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The Bad Girls Club!!!!

haha you girls are great! i love reading this stuff.
btw, how are you guys using all those cool smiley faces??!! i only see the generic ones :-/


What's up ladies? Anybody like to go antiquing? I went yesterday, new antique store opened up.

Didn't buy anything though. No Fiesta!

Ya'll should see the Flower Patch! I think that FloraNectar is kicking ass and taking names.

Anybody use FloraNectar?

Are you using Flora Nova as well? I am curious about this because it is recommended for use with the Flora Nova program but I have been using molasses/sucanat for days so I have been reluctant to add another product.

And yes I love to go antiqueing. I grew up in town that generated it's economy with the antique crowds and even worked in one just after highschool.
A good thrift store I can't pass up either, knowing there may be a little gem just waiting to be discovered inside. I think my all time favorite is Hidden Treasures in Topanga.


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
I haven't been antique'ing in a long time..... Theres a really cool place off old highway (route 66 anyone?) lol... anyways, this cool little depot, and they have tons of antiques.. but a bit overpriced....
Hello ladies! I have been slacking, but I have deserved it. My hubby has given me serious accolades. he is a gifted grower and he says my plants are like ones he'd have grown and that the bud is chronic. He is so impressed. :)

On the funny side, we got really drunk last night. We were at friends' house and I'd left a bag in the car that Lindemann's Pomme for me and some champagne for one of my girls. I ran out to the car (literally) to get it. Hubby came with. I don't know why. Well I gave him the bag, but in my loony toons state, I could only think "must get bag in house quick so champagne/pomme can gt in freezer and cool." I was running back to the house and I literally came from behind and the side and sideswiped my husband, totally knocked him to the ground. Broke my bottle, but not my girl's. Busted up his arm, so he has this scrape covering his whole forearm, gouges out of his knuckles, knocked his knees so bad he can't even bend them coming down the steps. I guess if I still feel agro about the past, I can just let it go, b/c I literally beat him up. Well I guess for a big girl (I'm not some skinny girl), I can A. run very fast B. beat someone up by tackling them. If someone ever jumps me, I will tackle them and then jump up and down on them for good measure. I feel incredibly good today, which considering I was drinking shitty well drinks during happy hour interspersed with Jaeger bombs (drop a shot of jaegermeister in a glass of red bull) is miraculous. Of course my massage therapist and I could feel the tension from choosing to trust him and having him home, and of course hitting him like a football player. And I don't mean soccer, I mean American football.

Well hopefully I have entertained you with my story. The worst part is that I kept laughing my ass off aobut it the whole time. I mean it is ironic given everything that has happened that I would accidently just beat him up. :)

Oh yeah, I also brought home some nasty viral strep-style infection and he's been miserable all week and THEN I beat him up.


THC Angel

Hi BGC, Hi Ran,

Hope you are all doing well, it's the end of the afternoon for me and maybe the morning for you, and all I can say is the week end was really too short lol...as always...and I'm so f#ckin tired.


LOL OMM!! Very Niiice!
Feminine energy can be strong. It can be completely unintended but .... maybe serendipity?

I remember being so pissed off at an x that I was in the shower imagining myself smacking him with a 2x4 (we can just dream sometimes can't we? he was really shitty to me). Anyway I didn't dwell on it after that cuz we were done and moving on but the next time I saw him he had a broken nose :blackeye:, not from me it happened at a bar or concert or something.
I nearly peed myself!
If there is a god she/he has a sense of humour;)

Hope Y'all had a great weekend and you and all your loved ones are safe and well!!!


Man, this place is dead! Not much going on around ICMag tonite, huh?

HipLet: I bet you got some buds a growin like me, and no weed huh? I got a dab or two to smoke, and tons of green buds...

Jess: I got some Flora Nova coming but have not tried it yet. I called GH yesterday, and they will ship ya their products to try for free, just gotta pay the shipping... cool huh?

I am expecting the FN and some pineapple flavor Flortnectar too.

Where's Trichy been today? I ain't seen her. Mrs. Babba ain't been posting much either.

I bet they got in an arm wrasslin match and broke their typing hands? :D


Garden Nymph
Lol Lola. We were thinking the same thing. Me & Free said, "ICmag is kinda slow tonight, huh?"

Nope, not even buds here. We got clones rooting, and two in veg, but the rest are either seedlings or males. I can just stare @ other people's buds on here instead.