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Seed Boutique price Question?


I notice that there is a pretty significant price difference in seeds when comparing Nirvana seeds to others such as dutch passion or thseeds. What is with the price difference? Are Nirvana seeds just as good as all the others? Why would somebody pay 120 for a ten pack of fem blueberry seeds from Dutch Passion when they could get a ten pack of Bubblelicious from Nirvana for 40 bucks???


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
its a constant battle between price and quality. Some people pay more for the breeder, the original breeder of a specific strain versus those who simply made f2's and so on.

Also some like nirvana have many breeders doing the work co-op style I believe and with that comes a ton of seeds with plenty of variation BUT a cheap price tag.

Others like Mr Nice for instance is recommended simply because they were the originals of many well known strains that many others made seconds of.

I like nirvana and the quality, you can find plenty of great things in there BUT if you are looking for an original strain it odds are won't be found there.

In the same breath, some breeders pretend like they have something amazing and charge bullshit prices due to hype and an amazing story how they came across the amazing elite clone or random 1 in a million keeper pheno.

If you like what nirvana has and you are new I say go with them. There are a few cheaper bean breeders like mandala and kc, nirvana, cannacopia and a few others that have great stuff.


Nirvana have been a cornerstone of my bean collection - as have Mandala...

I love cheap beans - especially good, cheap beans...

And those, and others, are good and cheap...


Active member
Why do people buy $10,000 dollar bottles of wine when they can have good ol' $1.99 boones farms to sip on...

it's all about having a selection....

And, maybe to other people like myself.....$120 for some beans ain't shit.....:joint:


"Why do people buy $10,000 dollar bottles of wine when they can have good ol' $1.99 boones farms to sip on..."

That is my main question, are the more expensive beans higher quality??? If a bottle of bartons whiskey tasted like a bottle of Jameson I sure would not drop the extra cash for the Jameson.


I have Nirvana beans that were better than some high dollar beans.

It's pretty much a crap shoot either way.


Active member
Some people pay the extra money for a breeder that has a reputation for putting out a consistent product. I've seen some awesome grows from Nirvana seeds, and some shitty ones.


Once you've been around the seed buying block you'll start to make your own opinions and leave the hype behind. Grow what works for you, not what other people like.

I personally don't pay over 100 for any sort of beans, not worth it to me.


Active member
The best Widow I have ever grown came out a pack of Nirvana....
It basically boils down to this...

The price is the price is the price............

Do your homework before throwing your time and money away.


Active member
I personally don't pay over 100 for any sort of beans, not worth it to me.

Can I ask why? I've never understood this mentality. Even if you pay $500 for a 10 pack of seeds, and only get a couple females... you're still going to yield more than $500 worth of bud. :dunno:


$500 feeds my family for a month...

I can grow, and get high, off any kind of weed.

I don't sell - and I won't pretend to be a weed snob.

I'm a weed slut - and work too hard for my $$$ to buy that kinda priced beans.

But if it's worth it to you - by all means...


Active member
500 dollars for a pack a 10 pack of seeds? DDDAAAAAYYYYUUUMMMM...........

That's an ass raping with a sandpaper condom my friend.......


Active member
Ok guys... $500 was a number I pulled out of my ass... very few packs ever sell for that much... I'm just trying to understand if people don't look at it as an investment, or what?


Keep in mind not everyone is a dealer, a lot of us grow for personal supply.

I know the whole argument that 1 good female will last you a lifetime, but that scenario really doesn't work for me the way i grow.


Active member
I'm not a dealer either, and like you, I grow for personal supply.

How much money do you save by growing your own? Why not invest some of that money into some quality genetics?

Even if you don't keep mother plants, you can still make your own seeds. I bought a few different packs of C99, and I don't plan on keeping any long term mothers, but I will definitely be preserving the genetics.


Oh don't get me wrong, i have plenty of quality genetics, at least they're quality to me.

I've grown my own for so long now than i couldn't even tell you the money i've saved, however i guess what it all boils down to is that i don't have the pocket change to pay 100+ prices on for seeds, and even if i did i don't think that i would because i see it mostly as marketing.

Not to mention i share my seed supply with other growers and they do the same, so i always have a great selection of genetics to choose from. You never really know what you're getting either when you buy seeds, it's up to the breeder and i don't really trust anyone. If i find a keeper i'll save some seeds and make clones, if not i'll keep on doing my own thing.


good drown

for me to pay over $100, its gotta be a proven strain that has been grown out a whole bunch of times

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
$100+ gets proven quality, i.e., Shanti, DJ, Simon. Or it gets you hype.
Rez has managed to cross the line. He's combined quality with hype. Some may not like what he does, but you cannot argue the results. He's got quality to match the hype.

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