make it for others. I do however currently have three cold samples going on almost a year, which I haven't tried yet, but the most provocative glycerin tincture I have samples of, was a 120 day cold process using Shishkaberry, supplied by Oregon's Southpaww. That is the sample that I am aiming to beat with my 1 year old sample.



Active member
I know that this is going to sound like an odd question, but short of straining some and testing it, is there any way to tell if my tincture is done or not? Like is there specific colors its supposed to turn or a texture I'm looking for? I did 10 ounces of Glycerin, and around a zip of really good really frosty bubba kush trim leaves. Along with a chunk of Hash and around 5 grams of kiff.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I know that this is going to sound like an odd question, but short of straining some and testing it, is there any way to tell if my tincture is done or not? Like is there specific colors its supposed to turn or a texture I'm looking for? I did 10 ounces of Glycerin, and around a zip of really good really frosty bubba kush trim leaves. Along with a chunk of Hash and around 5 grams of kiff.

Color is not necessarily a reliable measure but is an indicator.

I mostly just keep track of what I put in it and what I have done to it.

The samples that I posted from light to dark, starts with clear glycerin, followed by a 60 day cold process. The darkest sample is a 7 day hot cycle process.

If you use the hot process, it will also darken the tincture some.



New member
You can get a food press at any local RESTAURANT SUPPLY retailers in your area. Otherwise, check Williams Sonoma...its gonna be expensive. I just use a stainless steel STRAINER (you can find them at Marshalls, Ross, Burlington Coat Factory, etc) with VERY fine cheesecloth...PRESS the mix with a silicon spoon. Honestly, if you press this stuff real well, a food press or ricer will not get much more out. You can also wrap the cheesecloth around the last bit of herb that needs to be "juiced" and twist the cheesecloth ends in opposite directions...with the mass of herb/glycerin in the center over your catch bowl/jar. Just twist twist twist...you are basically suffocating the mixture so much that it will express ALL the liquid. This is a restaurant industry "secret" method of sorts...not secret anymore, right? I used this method for over a decade with better results than a ricer/food press. Honestly, get a food press if you find one cheap!! It is a BIT easier.

Glycerin is GREAT for diabetics...it has a pleasant smell when infused...it is EASY on the stomach...fast effects.

BUY food grade glycerin at ESSENTIALDEPOT.com
Look for PURE KOSHER Vegetable Glycerin...roughly $15/gallon.

You CAN speed up the process by heating the glycerin and herb on the stovetop...however, do NOT let the mix go above 160 degrees and only keep on stove for 1-2 hours at most. This will help speed things up.

You CAN use hash/hash oil/honey oil instead of herb; however, before adding to the glycerin, you will need to dissolve the hash/hash oil/honey oil in HIGH proof grain alcohol, concentrate/evaporate it down to a milky substance, THEN MIX into the glycerin right away.

ONLY USE DRIED HERB for this...you have to DECARBOXILATE your herb. What does this mean? It means you are converting INACTIVE THCA to ACTIVE THC. This is done best with a food dehydrator. Put your herb strains (dried buds...not fresh crop) onto a shallow bowl/plate lined with parchment paper...put on a rack of the dehydrator for 30+ minutes...remove and process in spice grinder to make FINE before adding to the glycerin.

You can read an EXTENSIVE description of how to make MY glycerin tincture at:


I DO recommend "SEQUOIA's" method...just ensure that the details are in order before proceeding!!


sorry to dig this one up out of the depths... curious to know if anyone knows the ratio of kief to glycerine for this recipe? i have a lot of kief that is just too strong for me and i'd like to incorporate it in to a tincture.

Thanks so much,
-dodo :joint:

I use half of what any receipe calls for when using kief rather then bud. If using trim, I use twice as much as bud.


Weedomus Maximus
Thanks, again, everyone. The posts are simply terrific and very helpful.





alright, well back to my original question. i really couldn't find anything with the proper ratios, so i decided to give it a stab, and see what happens. i added about 3.7g of kief in a small glass jar that i believe will hold 4 fl. oz. filled it up to the neck with glycerin and have it sittin' on my baseboard heater which is currently around 132F. i've been shakin' it in the am/pm (sometimes in the middle of the day too :) ) and i'm going to do this for 5 weeks.

i may have used too much kief, but i'm tired of having to drink 1/4 fl. oz. to just start feeling the effects. i'd rather have something that only takes a couple droppers... so we'll see what we gonna see. in the pics attached you can see the kief separated and in the other all mixed up. before i get ready to use what i make in 5 weeks i'm going to see if i can skim off what has separated, put it in another jar and see if i can pull out any more.

If anyone has ideas or other recommendations, let me know.

-dodo :joint:

Just wanted to provide a follow up to this one. I was never able to make something uber potent that would knock you on your ass, but if you administer enough you do start to feel it.

Also the amount of kief to glycerin was way too much and didn't mix well. It would always end up separating. Maybe this is because i never got the mixture up in the 300's? so the THC never was extracted from the kief by the glycerin... anyway, i'm sure about 1/4 of what i used would be more sufficient for 4oz.

anyway i ended up skimming off as much as i could from the top of the bottle i used to heat the mixture, then poured what glycerin and keif was left into droppers bottles. the mixture still separated in the dropper bottle a little, i shake it up and drink the glycerin and keif all together. does not taste any worse, but next time around i'll probably go with a more heat intense process to see what i can get from that.

i understand the alcohol method has some better extraction properties, but seriously, all the tinctures i've had with alcohol even with glycerin added taste like shit. and if i wanted to get an alcohol buzz i'd go drink some alcohol.

curious to see what Simon comes up with. Major respect for his scientific approach. Let me know if i can help test a process for you.

take it slow,
-dodo :joint:


Great thread!! I recently had some tincture at a festival and it was surprisingly strong. Glad to have found the recipe so quickly. Thanks people....


New member
Color is not necessarily a reliable measure but is an indicator.

I mostly just keep track of what I put in it and what I have done to it.

The samples that I posted from light to dark, starts with clear glycerin, followed by a 60 day cold process. The darkest sample is a 7 day hot cycle process.

If you use the hot process, it will also darken the tincture some.


Do you not decarboxylate using the 60 day cold process?