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Kill Her & Chop Her Up or Rush Her to Hospital? You Decide!

Kill Her & Chop Her Up or Rush Her to Hospital? You Decide!

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Sally Sour Bubble is sick. Sally's pH got phucked up. and Sally is looking poorly. Leaves are yellowing, crunchy edges. Day 34 of bloom.

Should Sally Sour Bubble be saved?

Should Sally Sour Bubble be sacrificed to the Bong Gods?

You decide her fate! But be quick! There is only a short time to decide whether to kill her or rush her to the infirmary for a flush and repotting.

She could pull thru, if you decide to let her live!

Will Sally Sourbubble Live??? or Die ?? :D


Live angel-smiley-017.gif .......... cowgirl.gif .......... YouHaveBeenBad.gif Burn!
....................Lola ~~~>


Let sally sourbubble live!!!! Then if she dies later you can always chop and dry her corpse for bong rips.

My vote too - every week she lives gets ya 25% more harvestable.

Start her full flush - plus some of your new bud-thickener...



Active member
She could chuck some nannas and cause some havok.

If she goes another plant will have a better position under the light.

chop chop ;)


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Sally is in the firing line cuz Lola got no fat bud left...;)

leave poor Sally be :)


she may look like shes fallen off the back of a turnip truck but she wouldnt run out on you so for me.. she goes with you:snap out of it:


Sally Sourbubble lives.....

Sally Sourbubble lives.....

Flushed that no good Sally Sourbubble, repotted her, trimmed off her burnt up leaves.

She is looking better.

Sally said to tell ya'll thanks for saving her life. (at least for now heehee)

I was gonna chop her down, but ya'll talked me out of it... :D


Sally's too young to die ...

Anyway plants are so resilient, she'll come back strong and do you proud. All she needs is a little love and light ...


Sally had to die

Sally had to die

Sickly Sally Sourbubble was rushed to hospital as ya'll wanted!

She lived a long life and I just cut her down.

Lots of nice fat buds on a 5 foot tall Sourbubble...

too bad I topped her when she was sickly.... oh well ;) I was outta buds!

Just thought I would put an end to the suspense!
anyone who would toss sourbubble out ...has got to be out her mind ...quit eyeballing those beautiful nugs and hang in there 3wks to go

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