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Blue Cheese SoG


:wave: Hey thanks Brother Ganja, I am gonna wait the full 9 for sure... They are just getting tempting :D that's all, lol... Thanks for stopping by bro, hope you are enjoying the pics... On that note here's some more


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Last couple of inside the tent


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Like others have said, Spinosad wipes out thrips. I mean BOOM! Gone! One application.

And if it turns out that what you think is a gnat is actually an aphid, Bayer Tree and Shrub (applied in veg.) does likewise.

BTW I think yr in for a pleasant surprise regarding yield. And I'm sure it hasn't escaped you how the interest in your thread has picked up as the bud porn has gotten juicier...


Looks like the thrips are pretty much dead, which is a relief... I'll have a close up look but from last time I checked they had more of the mosquito look than the aphid does
I didn't mean to imply that your bug was an aphid. Just that I, having never previously even heard of root aphids, misdiagnosed that one a few months back and it cost me dearly. But the aphids are a common problem here in northern Cali; prolly not so much over there. At least I hope not!


Hey that's cool ancientmariner, good looking out all the same ;)

Well some more pics from today day 43 bloom, Full steam ahead on the PK now... The feed regime is looking like this -

2.5ml/L A+B
2.5ml/L Cannazyme
2ml/L Sugar peak catalyst
2ml/L Canna boost accelerator
1.5ml/L ATA PK13/14
0.10ml/L ATA clean (drip clean)
4 drops per 10L nilnat (Canadian Express' gnat larvae killer)

EC 2.2 (background water EC of 0.5 so EC of nutes is 1.7) pH set to 5.8 but rises to 6.2 within few days.

As you can see the weight of the thickening buds is starting to take it's toll on the skinny ass stems :D Have started propping a few heavies up.


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:dance013: Pics galore :dance013:


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:plant grow:


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Anybody used Advanced Nutrients 'Final Phase' I have been given some for free from grow shop and was wondering wether to try it or not, would need to start next week if it's worth the bother... 7 days on the AN 'Final Phase' and 5 days flush with water and boost :D


Fooking great mate!!

Hey Shhh, did you notice that ATA PK13/14 is actually PK17/18. The label reads NPK 0-17-18, they call it PK13/14 though.

I`m glad to see you`ve got everything under control, sure sounds like you have the feed up to the max, what`s yer res ec standing at?? (Oops, ignore that, too busy looking at yer lovely pics to be reading what you`d written, lol.)

Toke ;-)


Thanks cork mate, hopefully they continue to get chunky as they are doing alright thus far. Cheers for taking a look, should get tasty come next week. They look like they're starting to foxtail slightly.

Hey Toke what's good bro, cheers for stopping by finally , lol just kidding :D

Yeah I noticed that about the ATA PK on your thread. It seems to be working well thus far though. The drip feed is giving them a fair amount of run off after I burnt one hand watering, salts were off the meter when flushed :( gave them all a good flush just in case but only that one effected... As it's the biggest one it was drying out alot quicker catching me off guard a couple of times no wilting but dry coco. As it's the only one with multiple branching it's slightly less developed than those that are single cola dominant so it's hard to tell how much the burn put it back.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Im too fucked up to read rite now brow, but i got some stuff you should use instead of Pyretrethrins. Its organic too. it is NOT neem. Anyway Im stoned and I think I saw that you have Mites and sucking insects, Any pyrethrins make mites worse, ive used it, They for some reason shit out a months worth of eggs when theyre hit with pyrethrin, then you have to keep bomboing so change strategys. well talk later man im stonesd. just wanted to mark a place on your thread. ill be back


Hey w'sup Doc :wave:

Nice off you to stop by.... I have wiped out the thrips with the stuff I used earlier in the thread... seems to have done a dandy job of killing the lil fookers.... My problem now is fungas gnats! Lil fookers!! Haven't quite got a handle on them yet but I am persisting to add the nilnat which is non toxic to humans and plants but a killer of the gnat larvae, it won't kill adults though... They are flying about getting stick on traps.

I have to change traps at least once a week, as there are literally a 50 or so on each trap! Yup it's an issue but doesn't seem to be bothering plants too much.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Hey w'sup Doc :wave:

Nice off you to stop by.... I have wiped out the thrips with the stuff I used earlier in the thread... seems to have done a dandy job of killing the lil fookers.... My problem now is fungas gnats! Lil fookers!! Haven't quite got a handle on them yet but I am persisting to add the nilnat which is non toxic to humans and plants but a killer of the gnat larvae, it won't kill adults though... They are flying about getting stick on traps.

I have to change traps at least once a week, as there are literally a 50 or so on each trap! Yup it's an issue but doesn't seem to be bothering plants too much.
AZAMAX Get it! Organic. It wipes out Fungus nats and mites and catterpillars, and all sucking insects.
Hey Man, Please steer away from that other chemical stuff and use this,as it works, and we dont want any free radicals in your body Bro. I care about my fellow Tokers, Thats all.

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