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Get your tin foil hats on!


Active member
i really hate the way our society is. people like lady gaga, plies, and key$ia are the ones getting radio play instead of REAL artists.

the government is continually trying to press legislation that goes against the constitution and against basic freedoms yet the sheeple dont seem to care.

regular people are stil getting their doors kicked down over growing a fucking plant to try and survive this recession, while the criminal bankers who stole millions, get bailed out by the millions.

the liberals wanna take my guns away, but at the same time relax laws against illegal immigrants and gangbangers who will be armed with illegal guns.

and Nancy Pelosi wants to shove her BS health care down our throats even though more than half the nation does not want it. All she has to say about it "COMPLY OR GO TO JAIL"...if that isnt the dawn of the socialist regime banging on the doors of the USA then i dont know what is.
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crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
and while we're off topic.....
who else thinks that the moon is too bright?
i for one would like to sleep at night without its silvery glow.
DAAYUUUM. guys can be really nasty and mean :-(

p.s. whoever said i was "uneducated when it comes to music" has no idea what they're talking about. HOW. RUDE. Don't knock what you don't know!!


cannabis enthusiast
is that thing marilyn mansons alter ego?
This picture was taken of Lady Gaga just two days ago while she was in London. (It's on Yahoo.com's home page)


Honestly. A lobster hat?


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Why does it look like someone is always behind her holding her up?


i really hate the way our society is. people like lady gaga, plies, and key$ia are the ones getting radio play instead of REAL artists.

the government is continually trying to press legislation that goes against the constitution and against basic freedoms yet the sheeple dont seem to care.

regular people are stil getting their doors kicked down over growing a fucking plant to try and survive this recession, while the criminal bankers who stole millions, get bailed out by the millions.

the liberals wanna take my guns away, but at the same time relax laws against illegal immigrants and gangbangers who will be armed with illegal guns.

and Nancy Pelosi wants to shove her BS health care down our throats even though more than half the nation does not want it. All she has to say about it "COMPLY OR GO TO JAIL"...if that isnt the dawn of the socialist regime banging on the doors of the USA then i dont know what is.

If anything where moving toward fascism, im not a liberal/democrat but i sure im not a fucking republican, the government has been taking away your freedoms for years. Remember that many republicans were strongly against prop215