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Pot Roulette


Ok everyone I have come up with a fantastic new idea. Hopefully no one beat me to the punchline. So I hope everyone has heard of chatroulette. Where you're connected to a random person and their webcam. You can chat to them or move on to someone new.

Anyway on to my point. So tonight me and my buddy - through chat roulette - ended up smoking a jay, yes over the internet, with some dudes in denmark. And we were in canada. Is that not awesome?

So I was thinkign why not create a variation of the site but specifically designed for stoners. You connect - via webcam - to someoen random and smoke a jay with them or hit a bowl. I don't knwo about you guys but I like the sound of that. Think of all the international stoners you would meet. Amazing. What do you all think?


Im partially joking but partially serious on this. I have a fair bit of computer knowledge but not enough to produce this on my own. If someone else had the knowhow I would love to work with them on it.

I feel like I didnt explain myself properly before. So the idea is you video chat with people and smoke weed with them. When you get bored or fancy a new stoner you press the "next" button and up pops a new stoner's webcam. Repeat and enjoy.


Got this new idea

Got this new idea

I know everybody been on chat roulette before. You get bunch of creeps and weirdos. This is for the marijuana community, you smoke weed with them through the internet! If you don't like them simply hit next like chat roulette. If you like them well you got a new friend. You want to know how I came up with this. I happened to find someone on chat roulette smoking a joint and I was hitting a bubbler. I know this sounds a little crazy but I doubt anybody thought of it. PM if your good with computers so we can make this happen.
I've been blazing with people on stickam for years, we can get big group sessions going. I'd love to do some pot roulette. You and Zissou must have met up on chatroulette blazing, ha ha


the only thing being smoked on chatroulette is pole. from what i've read 99% of the users just flash you their cock and run.


Active member
the only thing being smoked on chatroulette is pole. from what i've read 99% of the users just flash you their cock and run.

And every new chatroullette that gets made for a specific site or subject... gets taken over by guys jerking off pretty quickly.


Thats the thing. There is a serious infestation of cocks on these things. I'm not entirely sure how you'd get around it. It kind of defeats the point having to register a username and password but maybe youd get less cocks then. Ill PM zissou and discuss with him.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i read the original idea and thought "ok, that'd be cool!" then i thought about it for a while and realized "yeah, there'd probably be a lot of crazy people on there, probably having something to do with penis" lol :joint:

i'd be the asshole that dresses up like a fed/cop haha, and just randomly spount antidrug propaganda lol...

good idea though!


Maybe if you eliminated the random aspect, maybe you could choose other ICMAG users who agree to your request in order to have a session together, or you need an invite from someone in a group before you can enter


natural medicator
i'd rather not link up my computer to complete strangers just to let them see me doing something illegal........and maybe have to see some lonely guy's cawk


Alright I like the idea on doing it through icmag or something. Where people log in etc. And I suppose a lot of you folks in the states would be paranoid about doing this. But theres plenty of other pot smokers out there who don't live in the states. I still think it's a promising idea.

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