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Traveling to Africa


Active member
I was just wondering if anyone here had traveled to any parts of Africa like Ghana, S. Africa, or any other countries in Africa known for their marijuana production. I did a search and there isn't to much info on actually traveling to these countries. I want to book a vacation soon and would like to go some where other than the usual destinations. Any info on these places would be great.


I have an old West Africa guide that tips Ghana heavily for ganja. Apparently there's a strong rasta community there and it's easy to score from the rasta on beaches near Accra and even (though I'd be very careful) from reggae bars north of Piccadilly Circus.

Do have a look at webehigh.com - some useful stuff in there on SA. My old South African flatmate said that almost all young people in SA smoke dagga and it's dirt cheap and very easy to score. The best stuff comes down from either Malawi or, more commonly, from Swaziland.


Was in Capetown in 2002 and was amazed at how available weed was. on my first day i scored about 6-8 grams for 50 cents. Was pure bush but took the edge of the scaldy flight. Next day hit the markets and went to a rasta stall. Was lookin at a pipe an the rasta behind the counter asked would I like something to put in the pipe. bang. Picked up a half ounce of swazi skunk for 6 euro and about a quarter ounce of black malawi hashish. The hash was an unexpected delight. Soft and very stony. Was happy out with my new stash, but being a complete stoner I cant pass an oppertunity to sample even more fine herbs...which i did. Basically the weed is everywhere in capetown. If you want some just go for a walk. Should take you about 2-3 seconds to score.