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Poor goats :)

Flying Goat

Marywanna - I have a new Alpine/Boer cross doe in my herd now... A neighbor had brought her to breed to my buck... Guess my naughty Nubians led her into Perdition, because she got home & would not stay in the pen. Kept getting out & eating Mrs. Peacock's daffodils... Mr. Peacock ran into me in the feed store & said he was gonna sell her... Got a 4 year old, 110 lb., solid, well-built doe who is a strangely quiet, very alert girl for only $65.

I just hope Mr. Peacock doesn't find out he could have gotten around $140 for her at the sale barn...


I keep begging for a Pygmy. I miss my liddle goats and they were my horses friends. We have less property now,so we would have to put up a pen and put a large doghouse in it. But then I am afraid a goat will climb on top and get out. I'm not worried about the dogs,they like goats. We have way too many coyotes out here now,and the deer population is out of control. Anything I put out there,they will get into,and I don't want the mangey deer giving my goat some disease. Maybe I should go for a lamb instead,but sheep smell creepy,and they have no use except for food. You can't milk them,and did I mention they stink? I miss my livestock. I can't have a burro or pony,township ordinances. The only thing we will get this year is a Black Angus steer that I will keep at my friends farm.But he will be named Supper. And when he comes to our house he will be in packages,lol.

Cookie monster

:laughing:"Ducken" ...only Cookie could come up with that one.:) No you guys,I can't eat a Goatee. A steer,well thats another story.

Ah well twas either call him ducken or we call him chuck :) and sure he's more duck than chicken so it made sense...


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
I know quite a few ppl here who have bought Goats "to eat the grass" ... They do look at you kinda wierd when you explain that Goats will eat everything on the planet, animal, vegetable or mineral, except grass. They do learn quick though, but generally have nothing left living within miles. [apart from a massively overgrown, untouched lawn]

Round here they can be a serious problem, Shepherds take their flocks out daily to ravage the surrounding countryside and rural campo growers are known to wake up sweating at night at just one imagined "Baa"...

Flying Goat

Mine eat brush by preference - mostly blackberry thickets... But they do like grass from time to time... However, give em grass only & they'll get so bored they organize & stage "prison breaks," with runs into the woods for pine & sweet gum...