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50 watt hps dwc pc grow

Green Smoke

Hey GS can i do that this late into flowering?

In DrBuds thread, he talks about just bending it over til it breaks and letting it hang. I tried it once and it did heal. I didn't like it though because it takes up too much space. If the stem isn't wood, and will crush, then you should be able to get away with it.
Interesting, thanks for the info GS.

So ive been gradually bending it down to the right the past couple days and lookin less smushed now. I couldnt bend it to the left, not as much room to bend and the light would burn it.
Timmmmmberrrr!..if that can even be said in the micro world hah

Chopped the girl today, put the nugs in this dryer box, got the idea from here: hxxp://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/62900-4-day-bud-dryer-40-a.html.

Tried making it coldish to force some purple and got a little on the nugs. Here the best i could do about a close up pic.

Then its off to the jar.



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I havent seen one in stores, but u can order one online off home depot or some other place online. Couldnt tell ya the price some sell it for more than others.

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