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The WC: Need input, ideas for this weird closet

cre8iv fuel

Hello IC mag, I have a brainstorm for you. I have a somewhat unusual closet (literally a Water Closet or WC as they are called in Europe) that I am thinking about growing in. I want to hear your ideas about how you would use this space to have the most efficient, easy to care for, fool-proof wayto yield as much and as fast as possible. For what it's worth, this would be my first grow, and I want to keep it relatively simple and fool proof.
Here is a Sketchup model with some measurements. Note the hump on the wall that sticks out about 6" and is 14" wide.

As you can see I have a pretty odd but versatile space here with a lot of height. I'd love to remove the toilet to free up space and vent exhaust down the sewer, but I've decided against it for multiple reasons that I wont get into right now. This complicates things a little but should be workable. The toilet is functional and at the very least, it is nice and convenient for runoff and eliminating evidence quickly if necessary. The best I can come up with is some sort of tray "table" that will go over the toilet, possibly with the seat up or removed. To make good use of the space with it in there, I could perhaps build a small mother/veg/clone chamber in front of the toilet where your legs would be if you were using it. On the other hand, having that inside my flower chamber seems kind of risky for light leaks etc. Sure, I could have many levels of shelves etc. but I don't really feel like having all those lights, drilling all kinds of holes in the wall and cutting shelves around that weird hump you can see on the pisser's right (if you're a guy, left if you're a girl, or pooper's left haha) or building a 6' tall loft around the toilet and having to stand on a ladder to mess with plants way up at the top.

Now on to the window. It's kind of both a curse and blessing at the same time. A curse because it needs to be light sealed, and a blessing because without it, there's really no other way to exchange air in this space.


The window is double vertical sliding. That is, both the upper and lower halves slide, allowing a gap at the top and bottom. The actual window glass/opening area is about 11"x54". I'm pretty sure the bottom opening is going to be a passive intake and the top exhaust.

What I am thinking about doing here is building "window boxes" that will go into the openings at the top and bottom of the window, with kinked ports to block light, and of course the middle blocked off with a layer of foam or something. The window is high up and doesnt face a street or anything, just a small courtyard alley of a big building, so if I do it right it shouldn't really be very conspicuous in the unlikely event someone scrutinizes this air shaft. I have a very rough idea of what this would be like, but this is where I am hoping you can help me out. I need some ideas and examples for these.

Power will be supplied by the light fixture, converted to outlets. This is awesome because with some yo-yo's, it will make for a very clean setup with no cords hanging down. I'll just have to reach up to adjust the timers. Hopefully it can support the hardware I want to run, which I'm pretty certain is a 400w in a cooltube, vented through a 6" 400+CFM centrifugal fan. Power allowing, I also have plenty of space to use fans to circulate the air, blow onto the plants, and excessive temps shouldn't been as much of a concern.

On to growing styles...
I've been planning on starting with good ol' soil since I'm a noob. I might be able to squeeze 3 5 gal buckets in there, maybe 4 but I don't think so. A bunch of small square pots would probably work well also. The presence of a toilet for runoff and all that height makes me think about the potential for just 2 hempy bucket monsters, although I'm not sure if that's a great or terrible idea for a beginner. It seems like a vertical SCROG, vertical light setup could work well in here, especially if one wanted to get a lot out of a few big sativas, but I'm a noob and will be starting with Afghan, so am not sure if that's a good idea either. I plan on just LST and topping for this first run.

Please share your ideas and feedback.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi, sounds like you have some good ideas!.

couple of thoughts - you could build a small cabinet for veg that sits next to the loo and then even a bigger cab that fits on top of it for flower - this may be less trouble than all the work on the room and windows and lightproofing between the two areas etc. then you could leave the window open for ventilation.

the 400 sounds good, remember lights are more efficient without a cooltube if you can get away with it and imo the reflectors on cooltubes arent always that good. i would go with horizontal for that space and because you are a nOOb to growing, but the vert guys may say different.

other than that your ideas sound good


cre8iv fuel

VG, thank you very much for taking the time to come through!

Your thoughts on the cooltube are appreciated and noted. Would you use a regular cooled reflector, or just an open light with reflector and well vented cab? I'd like that because I don't have a lot of money to invest in this right off the bat and just a reflector is cheaper. The good thing about the cab inside the closet is it will cover sound and smell pretty well. Of course I will be using a carbon scrubber though.

You're absolutely right, a cab on top of the toilet does make sense and would be a bit simpler, and I wouldn't need to worry about lightproofing and stealth on the windows. The main issue with that is that there isn't much space for real doors on a cab, so I may need to use plastic or fabric or something instead.

I have another noob question for you guys. So, if I'm am working on the plants and it has to be during their light period, I guess I have to light-proof the window in the room that the WC is attached to as well? Because I think it will be pretty suspiscious to have an extremely bright window on that while I have the closet/cab open, right? This makes keeping it harder too, because I need the room to look stealth.


Just Call me Urkle!!
WOW!! THat's a lot to read I'll check it out later but I was say get rid of the toilet as it add's humidity...

cre8iv fuel

Sorry Thundurkel, I know it's long. I think a lot and talk about what I think haha. I have a lot of noob questions.

Yeah, I was worried about humidity with the toilet too. It's been known to evaporate and dry up quickly when not in use. I guess I could pump the water out to speed that up.

So I measured again to see how much space I have for a cabinet. 17" deep because of that damn hump on the wall. After the thickness of the cabinet wall materials, I think it's going to be too shallow to be worth the trouble for a 15" deep cab in a space that big.

Hmm. Maybe I should reconsider removing the toilet after all.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i wouldnt worry too much about humidity from the toilet - but if you empty the water it's going to smell without blocking the u bend and if you remove it altogether then you will need to cap the stink hole or again it will smell.

perhaps just a veg cab next to the toilet would be the best compromise to avoid the light issues?

as for reflectors definitely an open one if you can keep the space cool enough - glass blocks 5-10% of light. this is also an area i wouldnt economise on as you want it to reflect half of your light efficiently. i have a diamond reflector (ecotechnics) and i rate it highly - perhaps one of the reasons for the decent yields i get.

p.s. as for the window you could just get a well fitting blind to cut out most of the light when you open the cab. - i can see it is a bit tight for a cab in there


Build legs and a floor over the unit...gives about 165cm flower space with veg underneath.
a couple of louvered doors over the window with scrubninja's design...


cre8iv fuel

grow one tree - DWC in the comode!

Haha yeah I could say I'm flushing literally.

Medi-useA-Redux, thanks for the info. I'll def check scrubninja's design. So, looking at your notes, you're saying to put the floor on top of the toilet seat, or above the tank? As for a res, there won't be one. Yet ;).


Above the tank would be my bet...how high is the toilet cistern?...90cm?...120?...you could put it level with the toilet seat but th@would restrict your veg space.

If you have your res on the far side of the bowl, but hooked up in such a way th@you can drain or fill it with minimal effort, it can stay behind your veg area....the seat could be used to elevate cuttings or young plants and the front of the seat {where ya legs go when sitting down}area and other side of the bowl{near the door} can be used for taller plants...you would then also want an interior door to close off the top flowering section...this could be solid or made to scrubninja's louvre design...


cre8iv fuel

Top of the cistern is 34". Top of the seat is 16". Sorry I can't get the dimensioning in Sketchup to work.

Here's another image that better shows wall behind the toilet and the toilet's orientation. It's literally IN the wall it's against, the wall's even hollowed out a little for it all weird.

Distance from cistern to right wall is 31", distance from front of toilet seat to wall is" 13. I guess it would be good to put the pots on top of the cistern and make more space for the veg below. I was just hoping for an easy runoff drain into the toilet with it lower, and being a pussy about lifting pots and plants up and down and barely being able to reach the tops of taller plants unless I take them down haha) Looking at it right now though I think it'll work fine.

Oh yeah I realized I've seen those 90 degree panel shutter vents before and it will work ideal for passive intake from the bottom opening of the window. Seems perfect and should flow well, thanks for the tip.

There will hardly have to be any ducting at all and I think I have a good idea for the exhaust vent.

cre8iv fuel

Here's what I threw together since I can't sleep. I guess this Strawberry Cough I was enjoying is a pretty Sativa leaning pheno:smoke:


That's the common 6" duct flange to simple little wooden box with 3"x11" Scrub Ninja Shutter Style vent. Found the original Scrub Ninja thread here https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=135524. Not shown in pic-another identical vent panel (not box) for passive intake in the bottom window crack. That seems pretty simple compared to the complexity of any flower cab.

That's a significant amount of air to have to replace every min, but according to my calculations, I only need a 54CFMfan to exchange it every minute. If I could get away with a 4" fan without it being too loud, that would suit the exhaust vent design even better. Then it could just be an 11x6x4" flat box with only one tapered side instead of 2. :chin: Hmm that doesn't sound right though, seems like a 6" would be better for cooling/odor, especially pulling and pushing through those two vents and carbon scrubber.

This is another factor to VerdantGreen's point about not using a cooled hood/tube. Thanks VG.

Thoughts on this?


I would recommend you make the Scrub Ninja Shutter Style vent {hereafter referred to as SNSS:)} removable...easily removable...dust, gunk and grime are going to build after some time being used as an active vent...

You need a modular SNSS so th@ you can put a new one in and clean the one you just removed...check them all to make sure they all fit first.


cre8iv fuel

Great idea medi-useA-Redux. I'll just have to make sure it fits snug.
Your avater makes me hear "Great news everyone!" in the Dr.'s Voice haha.


Ah, yes...mad scientists month...my fav time of year! :)

Keep us updated on ya progress.



pull the toilet it take 3 minutes to do then vent into the sewer. It should go to the vent on the roof then and as long as it is a slow steady amount of air it should not mess up the traps in the house

cre8iv fuel

pull the toilet it take 3 minutes to do then vent into the sewer. It should go to the vent on the roof then and as long as it is a slow steady amount of air it should not mess up the traps in the house

It's not in a house. It's in a large very, very old building. A problem with the plumbing could mean a huge mess, the demise of the grow, and getting busted. This is one of the main reasons I am trying to avoid removing it.

cre8iv fuel

WTF VedantGreen is banned now? That dude's a badass and great contributor, one of the best IMO. Hope it's a mistake.


well maybe just pull it and put a test plug in to keep the stink down. I would definitely remove it it is not hard and would rarely cause any problem. The turlet is just a big thing in the way in there.

there will be no mess if you pull it and test plug it off unless you are on the bottom floor of a place that flood a lot. We pulled one at my buddies apt a few years ago and place the toilet in the garage to store it to put back later with the sink too. the test plug come out real easy to dump all the old soil in too. A hose and open closet flange is great as long as you are on city sewer

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