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Has your FloraNectar molded yet?


So I just unscrewed the cap to my FloraNectar pineapple rush, and see the entire surface area now has a thick mat of fuzzy mold. I could always opt to shake it up and throw it in the rez, but I figure that may be the wrong choice...

So what should I do? Change carb/sugar loaders even though I really love this mixture, or put it in the fridge? Have any of you had problems with others sweeteners molding over? Im not set in stone to keep using FN, I just started with it, and kept with it since it works great. But if you people can give me reasons to change, feel free to share


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Got me worried for a min. I ran to check my flora nectar. It looked fine to me. I have the FruitNFusion FN.


Ya, I dont remember it molding with the fruitnfusion, but then again I only used the liter bottles back then. Now the first time I bought the gallon of pineapple rush, it did it right away.

Does anyone else have this going on?


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Really man ? So this is the first time it has happened since u moved up to the gal.? Where u store it. Was kept seeled well. Maybe u could of got a bad batch


Active member
yeah; i've had it happen a couple times... tossed it; better safe than sorry in my book
I wouldn't use it either. Maybe bring it back to the hydro store and see if they will help ya? Most of em won't take nutes back but if its new and its got mold, I'd be pissed.


I brought the bottle into my shop, and was told Ill get store credit on my next purchase, and Im not upset about that. I found out that pineapple rush molds over WAY quicker than fruitNfusion for some reason, so I just changed to bud candy :)

and yes, my snow storm ultra has also began to mold over as well, so I halted it by freezing it until I need it for the next foliar feed.


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That's real cool hackk glad to hear at least they took care of u. I def wanna know how that bud candy is. Saw it read about it. Now i wanna hear real deal info from the people who matter. Us
my fruitnfusion did it too. fresh shipment at the store too. I opened it four days ago and it's already molding WTF. Its the liter size FWIW.
I don't think its yeast. Yeast is usualy white to yellowish, this stuff is bluish/gray black, like mold.


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Damn tht really sux. I think ull get a replacement for sure if
that's the case. Either the store or GH. They already are aware of the mold issues. So you'll be fine. Sux cuz I'm worried bout my FnF also now I check it daily to see maybe that's helping the fact i open it daily. Who the Frick knows.
yup, store has been notified and their gonna notify the distributer. A replacement has been set aside for me. Good thing it's my boy that owns the store. He knows I don't bullshit, just tell it like it is. But you're right, this seems to be an ongoing problem lately, most likely on the manufacturing end. On another note, threads like this are what this site was designed for. Collectivley sharing information so we don't all run around like chickens with our heads cut off haha. Peace MB:tiphat:


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Absolutely dude. We are one big family and if one of us has information from experience that's priceless info you won't find anywhere. We are all here to learn new things daily. No matter what right. I'm an info whore. I could never tell myself I know enough. It's never enough. So ICmag is just a great place where we all join to share everything. I for one am willing to help others with anything they might need. I'm not alone here for sure. Tons of amazing people here