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Damn those F'n Drug Dealers! No means NO!


Active member
Hey All, :D

I've never gone to my dealer and had them push me relentlessly to buy/try/take something I didn't want. Ask me? Yes. Try to force it on me? No.

Not my damn doctor! Freakin Drug Pusher is what they are. I had to tell this Doctor SEVEN TIMES IN A ROW.... "I will not take any chemicals." "I'm not taking any prescription pills." "I'm not here for pain killers, I'm here for a referal, NO... I don't need and won't take any pills!"

F'n over and over. "What about XXXX?" "Or... XXXX, have you tried that?" WTF??

Finally I get it through their head that I'm not going to buy any of what they're selling and they suddenly start going down the list of herbal supplements that would possibly do the same thing. Again... WTF??

So.... they ask (as they read from my chart that has this info in it...) "Do you use marijuana?" ROTFL! My "Every day, all day" reply freaking shocked them. I mean.... we're talking flabbergasted/speechless for a moment.

I pointed out that it was obvious to me that they didn't have an education in Cannabis at all, and that it was ok.... I didn't either, until recently. :D

They asked me a few questions about how it affected me... probing for lethargy and that stuff.... I gave them a basic run down on the difference between Sativas (what I use) and Indicas (and the negative affects they have on me). I also explained that everyone is different and that they react differently... just like everything else.

They took notes! :jump: Dunno if they'll follow up, but.... they know to search for Granny Storm Crow. :D

I asked them if they would feel comfortable writing a scrip for someone for "Pills". So that the pharmacist would just grab anything off the shelf and sell it to them. I explained that, because of prohibition, the information about the differences between strains and effects can't spread. People don't know the right information, so they can't make the right decision.

I still believe..... :blowbubbles:

Educate Yourself! Then Educate Your Neighbor(Doctor)!

Stay Safe! :tree:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
he wont be in the biz very long.. He sounds desperate, he sounds more like the pill popping junkie that needs.. Next thread will be how he got popped.. I would stay clear of him and find a more mellow less pushy person...peace n puffs..



Active member
he wont be in the biz very long.. He sounds desperate, he sounds more like the pill popping junkie that needs.. Next thread will be how he got popped.. I would stay clear of him and find a more mellow less pushy person...peace n puffs..

Seems to me they've been a doctor for probably 40+ years.... I doubt they're going anywhere fast.


Active member
ICMag Donor
It is much less expensive to write a script than to send you to a specialist, remember they are in a money making business.... How much does a piece of paper cost.

I also refuse most of what my doc writes out, the list of possible side effects are always long. You got an ailment, my doc has a script.

I am not sure about educating my doc, there are a lot of things to consider - like getting SS disability is just one example. In my state it is still illegal, all we have is an affirmative defense, nothing more....

Blue Dot

he wont be in the biz very long.. He sounds desperate, he sounds more like the pill popping junkie that needs.. Next thread will be how he got popped.. I would stay clear of him and find a more mellow less pushy person...peace n puffs..

You've never BEEN to a doctor, have you?


Now in technicolor
Kinda off topic but: Nothing wrong with pills really. Some are ridiculously effective. What gets me is the price. I understand drug discovery (it's the reason a bottle of pills may cost 5 cents to make, but sell for $500), but in practice, if you don't have insurance, you're kinda screwed. I love Modafinil for example. I don't consider it anymore harmful than weed (which is harmless, as far as I'm concerned,) but at $400/mo it's beyond my budget.

I make sure my doctor would at least try—if they haven't already—the drugs they prescribe. My doc hates the pharm industry and tells me how drug reps are there every week pitching drugs. She has taken psychiatric meds in the past and is reluctant to prescribe new meds, and shit that is particularly hard to get off of (Paxil, etc.)

In contrast, I have a friend who walked into a new doc's office, and after 10 minutes (literally, maybe less) walked out with a shit ton of Rx's—none of which he wanted. This is the doc you want to avoid.

Doctors are humans, with different intellects, goals, etc. Shop around and you'll find one that suits your needs.


keep shopping you will find one. They are out there.. here in Colorado most doctors when they ask if I do drugs I say Yes.. Marijuana and they say no real drugs? i say no and they move on.. i have had good luck with the mmj discussion but they still try and force meds on you. Some will say you are being unreasonable and difficult to treat because you wont try what they suggest but have the time they don't know the side effects of the shit they are prescribing... then when you point to them on the manufactures website they want to dismiss it because that's what the sales rep told them... Fuck those doctors find a better they are out there....

i have had one doctor refer me to another and the doctor he referred me to freaked out because of my pain pills.. the Doctor refused to treat me because of the meds the other doctor had me on... But i just go to another one and all is good. Cant give up and fuck half these Doctors most are nothing but shills for the pharmacy companies. But there are good ones out there.

Like my pain Doctor i told them i smoke daily and it helps with the opiates i take... they still game me the UA and it came back just like i said it would and they wrote the script for more narcotics...

I know one guy that goes to a workmanscomp pain doc and they give him grief all the time for THC...
So they UA him all the time and he uses fake urine with no opiates in it at all or thc... and they write the script.
that means they were never looking for opiates and only for THC... he gets his records from this lady and she wrote mariijuana abuse all over it.. what the fuck... so now he has to fake it in order for her to write the script... he cant change doctors again.
i guess he went to court to change docs and this is what he got stuck with.. but at least he doesn't pay for any of it. not with cash at least just pain...


Active member
Today, 09:48 AM

Blue Dot is a Big Pharma Schill who has no clue about human rights and cannabis.
This message is hidden because Blue Dot is on your ignore list.
I suggest you do the same.

!!! said:
Kinda off topic but: Nothing wrong with pills really. Some are ridiculously effective.
Been you. Learned better.

VenturaHwy said:
In my state it is still illegal, all we have is an affirmative defense, nothing more....
I'm pulling for ya. Please educate yourself and others as much as possible.

TripSick said:
Cant give up and fuck half these Doctors most are nothing but shills for the pharmacy companies. But there are good ones out there.
Ya.... Makes me think BlueDot is some kinda doctor or in "The Trade" at any rate. Totally whacked thinking through indoctrination. Wow.

I've been to worse doctors.... I ended up with what I went there for... so it's all good. Sickens me to hear people doing the 'Yes-man' bit when a 'doctor' tells them this pill here is what you need. Never mind the psychological and physical side effects. *shudder*

Educate Yourself! Then Educate Your Neighbor!

Stay Safe! :tree:


Now in technicolor
Been you. Learned better.

To each his own. Your profile says you suffer from anxiety, and so I'm assuming they're trying to put you on benzos? From my interpretation of the literature, benzos even in low doses and taken periodically are detrimental to the brain, and are one of the few classes of drugs that I love the effect of—but avoid at all costs.

You probably know already, but Xanax is BLISS to an anxious person. It makes me feel "perfect." Time slows down to a normal rate, I breathe better, I sound better, I think better, etc. and I'm not talking about abusing the drug, I'm talking about taking it as prescribed! But unfortunately, the memory issues and long term (and short term!) effects make it poisonous for my line of work, and for anyone's health in general.

But, I have found SSRIs in very low doses to be quite effective. The docs normally give you 150mg/day of Zoloft, for instance, which to me is insane. I take HALF of a 25mg pill (lowest dose avail) daily or every other day. No anxiety, great mood, better memory (likely due to less stress/anxiety, or maybe because SSRIs promote neurogenesis: the growth of new neurons), etc. It's not for everyone, but it works for me.

Anxiety is the fucking worst. Use whatever works for you. Good luck!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have been taking Benzo's for years. I tried Xanax but felt nothing. The only thing that works for me is Ativan and cannabis.


Active member
even in low doses and taken periodically are detrimental to the brain

memory issues and long term (and short term!) effects make it poisonous for my line of work, and for anyone's health in general.

You forgot their side effects.

Anxiety is the fucking worst. Use whatever works for you. Good luck!
You said it yourself. Did you listen? :D

You could actually kick the zoloft if cannabis was cheap enough for you to eat the right strain. Low dose pills, 2-3 times a day... not getting you high, just enough to kick the anxiety and bring your focus in.... makes you feel... Perfect. Only no troublesome side effects or health risks.

Gee... nature invented Xanax before Big Pharma? Wow.... whoda thunk?

Stay Safe! :tree:

Like I said.... Been you... learned better. :D You can too! :blowbubbles:


Hydro, probably true. I think there is a study in progress comparing the physiological effects in the brain produced by SSRIs and marijuana. I would not be surprised to find out the people who invented SSRIs were also hippies back in the day. The problem is Mother Nature wins every time.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I've had the displeasure of having to spend a lot of time in the medical estabilshment.

It gets worse year after year. Doctor's are becoming corporate/state sanctioned drug dealers all around.

Even the best ones. NO ONE is looking out for you except yourself these days.

If you don't educate yourself on ALL the issues, including your health you will be abused by the system. It's not there so much to help you these days, but rather exploit.


Doctor's are becoming corporate/state sanctioned drug dealers all around.

Even the best ones. NO ONE is looking out for you except yourself these days.

Too true man, I once knew a guy who worked as a rep. selling meds for big pharma. This guy was a year out of university driving a Porsche. He'd drive around offering bonuses and commissions to Doctors prescribing their brand of meds, often meeting them for a round on the back nine or maybe a city break for the weekend. It really is just business now... these Doc's don't think with their mind or heart any more, they take their consultation from their pocket these days.

If you suspect your Doctor is on commission, just ask him/her what other brands are available to you and mark his/her response. Better still just don't accept anything they give you like others have mentioned. Big pharma's answers are all derived from nature anyway. Go back to source!



Active member
Too true man, I once knew a guy who worked as a rep. selling meds for big pharma. This guy was a year out of university driving a Porsche. He'd drive around offering bonuses and commissions to Doctors prescribing their brand of meds, often meeting them for a round on the back nine or maybe a city break for the weekend. It really is just business now... these Doc's don't think with their mind or heart any more, they take their consultation from their pocket these days.

If you suspect your Doctor is on commission, just ask him/her what other brands are available to you and mark his/her response. Better still just don't accept anything they give you like others have mentioned. Big pharma's answers are all derived from nature anyway. Go back to source!


nice thing about the pharm reps is they get it from karma in the end; pharm company leases the car and house to the rep; when they get older; not hot and young; they get dropped; house and car get taken back and they're sent packing... its a dirty business all around... dr's have community events for their non-profit groups they own and the pharm companies attend and contribute to em; dr's way of shaking down the pharm cos... actually heard a dr say tell ur boss that if u don't come we won't let u in the clinic anymore
Too true man, I once knew a guy who worked as a rep. selling meds for big pharma. This guy was a year out of university driving a Porsche. He'd drive around offering bonuses and commissions to Doctors prescribing their brand of meds, often meeting them for a round on the back nine or maybe a city break for the weekend. It really is just business now... these Doc's don't think with their mind or heart any more, they take their consultation from their pocket these days.

If you suspect your Doctor is on commission, just ask him/her what other brands are available to you and mark his/her response. Better still just don't accept anything they give you like others have mentioned. Big pharma's answers are all derived from nature anyway. Go back to source!


Not all true man. Like everything in life, it's 50/50 I suppose.
Just look around here, you can't possibly tell me every breeder here is all about the herbs! Please. Most are all about the dollar dollar bill, some way more so than others! Just gouging growers shamelessly!

Yet in the same breath, there are those breeders who care more about the growers of their strains, than they do their dollars. Good breeders too, with great gear at fair prices. Mandala Mike, Tom, ACE Cannabiogen just to name a few

I personally know of a few great docs! These are good people who have devoted their lives to the betterment of people. These are docs who take patients without ins/medicare, take em on their own dime! I don't know of a mechanic or retail store that offers free services:dunno:

In summary, not all docs are in big pharma coat pockets! Generalizations are wack!


Not all true man. Like everything in life, it's 50/50 I suppose.
Just look around here, you can't possibly tell me every breeder here is all about the herbs! Please. Most are all about the dollar dollar bill, some way more so than others! Just gouging growers shamelessly!

Yet in the same breath, there are those breeders who care more about the growers of their strains, than they do their dollars. Good breeders too, with great gear at fair prices. Mandala Mike, Tom, ACE Cannabiogen just to name a few

I personally know of a few great docs! These are good people who have devoted their lives to the betterment of people. These are docs who take patients without ins/medicare, take em on their own dime! I don't know of a mechanic or retail store that offers free services:dunno:

In summary, not all docs are in big pharma coat pockets! Generalizations are wack!

Yes you are right Abe, it's not all doctors... but I didn't throw them all in the same box. I stated 'these' docs, meaning these guys that are pushing pharmaceuticals onto people. Those guys do make up the majority though I'm sure, through med school indoctrination at minimum. I think the biggest issue is most of those Doctors don't even realise that meds they are giving patients are actually detrimental to their health. By assuming that Big Pharma have your best interest at heart, these Doctor's bypass the judgement of prescribed meds and proceed directly to administering. This is very dangerous for me and you, especially if we blindly trust the doctor.

I rarely visit the doctor any more, but I have to say when I do it's not an unpleasant experience. He is a caring man, genuinely listens and feels the pain I describe to him, but inspite of this he is very opposed to any type of medication that's not on his books. I don't think it's because he wants to push pharma on me, it's more a case he wants me to get better and he has it in his mind that nothing else is going to work. That's a good doctor, and it took me a long long time to find him.


Active member
For what it's worth... he's the first 'Pushy' Doctor I've had.... the others were easy enough to dissuade.

Every professional has a real person behind their professional mask. Nice, nasty, kind, stupid.... the variety is the only thing that never ends. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:


Eugene Oregon
Hydro don't take it personal, mine did the same thing.
They want whats best for them in most cases... not the patient, its a sick world we live in.

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