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customs notice of removal--real or bogus??


Active member
Classyathome seems to have hit the nail directly on the head. I don't understand the commenters who state the more half-assed the letter looks the more likely it is real, unless they are here reppin' for the aforementioned crappy ass rat bastard bank. WTF is that all about? U.S. Customs would definitely have put some green tape or a stamp on the outside of the letter

I received some crush seeds, intentionally crushed/destroyed. There was no customs tape and no letter... Maybe it wasn't customs, but then who would it have been lol.


I received some crush seeds, intentionally crushed/destroyed. There was no customs tape and no letter... Maybe it wasn't customs, but then who would it have been lol.

That would be your vigilante postie - I've heard of stuff like that, notes tucked in opened packages telling people off and/or beans crushed with hammers, etc., magazines delivered w/ "filth" written in magic marker on pages...

Posties are nasty - why do you think the expression "going postal" was coined???

Every year they steal birthday card money - xmas presents - credit cards - porno mags - beans, etc.


Classyathome seems to have hit the nail directly on the head. I don't understand the commenters who state the more half-assed the letter looks the more likely it is real, unless they are here reppin' for the aforementioned crappy ass rat bastard bank. WTF is that all about? U.S. Customs would definitely have put some green tape or a stamp on the outside of the letter IMO and there is NO WAY they send out xeroxes as crappily copied and written as the one I got. What's funny is in the security forums for the seedbank in question they make mention that letters going through Chicago are the most likely to get seized. Then they send the fake customs letter that says it went through Chicago. And apparently 95% of the stoners fall for it. Funny stuff, and truly bush league scammers at work.

It's pretty easy to find out for sure. If you're so sure it's a scam why don't you call the customs number on the letter and ask them about it? If the letter was a fake they won't know what you're talking about or have any record of it. Please let us all know how that goes for you.
I'm telling you, I KNOW FOR A FACT that US customs sends out crappily xeroxed, barely readable letters. Green tape on the outside of an envelope can be torn, pulled or fall off.
Google US customs seizure letter and you can look at some real letters and see for yourself.

Cool Moe

Active member
You're a funny guy. You know just like the scammin' seed bank knows that nobody is going to call customs. And you know just like I know, the scammin' seed bank is the entity that posted the fake customs letter online. But the fake one online might have fooled me, yours doesn't. I suggest you type up a clean copy and rewrite the 2nd to last paragraph of your letter so it isn't such an obvious fraud. I'm done with the back and forth on this. I started the thread and now I'll end it, and there is no doubt who wins--the scammin' rat bastard seed bank who advertises high-profile in High Times then rips off their customers with shitty non-germing seeds and fake customs letters. Ha ha, joke's on me.


Dude, smoke a joint and chill. I have no idea which seedbank you ordered from and I haven't looked at a High Times in years. In your original post you were asking about the authenticity of the crappy customs letter. Now you don't like the answer. Sorry. I'm not sure what you're talking about when you talk about "my" customs letter. I've never had any seeds seized but then i'm lucky to be on the west coast aqnd nothing I might order has to go through Chicago. Good luck with future seed orders !!

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