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Need Some help PLEASE


So one of my close friends, recently was diagnosed with cancer, he has a tumor intwined in his neck and has been through one surgery and recently started kemo therapy....he is not in a legal state but i have resources out there, im heading to see him next week, and i want to make the strongest edibles possible, never really cooked with canni, as its never really done it for me, but he is in need, as he is either in the hospital or at home being nursed by parents and family members, his sister asked me to make something for him as she knows me for my green thumb.... so please help me out share your recipes for knockout edis please! Thank you guys!


Active member
Get yourself a crock-pot that does low temps... non-boiling.

Check the stickies and start reading. Butter heated for 2-12 days is good and strong... needs straining.

Whatever you do... it's going to depend on your tools at hand.

Pulling for your friend.

Stay Safe! :tree:


Me thinks the poster above me mean to say 2-12 hours, but I have been incorrect more than once lol!

Find that butter is the best and most potent when it has that glossy look to it, but never to boil or heat it to excess. Also butter itself has a saturation point, what it is I am unsure of. If using a good deal of material, provide enough butter, but than again it is a delicate balance between strength and dose.

Perhaps if you are looking for something very strong, one can use a specified amount of butter ex.) 2 or 4 sticks with more than enough trim or resin encrusted materials. This way that butter can get totally saturated and be as strong as possible, you can add more butter to the remains and make a second batch as not to waste any and still harvest the most potent butter you can for your friend. Much respect to you my friend, this is very admirable.

Another option if possible is to make hash dry sift or bubble and then make edibles with the hash itself. Being sure to make it with edibles that support its reaction ex milk fats, oil or buttery dish. This may be needed to avoid a green taste if the patient has a sensitive stomach, but you can always clean up butter taste if need be. Also if making butter do not chop up into fine bits or pulverize this will help avoid much unwanted green taste.

The cook temp is a touchy topic, but there is a very useful thread imo and have been using the information from it and have found the best experience with edibles staying within temp's that allow all cannabinoids to stay available. Some times people will say the stronger effects come from heating it up hotter and what not. I find that incorrect and experience the same hardcore coma at the end of every edible experience since following strict temp cooking guidelines. The first 6-9 hours are pure bliss, soaring high and in delight. Fully functional but albit a little medicated. Then towards the end (me things digestion plays a role in it) the sedative part takes effect. The total experience soaring and sleeping are without pain and very enjoyable.

1st vote dry sift or bubble, 2nd vote butter. 3rd vote whatever is available! lol You are very kind person, good to know people are still compassionate.



What I like to do is double boil leaf material for 12 hours in a sealed mason jar. Clarified butter might work better due to a higher fat content though, I have never seen anyone do it that way. I have heard high cream (higher fat) butter that's unsalted is the way to go. I use cheesecloth to squeeze out the excess butter. It can be found on any food store's cooking isle. Freeze what you squeeze and your golden... Straight onto toast for me or rice krispies. I even do 2 runs usually the second being for edibles I give out to pals.

Miss O has some sick butter I've heard of. Its definitely edibles though everyone is calling it budder in this thread. Look for the story relating to a 1/2 tsp or something. Theres strong recipes. I think Miss O's is like a qp of leaf, a mason jar of keif...
Its on there.
last week, we gave a friend some BUDDER...he always comes to our house to chill, and he has navigation as well, so he never gets lost......well, he took some BUDDER, and said he was going to eat it halfway through his ride. We waited to hear from him, but he never called.....we were really worried.....he called 3 days later, said he had gotten lost about 5 minutes from his house, according to navigation, lol.......it took him 15 hours to finally get home......he was lost at the park down the street, literally 1 block from his house.....he says he has no recollection of where the time went, only that he thought he was riding a magic carpet, only he couldn't land. It was hilarious that he got lost with navigation, but he pulled over at the patk, and rode the magic carpet of BUDDER...it was quite a ride he said, lol......have a good one...peace...O.



thank you guys, so ive been looking, looks like an oz per lb of butter?, i was prolly gunna end up buyin a oz of buds and break it down with coffee grinder, that should make for potent butter right? so grind it up, drop in mason jar with butter, mason jar in boiling/just under boiling water for 2-12 hours? strain with cheese paper, then freeze?


You can strain with cheese paper, or even t-shirt in a pinch.

Pop it in the frig-o-rator, the butter will seperate from the water and harden. Then you can remove the water once it has taken shape and hardened. A little tip though, if you use a lot of water make sure to have an appropriate sized container to pour into. A very wide mouth container will give a very thin butter mold and these can be delicate when discarding the water once hardened. Utilizing a container that will allow the butter to maintain a good thickness has helped in not losing any down the drain, and also imo reduces the green taste just a little bit.

If using buds I would vote regular hand grinder, not to a powder or quick chop in a blender. Be sure to add water with the blender if you go this way to gather any resins and reside from your container of chopped buds. You are kickass for doing this for a friend. RESPECT

p.s. here is that thread I mentioned, though it is not without dispute ;) https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=2068911#post2068911